General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat i am doing wrong?

What i am doing wrong? in General Discussion
Lornas Bondage Ties And M...

    Yo ive been casual player to dota about a year now and i have started from 500 mmr and now im 1.6k. It sucks i know.

    Im also aware that my overall gpm and xpm are not that high either, but i contributed myself on playing support for about 600 of my games. That way i actually learned about laning phase mechanics, camp stacks, pulls and my last hitting improved dremendously. But i never got my mmr higher.

    Then i decided to try being carry pos 1 and 2 and i raised my win rate from 44>53% and got to 1.6k, learned better micro and to be Versatile.

    I think that one of my bad points is, that i havent actually mastered a hero or two. I play heroes from earth spirit to a right clicker juggernaut. I havent got a steady pick (well PA but i havent won a game since the dagger nerf) and i lack the knowledge to counterpick properly.

    There is something im missing but im not sure what. My mechanical skills are not bad either for a scrub in 1.6 k (in my opinion, you might think different :D) and im against a wall right now. Lost 200 mmr almost straight, both party and solo.

    Im just interested in ways you raised mmr drastically and how you learned to get better, thanks and my apologies

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      Lornas Bondage Ties And M...

        I love to play naga. I would play that hero all the time, but i dont dare. I dont trust myself that much in a real game. Sure i demolish Bots with it but real player is a different thing

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            The best way to get better is to play a lot higher average games with a friend and get rekt a lot. Then you usually become more aware and better player overall.

            Lornas Bondage Ties And M...

              Well that is true. Its just a tad bit difficult to play a certain hero Because
              1: nobody wants you to pick naga if youre gonna pick her

              2:everybody wants to play core and then there is five

              3:if someone picks support its usually a bad one. Lack of wards or Simply doesnt want to buy them cause he doesnt get his dagon/aghs in time

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                  Lornas Bondage Ties And M...

                    @dw ive been playing 3k party matches with friends and sometimes the results are good. Sometimes i find myself in a wrong place as i support in these matches

                    Lornas Bondage Ties And M...

                      I dont know, i have had many experienses with naga that they dont want naga as carry

                      Besn1q 3.0

                        I don't know. I am also 1.6k and am stuck in that bracket, seems like ELO Hell.

                        Besn1q 3.0

                          I think we should blame our shitty teams for that.


                            naga is fucking strongest unless their team has 14 min armlet radi alch then would be problem for naga and happens in 1k games that alch get that early items
                            just learn naga farm radi travels yasha octa manta butter heart gg


                              riki with blight stone phase aquila and diffusal at min 14 is also fucking strong in 1k XDD

                              not with pushing out waves but beyondgodlike snowball

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                                There is no recipe to get to certain mmr. There have been patches when Spectre was overpowered, Sniper or Bloodseeker. These times are over, Dota suddenly got balanced. I do not know much about >3k bracket because I started playing in Dota 1 and got calibrated instantly on 3.5k like 2 yrs ago. Now I'm fighting for 6k. I'm not spamming heroes, I just feel like I'm getting better week after week. I can tell you what helped me LOT back on 3.5k: watching Miracle plays on Youtube. I felt like I know lots of stuff, and I actually did so, but pro plays showed me I can do every single thing better. Including early itemisation. This thing is really important I think, it does not matter how good can you lane on these certain brackets until you choose the right early items. I see you are not over-confident and this is good. Accept that you suck at Dota, but keep willing to improve. What I agree tho, you should learn like 2 heroes from every role, support, carry, offlane, mid. Just 2. So you will never be insecure about how your game will be going.

                                Summa summarum: GIT GUD AND LEARN TO PLAY SHITSTAIN <3


                                  ure not do anything wrong. my advice would be map awarness since it's really important cus most teamfights will be depends on number of heros in that fight that means every team that outnumber its enemy, will win teamfights and later will win the game.

                                  comunction is matter a lot. for example at the start of the match 80% of the time they will listen to u, when u tell them how line up supposed to be. use mic.

                                  playing hard heros is, well, HARD. it dosent matter u won with strom spirit or od, A win is a win. playing support is generally harder than carry so if u wanna climb u should pick simple mid game carries like slark, pa, huskar, ursa, sniper, od & .... that can win games with little farm.

                                  watching pro games is good too. helps you with item builds.


                                    You so good sir i dota for 20 years still 500 mmr i wish i dont have so much cancer team like you putanginamoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


                                      Truth is, u might never improve. But don't let that stop u from trying. As long as u always try to do things differently, u will have more success, even if marginal. If u think u are okay in a certain area, tell yourself, to go fk yourself, cuz it's a lie that you've been telling yourself. If u think ur mechanics is good, u will always be 1k. Instead, think that" my mechanics can always be better."

                                      Think about it. U can win your lane 9 out of 10 games by having good mechanics. In 1.6k that translates to about a 5% increased chance of winning the game. While it might not seem like much, in the long run u might hit 1.8k, someday...

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                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!