General Discussion

General DiscussionClimbing mmr as pos 5. Luck or skill?

Climbing mmr as pos 5. Luck or skill? in General Discussion

    I recently just got from 3k to 3.5 within 2 weeks. The higher I go, I realized the more difficult it is for me to play carry. I can't farm and I have a really hard time deciding when to farm or when to join fights. So I started playing pos 5 instead. Tbh, I felt like most games I was getting carried instead of actually contributing something or improving. I may have gotten better in certain aspects but I don't think my improvement justifies a leap of 500 mmr. I wanted to get better at carrying. Any advice?


      You nearly answered your own question. All you have to do is think a bit harder.


        That aside, how do smurfers or boosters' understanding of the game differ from me? would really like to know that. Thx.


          Most focus on finding opportunities and mistakes to exploit, and snowball real quick from that
          As for getting good on both roles, just play core in 3.5 to learn and regain your lost mmr by playing supp again


            Smurfers and boosters know when to farm and when to join fights compared to you. Basically they know when to push lanes, take towers, stack and farm ancients , take rosh, farm neutrals , when to get a free pick-off or when to join a full on teamfight better.
            They know at what point they are strong in the game compared to the opposition team / carry and then make a call to fight/ push and have the outcome in their favour and then capitalize on their lead.


              skill. o also noticed that its very easy to raise myself as support, mostly its like that because in 4k there are still quite some games with no support at all


                Smurfers and boosters know when, how, why to destroy the enemy's ancient.


                  You need to carry your own weight to win games and MMR.

                  That's why I play mid, or offlane.

                  Most hcs can farm if you create space for them and pressure other lanes.

                  I tried the whole lich/pos 5 thing. It doesn't work well enough to gain MMR because there's only so much a support pos 5 can do.


                    There is not much difference between 3-3.5 k. Leap between 3.5 -4k is much bigger, altough its the same 500 mmr points.

                    First of all learn how to deal with enemy pressure, what hero to pick, when to farm, when to join fights, improving farming patterns etc.

                    Also carry is some responsibility, so keep that in mind after dying if you want to spam "gg we lost".

                    Last thing for now is knowing what can actually kill you and keeping that in mind.

                    meteor hammer


                      meteor hammer

                        luck is the fallback argument of the incompetent

                        LIL KASALANAN

                          its pretty dank actually


                            Luck has nothing to do with it.

                            You're just as likely to have good teammates as bad teammates. Over a large sample of games, you'll be lucky and unlucky in about the same number of games.

                            The only common denominator is you.


                              I tried the lich thingy. It's pretty successful for me. Only lost 2/18 games so far (1 coz my teammate wanted to throw and the other being opponents simply playing better than us). I kinda did well during the laning phase and (hopefully) snowball from there. But truth is like u said, there is only so much a pos 5 can do. It feels like going into mid/late game, u don't do anything else that really contributes. Then again players who play pos 1 or 2 can easily play pos 5, whereas the same can't be said about the reverse. So over the time, I can't even deny I'm kinda "lucky" i guess. And i really do get decent teammates (at least way better than those I have in 2k).

                              Currently sitting at 3.7, still playing pos 5.

                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                              Potato Marshal

                                I climbed from the bottom of 3k from playing mostly pos 5, with a bit of pos 4 roaming mixed in.

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  I'm unable to win through laning support but that's probably because I've always been a dogshit laner and I'm too lazy to learn it


                                    at 3.5k, its a mixed bag really. laning skills is important in balanced matchups. usually ppl are still poor laners at 3.5k. looking at stats, almost no one knows how to deny ( i dont know why that is?). ppl rarely use creep aggro? pulling may or may not happen. A LOT to improve in terms of laning for 3.5ks.

                                    still bad at playing from behind and only good when ahead. most know how to play their heroes properly and defensively, but not aggressively. ppl rarely pressure properly early on. understanding of most heroes and itemisation is somewhat okay (although you will still see some stupid shit from time to time - but his occurs at all mmr levels).

                                    teamfighting and general decision making is somewhat okay (although inefficient in quite a lot of scenarios due to bad game knowledge and inexperience). things that are still REALLY bad at 3.5k is playing around cooldowns, vision, and counter rotations and getting good trade-offs around the map. absolutely piss poor. still incredibly difficult to get ppl to coordinate around objectives are cooldowns except when incredibly far ahead.

                                    choose one thing you want to improve on out of the many flaws.

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                                      also at 3.5k map awareness slowly starts to matter more. below this mmr range, you dont even need to look at your map much. lul

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!