General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you counter luna?

how do you counter luna? in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    I'm having troubles against this hero, she always just snowballs early and then she just pushes highground at like 25 minutes into the game and i can't do anything about it

    What carries work against her? i'm guessing something with good highground? Sniper?

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      I think you should put 2 heroes on her lane, cause she can zone most (if not all) offlaners with a good support, and deny farm, harass her like a devil and never actually giving her space to farm, if she gets behind is pretty hard for her to comeback

      Dire Wolf

        Run at her in lane. She's insanely fast, fastest hero in the game, but her range is shitty and she is quite squishy early. If you throw some tanky heroes in her lane who risk killing her any time she goes for a last hit you're good. But you can't let up pressure after either cus she flash farms fast.

        This seems like a stupid lane but what's luna +1 going to do vs say a centaur + slardar? Anytime she gets close slardar sprint in stun, cent follow up stun, dead luna. Support can't zone both out at same time.


          ah nice i was recently talking about how you got boosted by allison and you appeared on the forums again LUL

          saving private RTZ


            I only got boosted like last year from 3.3k to 3.8k when i gave him a brazzer account(although it's lost its membership like 3 days after) and then i anyway dropped back.

            Then i pretty much gave up on dota until i got my new PC, started taking the game more seriously and got to like 4.3k.

            Ask him. Or just come and play with me LUL


              smells like someone is making excuses over here


                now i know what allison did last summer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                saving private RTZ

                  @triplesteal yea many excuses, i maintained my 4k for 5 months, who cares. I just get quite triggered when people question my climb, i admit that, because it meant a lot to me(kind of) even though i realize i am still shit at the game,.

                  Anyway, just ask allison. He did boost me from 3.3k to 3.8k but that's it. I anyway lost most of that mmr, and then made my way up

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                    smells like teen spirit


                      if ur supports are incompetent, then yeah, sure, luna will get raped because shes pretty squishy.

                      luna requires you to have a 2v1, 3v2, or 3v3 lane matchup or she will not do well. if she has any of those matchups, she will kill you and your dual lane partner 5 times and never die herself if her supports are half competent. lunar blessing is absurd, shes super fast and she outputs a ton of damage.

                      on its surface, sd luna doesnt do very well against offlaners, but throw in a lina, potm, lesh, slardar, or some stun and suddenly you get 100-0d very easily and odds are ur gonna be 1/2-2/3 hp all the time because theres 3 ranged heroes hitting u with lunar blessing.

                      its not possible to contest luna which is why the heros broken, if u cant contest her in lane and ucant ifght into her because of her being ridiculously tanky with raindrops/lance and stuff + eclipse and she murders ur towers and scales as well as any carry, u cant win the game.

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                        Pick SD against her + Jugg can fuck her all game long i think.


                          So by that logic Luna is 100% wr in high mmr


                            The counter to a broken hero is to pick another broken hero. Remember 6.83


                              no..theres plenty of garbage support players in high mmr and people who dont know how to play luna and people who dont pick the proper heroes around her and so on

                              but ye, just pick meepo or smth and ull be fine

                              Johnny Rico

                                strong offlaner, or just a simple old fucking agressive trilane.

                                i always see rtz babyrage cause of this, but he goes to jungle and wins the game

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                                    Luna can't do well against distance closers like Slark, Jugg or Sven. Her passive gives her 272% damage in teamfights. You need to isolate her and yourself. (Assuming you asked for a carry counter. Other than that, CW and Slardar can also be good against Luna like mentioned.)


                                      The lower the advantage the better the hero does vs Luna :--DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Well kr you can say that about many carries, oh if supports win the lane for them then they're unstoppable.

                                        I wouldn't expect most supports in 4k (ops mmr) to rotate over properly when they realize it's an aggro tri or aggro dual lane offlane. So many times you're stuck with a solo AA or witch dr and it's like oh one cask might save us one time, but most of the time the lane is lost and no one rotates (half those games no one can rotate cus it's a solo offlaner and a shitty jungler).

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