General Discussion

General DiscussionVisage seriously needs some buffs

Visage seriously needs some buffs in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    I mean the hero is just hard to play because the birds die too easily, and it is awkward how he cannot fly with them so you gotta micro birds different than the hero. Birds' stun is hard to land and it is really sad when they die. Also his nuke is magical so it falls off lategame, I suggest those fixes:

    1) Birds get about 10 armor and 200 HP and also they are invulnerable for 5 seconds after stone form
    2) Assumption is pure damage, maybe re-tweak the values, dunno, double the damage and slow?
    3) He has flying movement
    4) Birds stun on deat, too, and deal some AoE damage
    5) Birds's stun hits instantly, goes through magic immunity and lasts like roar
    6) Make birds' damage charges recharges 2x as fast wtf nobody is gonna wait forever for them to recharge and then not have a stun when needed

    With all those changes I think visage would be kinda viable, like, not too great, but maybe someone would pick him.

    If you say he doesn't need buffs because he's really good in high MMR games and the pro scene, I'll tell you that's bullshit because he only has 48% winrate and not everyone is 5k, so I think it'd be good to buff him.

    Another hero that needs a buff is clinkz like wtf this hero is useless he doesn't even have 100% uptime on his ult such trash and he is countered by tankiness, maybe make his arrows pure?

    Also pudge needs 50 movement speed bonus since level 1 like wtf his hook is so hard to hit maybe make it an undisjointable target cast? And rot removes your own hp wtf make it stop doing that and the hero is good.

    Also remove last hitting from dota, it's unrealistic, like who cares who last hits the target, make gold bounty based on how much damage you dealt to the target!

    зачем я начал поиск

      Trollin' too hard.
      Too obvious, try doing it again in a less retarded manner.


        Diox 2.0


          Get me out.


            Have you ever seen a decent mid visage player? Theres shiet you can do about him snowballing.


              Lul :crazy:

              no incoming chat

                This is the first hero I would nerf. Imbalanced.


                  Antimage's q should also have a 75% chance to bash for 2 seconds (manta images too). He needs a buff.

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                    Ebola Chaser

                      Haha, I wouldn't mind it. Too bad he's probably gonna get nerfed.


                        Visage win rate in 4k and 5k+ bracket doesnt mean a thing???


                          i think that isn't sufficient to bring him back. He clearly lacks farming potential which could be fixed by 420 GPM talent at level 10 that coupled with your buffs might make him situational again.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!