General Discussion

General Discussionhow do I play support rikimaru

how do I play support rikimaru in General Discussion

    how did riki become a support? is it because of his passive and tranq boots? what items should i build and how do i support as him?


      You could roam start with orb and tangoes get boots then first Aquila finish phases (all while helping around the map) get one or two more Aquilas depending on how well the lanes are going and move on to other items like diffusal to replace the orb and basher for damage and a little lock down. (Also buying wards a long the way if you want to help support and a urn since you'll be roaming for kills to get charges and the mana regen is good.)

      That's just my idea I'm sure someone else can help more


        You're way behind. It was even before Patch 7.00 that riki is already played as support. He usually goes well with orb of venom as starting item paired up with tangoes, salve. You typically roam a lot as a support riki, helping other lanes. Riki is usually picked against junglers (WK, LC, Enig) to disrupt their farm. You go the typical carry build with riki. The only difference i guess is buying wards.


          ^ just as what manipulator said. you play and item just like a carry but you are not priority in the team to itemize, you just help kills, dont jungle, help team, buy wards. even when you are way behind in items than your carry, you hit just af as the carry when you hit from behind lol


            you start with a sentry tangoes an Oov and maybe clarity or whatever u think u will get quelling for fast dewards .. dont roam if u dont think you can get a kill or if it wont help with anything instead just stay offlane and farm ... get phase while some people prefer tranqs however i prefer going phase into urn or if u have a support with a heal skip urn and go echosabre....get aquila if u think u need it for last hitting and regen however i prefer going straight yasha for over all stats and ms....then get diffusal followed by manta to dispell dust since its the only way to do so now..then get basher for lockdown and ult procs....late game items are situational .....skadi daedalus butterfly its all up to you....its the typical riki build but early roaming if u think you will get kills and help with wards however you still get farm if u want to its not like u are playing lich and u are fully functional with boots

            Ramtin H

              see my last 2 rikki build the new aghs is so sick 9 s ult is just so good even if u dint have much items rikki deal a lot of damage due to his atacks from back when he ult if u like i can use my build and see if it works or not :)


                Ask RTZ


                  watch baboka replays in dac


                    Also.. how to I play support PA, Spectre and medusa?? Thanks!


                    ILC - Lethal Ninja

                      the idea of using riki as support is stupid. riki should never play as position 5 support. he is best playing as position 3 or 4 depends on the lineup.

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