General Discussion

General DiscussionNecro vs SF mid

Necro vs SF mid in General Discussion

    Assume both players are competent. Would you say SF has an edge over Necro till level 6?

    死の恐怖 Haseo



        that's what I thought. SF has faster projectile, and hits harder with a few souls. Necro has to play safe and accept being slightly underfarmed and underleveled. Getting too close to deathpulse = triple razed and fb ggcryplsthxbye.


          At lvl 3 u shud be able to kill necrophos, even at lvl 6, u can out harass necro and if he ghost shroud then just raze him.
          There r heroes who suffer against necro but sf shudnt be one of em.


            also with necro needing to get close to use death pulse sf won't have a hard time


              sf all the way

              meteor hammer

                necro has to crush the first few waves and get a fast second null then take good hp trades to do well


                  Yeah, necro loses control of the lane after SF hit level 3, no matter how hard you've out-CS'd him. Unless you literally take all 10 last hits of the first wave or something.


                    If u get every lh and deny on first wave u can maybe dominate early
                    But necro lvl 1 isn't that strong either


                      sf can win almost every single matchup, apart from brood and gyro.

                      some matchup even goes from super lose (when people are bad), to slight win the more each player becomes really competent (like sf versus viper -this matchup can still go horribly wrong if sf make some early mistake-).


                        How is sf vs viper favored to SF?
                        I mean how does sf take a single lh to lvl 1 nethertoxin viper
                        I guess at lvl 3 sf has kill potential but it just seems like sf wud have a hard af time.
                        How does gyro beat sf in mid?
                        I'm so confused.


                          level 2 gyro could kill sf with missile and barrage if SF underestimates.


                            gyro cant contest sf's cs lvl 1, in which case it kinda snowballs
                            and by lvl 3 gyro dies easily


                              lvl 2 gyro is definetely stronger than sf
                              but idk i dont analyze these matchups well


                                I think SF beats gyro mid, but it's kind of like pudge vs sf mid.

                                If pudge pulls off a hook and kills sf once it kind of snowballs.

                                Same applies to a lot of matchups I suppose.

                                Back to necro though, he has 0 kill potential before lvl 6 unless the SF gets ganked, which is what makes the matchup so hard for necro.


                                  havent played the match up yet but as an sf player i believe when necro plays aggressive from the start he can win vs him.

                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                    uh depends who's health was lower because I think both of them can't kill each other from full. Sf can harrass easier with long range razes but necro can regen mana and hp faster. sf is probably at risk of dying even more than necro at 6.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      gyro beats everyone mid just spamming missiles and flak cannon. I don't think you even level barrage. It's kind of a bad build, for stomping mid and that's it.

                                      Sf should destroy necro cus ghost shroud is what makes necro op in lane and impossible to kill at level 2-3 but sf can just raze him if he does that.

                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        Lesser skilled SF can beat higher skilled Necro imo. Assuming no support rotations.


                                          sf has kill potential on necro at lvl 3 @lul
                                          if necro comes close to deathpulse he eats 3 razes and a couple attacks = dead

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Nethertoxin doesn't work on denies I think, so you can still get last hits.

                                            meteor hammer

                                              i was pretty sure it does?

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Without Nethertoxin 56 damage:

                                                With Nethertoxin 54 damage:

                                                meteor hammer



                                                    necro defiitely beats SF 1v1

                                                    it's a higher base damage and 2x null hero.

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      "necro defiitely beats SF 1v1" is simply wrong. He barely has higher damage than SF and being a "2x null hero" is not relevant, every hero is a 2 null hero if you care about it. Also his animation sucks. By that logic any hero with higher base damage than SF (which is literally 95% of the heroes) would beat him.


                                                        ^ this.


                                                          What do you guys think about SF - WR matchup? Early agressor WR with Windrun?


                                                            I play Necro, SF, Gyro mid(basically whoever you guys stated). From my experience, Gyro beats SF, but only just, and he goes for a heavy harass build of 1-2-2 or something like that. Necro beats SF until lvl 3, but falls off after that, because SF can catch up whatever he was missing.
                                                            And IDK who said SF beats Viper. Referring back to OP, assume both players are competent. This means Viper should just bully SF out of lane at lvl 1 with Q, and SF can't manfight at that point. Literally walk up to other highground and zone SF away from there.


                                                              @StirlinG the same story w Necro I think, right? You'd have the advantage early, but SF will always just raze his way back into lane.


                                                                wr does well lvl 1 but dies lvl 3
                                                                actually almost every mid will die to sf lvl 3
                                                                necro doesnt have good dmg to contest sf's last hits lvl 1, and cant keep up the pressure as sf gets more lvls

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