General Discussion

General Discussionhow to play spectre

how to play spectre in General Discussion

    given spectre is easy to shut down. share your spectre experience on how you pass this prob

    Savvy Cat

      Hold your breath...

      Mask of Madness.


        always carry tp's..req and anticipate ganks..i have a tips which i always do before following's back to base before ult,so when i ult i can go reality with recharged mana and hp's..its funny when a spectre ult>reality and doesnt have enough mana for dagger xD


          Nothing MoM offers is what spectre wants, she doesnt want to be silenced cuz she wants to abuse haunt (tho its not that bad) but she just doesnt need the attack speed when there r way more effecient options like yasha available. Yasha also gives ms and attack speed and dmg but also a bit of armor, has 100% uptime, and builds into manta which is gr8.

          Savvy Cat

            Spectral Dagger duration - 7 seconds
            Berserk duration - 8 seconds

            Poor Man's Shield - 6 damage
            Aquila - 19 damage
            Phase Boots - 24 damage
            MoM - 15 damage
            Talent - 20 damage
            Desolate - 65 damage
            Natural damage by level 10 - 64

            Total damage - 213

            Attack speed without MoM active - 1.1 aps
            Attack speed with MoM active - 0.6 aps

            Movement speed values

            No actives or spells - 335
            Level 3 Spectral Dagger (my preference level 10) - 388 (and enemy loses 16%)
            Phase Boots - 415
            MoM - 391
            All 3 combined at the same time in order: Dagger, Phase, MoM - 525 movement speed w/ 16% reduction to enemy

            Armor pre MoM active - 12.7 - 43% pdr
            Armor during MoM active - 7.7 - 31% pdr

            1.1 aps @ 213 damage per attack is close to 192 dps

            0.6 aps @ 213 damage per attack is close to 298 dps

            You would have to add in enemy pdr, but this is like saying you can kill something with 1200 hp in 4 seconds, as is.

            You can manage this item build by 12-14 minutes and follow it up with Blademail.

            I don't know. Maybe I'm just weird for liking this build. I just prefer to follow up with an Abyssal after Blademail and go for high value kills on ability cores.

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              if the only downside of MoM is that they can recognize you from your illusion i would never buy it.

              go phase aquila vanguard if needed then manta diffusal , if you can farm radiance at 15 min mark and not holding your team back it would be good choice.

              spectre is not good this meta since other popular carry (jugg-naix) can destroy her early mid and may be late game while being more useful for their team


                Map awareness and gamesense
                If you get radiance only if you can get it at min 15 then you would never be able to buy radi lol
                Vanguard is meh, if you get VG for its "tankiness" then you probably have dogshit positioning, there is a reason no pro ever go VG as first/second big item PMS/urn/magic stick/drum/raindrop/aquila(although aquila is meh imo) gives more value for their price if you want to fight early
                >Illusions does not benefit from lifesteal
                >Spectre doesn't benefit from lifesteal much
                >MoM active distincts you from illusions
                >does not help with mana problem AT ALL (actually it adds up for mana problem)


                  Yes, spectre is not that good in the current meta, but its not like the meta matter below 5k anyway

                  Potato Marshal

                    I'm reporting anyone who gets MoM on spec


                      I would also report people who go VG BM on spec but don't bother to because the enemy is retarded enough to hit her every goddamn time anyway


                        VG FIRST ITEM RUSH.

                        Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                          she is a really bad laner and basically always needs a trilane if you want to be able to farm. Its mainly just the early game that spectre has problems with


                            Yea you listen to a support player who only played spectre for the first time, got min 37 radi, had the 2nd least hero damage, and got carried to win by his axe, or listen to a pos 1 main player who plays with logical thinking, have spectre as one of his best hero who also to keep up and adapt to the meta
                            You decide which one of us is more trustworthy for this discussion

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              i dont know why vangu after phase boots is bad bcs i always get it if enemy carry is atk speed type like jug, troll etc
                              and i still get that radiance around 20 mins too


                                and nothing wrong with blade mail if enemy have lot of aoe.

                                michael sassbender

                                  If you get vanguard radiance treads in under 25min and you're not retarded with knowing when to fight then the game should be an autowin


                                    I misworded it abit
                                    In dota everything is situational but VG rush isn't exactly optimal most of the time, it's good against high BAT and low damage heroes in the early game but it just feels underwhelming
                                    People can just ignore you because you hit like water although you're tanky as fuck with VG first item, while with whateverbadmanbuilds you can fight well and still be relatively tanky


                                      Ya VG and BM is situational
                                      But if you get it against heroes who can just ignore you and kill you after 4 of your teammates dies (which is 95% of the time) you're a fucking retard


                                        Did you give that acc to your friend since both of you party alot recently?

                                        Fox McCloud

                                          Reality-ing multiple times in a fight is too valuable to justify MoM in a serious situation.


                                            nothing wrong with MoM. certainly a lot better than trying to afk farm for 25 mins for a vanguard+radiance.

                                            blademail after mom deals with any residual mana issue, gives you armor and synergises with dispersion.


                                              what do you do when laning gets bad? i often see spectre players hide their presence then they only comeout when they have radiance


                                                1. If you know the game will drag longer, only join in good teamfights where your team can get a couple or two kills with haunt, and save up for radiance
                                                2. If they will just shit on you with deathball if you try to be passive, go for midgame items like HoTD, urn, magic stick, etc up to your preference and situation


                                                  If laning phase goes bad you can get a talon and jungle abit then come back to lane once the cancer leaves the lane since spectre doesnt jungle that well

                                                  GRANT MACDONALD

                                                    Purge did some coaching on this. Basically max dagger, go phase and KS anyone under 300HP. Retreat, go back and keep farming/laning. Nobody should be bitching about a spectre Stealing a kill


                                                      -10 secs dagger = forever slow + gps

                                                      Savvy Cat

                                                        Why do people keep bringing up being able to tell Spectre apart from illusions? Am I the only one that can tell the exact position Spectre haunts in through audio alone?

                                                        Haunt, Dagger, MoM, kill. Killing can help to get bigger items. Killing can help win games. Killing has impact. And life steal impacts farm ability directly.

                                                        I have a very simple, very stupid perhaps, view of the game. Have impact. Create impact.


                                                          I'm a big fan of vanguard spec. Vanguard+talon+qb+raindrop+treads->farm radi.


                                                            hey @path in your games when do you choose threads over phase boots?

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                              Just dont go Radiance if its too late already. Get manta diffusal instead and kill stuff

                                                              Savvy Cat

                                                                Bumping this because I've been seeing Spectre builds that utilize MoM in the last couple of days; first page Spectre games. What changed from two weeks ago? Is it now more viable?


                                                                  getting radiance around the 20 minute mark is still acceptable i think


                                                                    Spectre is squishy af early game and if u think u can run at anyone with MoM in the early game thats insane. There is almost no reason to go MoM over yasha, ill test out the specific numbers later, but yasha also gives movement speed, damage, attack speed, but also gives stats that go to illusions, some armor, doesnt cost mana, and has a gr8 buildup. Its effects r permanent and MoM's uptime is trash anyway, 8 second duration 20 second cd.

                                                                    Savvy Cat

                                                                      These Spectre's are going PMS / Phase / Talon / MoM / Radiance / Manta / Diffusal / Heart / Skadi. Maybe its the same player or something. The one I just watched rarely used MoM and Phase at the same time. He was farming really fast though.


                                                                        keep on your mind if you cant go radiance in 20 min mark, go for diffusal and manta first for mid game fight than go radiance

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