General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions Regarding the Mindsets of Supports

Questions Regarding the Mindsets of Supports in General Discussion

    So it's minute 15 or 20 onward, your team wants to start some smoke ganks and hopefully snag 1 or 2 kills so they can start pushing. You buy smoke and ask them to start grouping up in the nearby jungle.
    Little did they know there're 2 well-placed enemy wards placed by their supports earlier along your ganking route. Then they counter your smoke and your gank turns into a massacre, all because of that 2 spots which happen to be monitored by the enemy wards.

    1. HOW and WHEN do you know (especially HS/VHS players) when you are dealing with a good enemy supports and what did you do to counter them?
    2. Do you think it's a good idea not to kill every enemy obs. wards you see for baiting purpose?
    3. How many times as a support do you allow yourself to get killed? And under what circumstances?
    4. What do you think is the best healing spell?
    5. What do you think is the best "saved from death" spell?

    I have so many questions but my hands are full right now. Let's hear the answers!


      1. don't smoke in places they'd have wards(places the enemy recently were in), smoke under a tower

      2. only if you're baiting someone at that moment, if no one is gonna come in the next couple of seconds then kill the wards. or if you feel generous, to give the +100g to some core rather than taking it yourself

      3. only if your team is getting more out of it, ex you die but your team kills at least 3 of their cores. or if you save some high networth/ high killstreak/ important core on your team

      4. Io's tether

      5. obviously Dazzle's grave and Oracle's false promise

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        1. check the amount pf our wards that remain, map rotations (should be high), lane presense in ur vision (should be low)
        2. outside of tier 1 competitive dota - no
        3. dying for someone else is good if you are actually saving them; denying urself to neutrals on low lvls is worth it. dying for courier is ok, dying for space is rarely worth it, outside of that - try not to die.
        dumb questions skipped

        doc joferlyn simp

          omg successive sincere answers from triple and cookie in one thread hype3x


            1. this is more of a "how to play good dota" question which in too in depth. but i guess if you expect their supports to be "good" try dewarding "less" common spots. you'd have to know where those are. try to 'next level' them by dewarding where you expect they think you won't deward.

            2. like triple said, unless you're 5 stack 6k mmr or something, then no.

            3. 0 times unless you're sacrificing yourself to save a core.


              1. If they constantly get kills for their mid or utterly shit on the offlane. To counter them? simple, be better than them
              2. I think it's still better to deward all obs, Vision is key, and they can get info, like knowing if batrider has dag or something like that, plus it's 100 gold.
              3. Ill gladly die as a support if my team can get an equal or better trade out of it.
              4. :)
              5. :(


                1.Positioning yourself well, stay behind your team during team fight.

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