General Discussion

General Discussioni fucking hate the 4k bracket

i fucking hate the 4k bracket in General Discussion

    the 4k bracket is so garbage
    it's just like 3k but even worse

    meteor hammer

      you're like the 4k bracket but even worse :v


        4k is same as 3k I don't feel any difference besides some core players can snowball better than 3k core players It will probably stay the same untill 4.7, 4.8




            yea it is sad




              when you first enter 4k you're like damn finally 4k finally some non-retarded very high skill satisfying games. what you get instead is:

              1) people still have no idea wtf to pick as 4 and 5. They pick tuskar when team has a pudge, or mk with a riki, and shit like that. These lead to lost lanes.

              2) people have no idea how to pick to counter. No concept of push-depush, or concept of countering a mid lane. They'll pick ember into viper and fall 4 levels behind.

              3) people still have no flexibility. Someone pings mid, someelse randoms tinker, the first guy won't move, and tinker can't be anywhere else so he jungles. all lanes lose.

              4) people still build wrong items. necros rush radiance at 25 mins and wonder why they dropped in 2 seconds in team fights. slark or lc goes midas and has 0 kills by 25 mins.

              5) people still fight over roles. pos 5 buys all wards then gets pissed off that pos 4 isn't helping. pos 5 stops buying wards. now map is 100% unwarded. carry dies to gank. pos 4 spam buys 4 wards. too little too late.

              6) people still overextend. no concept of backing at the right time, or not walking through enemy shrine on their way back.

              7) people still suck ass. you still see big differences in skill and some lanes get totally crushed.

              8) the blame. oh the blame.

              9) lack of communication. very few ppl use the mic. i see a high correlation between winning and when a team uses their mic, versus a mix of chinese and perus who don't even type.

              10) the "I didnt get my way so I now I throw" assholes. puck got ganked mid and he's upset over why his supports didn't rotate, so he's gonna solo push for the rest of the game but he's also getting dagon...

              ENJOY THE 4K BRACKET.

              Hatrið mun sigra

                Low 4k games are indeed trash 'cause they're basically 3k games since you get matched with people who have 3700-3800 mmr. But 4.6-4.7 avg games with 5k people in them are much more enjoyable and you kinda start seeing the light when you reach them.

                mid or safe farm

                  Check my profile after 1-2 weeks,4ks will pay.


                    But 4.6-4.7 avg games with 5k people in them are much more enjoyable
                    Not for 5ks u think I want to play with 4.5k retards who take my mid and then proceed to lose to some 5.0k ranked retiree.

                    meteor hammer

                      1) people still have no idea wtf to pick as 4 and 5. They pick tuskar when team has a pudge, or mk with a riki, and shit like that. These lead to lost lanes.

                      nobody would ever pick double roam in high 5k and then not buy wards for 25 minutes, it would be impossible to win


                        Цей коментар було видалено

                          I am under 2k mmr and what you described is pretty much what is happening to my bucket mmr...

                          when you first enter 4k you're like damn finally 4k finally some non-retarded very high skill satisfying games. what you get instead is:
                          1) people still have no idea wtf to pick as 4 and 5. They pick tuskar when team has a pudge, or mk with a riki, and shit like that. These lead to lost lanes.
                          2) people have no idea how to pick to counter. No concept of push-depush, or concept of countering a mid lane. They'll pick ember into viper and fall 4 levels behind.
                          3) people still have no flexibility. Someone pings mid, someelse randoms tinker, the first guy won't move, and tinker can't be anywhere else so he jungles. all lanes lose.
                          4) people still build wrong items. necros rush radiance at 25 mins and wonder why they dropped in 2 seconds in team fights. slark or lc goes midas and has 0 kills by 25 mins.
                          5) people still fight over roles. pos 5 buys all wards then gets pissed off that pos 4 isn't helping. pos 5 stops buying wards. now map is 100% unwarded. carry dies to gank. pos 4 spam buys 4 wards. too little too late.
                          6) people still overextend. no concept of backing at the right time, or not walking through enemy shrine on their way back.
                          7) people still suck ass. you still see big differences in skill and some lanes get totally crushed.
                          8) the blame. oh the blame.
                          9) lack of communication. very few ppl use the mic. i see a high correlation between winning and when a team uses their mic, versus a mix of chinese and perus who don't even type.
                          10) the "I didnt get my way so I now I throw" assholes. puck got ganked mid and he's upset over why his supports didn't rotate, so he's gonna solo push for the rest of the game but he's also getting dagon...
                          ENJOY THE 4K BRACKET.


                            Well I don't like the 1k bracket :)


                              I started 6 months ago but I really couldn't focus on going up the ladder since I have a kid now and I just play for fun.
                              Still love the game though.


                                thats low 4k tbh, i get matched with low 4ks a lot


                                  please don use garbage... i have feelings too.


                                    U will be 4k forever mark my words. Almost impossible to get out of 4k.

                                    Road to 1K

                                      @H^ I gained 500 mmr from 4k5 to 5k in a month, its not impossible!

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                        pretty sure I could underlord my way to 5k in a couple weeks. it's the only hero I can with 100% confidence carry the slack on my team.

                                        but whotf wants to play the same hero every single game?

                                        Story Time

                                          Low 4k games are indeed trash 'cause they're basically 3k games since you get matched with people who have 3700-3800 mmr. But 4.6-4.7 avg games with 5k people in them are much more enjoyable and you kinda start seeing the light when you reach them.

                                          true! My smurf in 3.5k before calibration and i notice things that never happen after 4.5k on the main

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!