General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Nyx games

My Nyx games in General Discussion

    What d'u think guys about my item build. I almost instapick Nyx everytime if enemy has Invoker. And never go mana boots, and lately never go dagon. I often teleport from fountain to a tower and activate Vendetta to avoid mana problems.


      great build, i r8 8/8, m8


        deso is quite nice but im pretty sure vendetta can't crit so there isn't much point in building crit items or other stuff that amps rightclick instead of crowd control.

        get blink aghs instead of crysalis mkb, much better :D


          you should get rapira


            why cant vendetta crit? are u sure it is a natural crit and not just a bonus damage?
            i dont pretend i know it myself, im actually asking.


              Nyx is a walking impale
              Not building around it is stupid


                Really good nyx build imo, seriously, truly genius build 10/10


                  Alice, I was thinking about Rapira yesterday. I dont care about Vendetta critting, I just want my enemy lose as much hp as possible on my first attack. And also impale isn't Lion's spikes - I sometimes have really hard time nailing it anyway. I go MKB only against evasion heroes. But of course all of these are unranked games. However, there are some really good players in unranked games - smurfs mostly, or lvl 60-70 players


                    i think its like bounty hunter shadow walk, it gives u bonus dmg but it doesn't apply on the crit.

                    but im not sure.

                    all i know is that when i was playing 1v1 dota gamemode i had 4 daedalus nyx and vendetta attack that crit was only 1k, which seems perfectly normal for such amount of daedalus'es stacked. but it instagib the guy so i think the 550 extra damage was just added on top of the 1k crit.

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