General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to attack while walking with Chen ??

How to attack while walking with Chen ?? in General Discussion

    Question might seem like a basic problem but it really isnt.

    You are lvl 3 Chen. You have Troll with net and Satyr with Schockwave.

    You approach your target on enemy safelane under smoke. Now here come the question:

    Whats the actual combo ? (unless your enemy is juggernaut or ls, u wait with ensnare when they use their in-build bkb)

    1) Troll goes first, throw net. + Tab + use shockwave + select all other units to attack target + use penitence and start right clicking and "orb walking" lets say with your hero ? - this is the easier combo. I dont have problems with "orb walking" here.


    2) You start with Penitence (which give slow and dmg. amplification) and select rightclick on enemy. Here comes the biggest problem. In this scenario Chen can deal much more dmg, but its extremely hard to "orb walk" since after using penitence and starting auto attacking, I have to micro my troll to use the net, then schockwave. I dont really know how to pull it off cos many times enemy flee on 10 hp.

    I think after slowing enemy I have to spam all my creeps' abilities, select them to auto attack enemy and then orb walk with Chen ? After that if needed dive with Satyr to finish off the target with another Schockwave ?


      It's called HADOUKEN


        the combo is: tell your teammates to intiate before you get there


          Well ofc you need help eg. from sand king ideally or sb, but its not the question.

          Hatsune Miku

            select all units > press A on target > press tab to use skills > > > ????? feed


              With "select all other unit" you cant control your hero properly, so yes - it ends just like you have written. :P

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