General Discussion

General DiscussionTrade 3 accounts for 1

Trade 3 accounts for 1 in General Discussion

    Hello. I have 3 old accounts and i have no idea what to do with them.
    SOLO 3800 PARTY TBD;
    SOLO 3625 PARTY TBD;
    SOLO 3100 PARTY 2700

    want to trade all 3 for 1 acc with 4,5k+ mmr,

    or 1 acc for 1 acc with higher lever of profile (these accs are around lvl 30 all) and lower (can be much lower) mmr.


      omg account selling... who in the world will trade that for 3 accouns when you can just create multiple accounts like me. I have 1 5k account, 3 6k account and 1 7k account.

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