General Discussion

General Discussionasfasfasfasfgas

asfasfasfasfgas in General Discussion


    Ця тема була відредагована

      And who is curious about my mmr atm its 4924


        do i skill spiders or no?

        BSJ. LGD

          Tbh I think the trick is to just not be toxic. That being said I still flame my teammates Lul


            just say when u pick necro what position what items


              LUL xD

              Dire Wolf

                Necro is pretty awesome. Late game those extra respawn timers plus no bb is gamebreaking. Doesn't matter if you are carry or mid or support, you will get aghs eventually.

                . . . ?

                  oh look a fellow necro abuser, LUL.

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    I go midle, headres into mana boots into mek into grave than blademail aghanim usually.. if game is hard than I skip grave first and after mek I go blademail


                      Lol good for u

                      . . . ?

                        i go veil into scep, ezpz.


                          You're getting carried by your team every fucking game. You die so much that it actually burns my eyes. Nobody should watch your replays, unless they want to learn how to die 3 times a minute.


                            why do you not buy blink? and not 1 time hex?

                            thx for reminding me about blade mail that can be useful

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              Gj bro, 5k dream is real!

                              Stay strong.



                                Nice troll kid ^^, If I m beeing carrieed everygame than I wont have 85% win I could have 50% or 40% cus they carry me and I m `useless` btw. check damage done every game and u ll see i m top 1 or top 2 every game even when I lose :))) Get rekt


                                  You play a fucking shit NECRO

                                  You lost me a LP playing your shit necro and you lost me a RANKED with your shit necro!!

                                  People, if you want an ez report, follow whatever build this guy followed and lost the games with!!! The only reason I didn't report him was because it's bogi. If not it would've been an instareport min 1 when he was getting wrecked instead of wrecking.


                                    How can i boost my mmr sir ?


                                      Benao you are still clueless trash player lul

                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                        can confirm: bogi 4k trash


                                          You have barely 2.49 KDA in 4k bracket in like 2000 games. That means you're actually NOT in the bracket where you belong if you can't even mentain a smooth 3 KDA. You belong to low 4k bracket at best.


                                            Malfitty u belong to 2k mmr if u think all is about kda ratio ROFL killyourself please !


                                              Why do I even answer some 17 years old virgin kid with 2k mmr understading nvm my bad

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                I miss the good old days of Dotabuff.


                                                  this mallfity is next level retard


                                                    It's ok Bogi, you can delete this thread if you want, you don't have to be ashamed of it.


                                                      So why is this Malfitty insulting a better player? Why is he so triggered? Why does he even care lmao


                                                        How much mmr needed for that icon `plays ranekd at a high mmr!` ?

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          i think u ned aboout fayv-key rmm 2 get da bue star


                                                            It's funny how people think that you're actually a good player Bogi, ROFL.

                                                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                              idk i think every time i played with bogi i lost


                                                                5000 solo for the icon


                                                                  u r not right, kda doesnt represent one's skill.


                                                                    In Bogi's case, it does.


                                                                      Is this hltv?
                                                                      Dem babyrages man


                                                                        Bogi I bet that I can get to 5.2k before you can get to 5k.

                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          Who is getting 5k first? bogi or Malfitty? ;D


                                                                            Who will? Place your bets. Next episode sunday, only here on DOTABUFF forums.


                                                                              I'd like to join this race

                                                                              Anyone remember the Havoc+Guiri+Benao race to 5k ?


                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                If you really want to do it we can do it but everyone knows that Bogi will lose, he is just not 5k material.


                                                                                  I can spamm Necro and get 5.5k if I want


                                                                                    No you can't


                                                                                      If you get to 5.5k by using Necrophos I will buy you DOTABUFF+ for 3 months.


                                                                                        ^ deal !


                                                                                          If I get 5k before you though, you will do the same for me. Deal Bogi-san?


                                                                                            I have no idea who you are and how much mmr you have right now


                                                                                              I'll get 6k before any of u ever reach 5k. U guys are just not 5k material.

                                                                                              Why doesn't triple have a blue star?


                                                                                                He hasn't shown his solo mmr on his profile in a month or so

                                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                  So he could've dropped to 4k for all we know and he is hiding that fact.

                                                                                                  inst:  MissMissclick


                                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                      it's good to learn origins

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!