General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy shouldn't I pick carry?

Why shouldn't I pick carry? in General Discussion

    When I pick carry in -ap games my teammates always(most of the games at least) bitch about my gpm(which is 300ish) but what should I do?I prefer playing carry because I think I'm better with it than support. Sometimes when I played carry I had positive stats even when my team lost the game. Last game I picked Ogre to support (bought wards etc) and feeded horribly, at the end my k/d/a was 2/19/4. Why do people have this mindset that bad players shouldn't play carry and should take the support role instead? Maybe I'm bad on carry, but I'm even worse on support. Playing support takes as much as skill as playing carry I think (which is something people I usually play with don't agree, apparently), but I have more experience playing carry so I like that more.

    One time when my temmate checked my profile he was like "oh wow so bad only 3 triple kills and 4 first bloods". You know that "lifetime stats" stuff. The problem with displaying those lifetime stats is it's unfair for players who have few games. I for one have played 328 matches, but someone with 2,000 or 3,000 is bound to have "better stats"(higher first blood and triple kill count). So I think making those stats public makes no sense, they are unfair to players with few matches. I think no kind of stats should be displayed on my profile to my teammates, it's demoralizing for pessimistic idiots. In matches at the very beginning or during laning phase my teammates checked my profile and said "omg we've got a 320 gpm carry, it's gg". What's the point of making these stats public? If I'm put in the same game as my teammates, I should be of similar skill level, no?


      4 triple kills in 328 matches ok thats really bad

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        I could see from ur profile that ur gpm is 380ish an u mostly play carry so thats bad. U can also try offlane because u priorotize kills than farming according to me.


          Well, a person who mainly plays the carry role will in most cases have more gpm than you have. In terms of stats, gpm is one of the most important stats to determine whether or not a carry has performed well in the game, since effective farming is such an essential part of that role. Of course, there are exceptions to that rule, and every game is different, but a good carry has on average a good gpm stat to show for.

          Now, if I were to play the hard carry role (which I don't like), I know that I don't have the necessary experience to perform more than "sufficient". I won't feed, but I probably won't outperform the other carry either. I like the roaming 4th position role best, or hard support, and as such, my gpm is shit. I'd be sceptical too if I saw my stats and then I announce my wish to play a role which I may not be best suited for. Sadly, carry is viewed as the most important role for many, and as such, you'd want the best guy possible in that position.

          Potato Marshal

            You play core 88% of the time and your gpm isn't much better than mine despite the fact that I only play core 2% of the time

            Potato Marshal

              Also wtf? You rush arcanes into vanguard most of your jugg matches, then usually get heart afterwards. You literally buy arcanes on every hero, jugg, spec, ck, wk. Even for an archon player you itemize like a herald player. Did you buy your account or something?


                see here, pick alch and AM every game and inflate ur stats so people dont call you out. lol


                  they do have a point if u pick carry every game and have 300 gpm though..


                    Only idiots would start bitching about GPM of others. I prefer to play support and about once a week carry but it seems these people don't understand (even my stat goes 8.83 support) and start to flame about my GPM whenever I want to play Core.

                    In your case i want to ask why would you buy arcane boots and vanguard for jugg every game? That 3000 gold should invest in some better items that make you fight early or farm faster.

                    Potato Marshal

                      I mean, I don't know if you're completely oblivious to what items other people buy, or if you're one of those guys who are stuck in low MMR and think that they have better item choices than everybody else in the world.

                      casual gamer

                        NEED MANA


                          Oh god, arcane boots on spectre. *cringe*


                            manaboot vanguard. thats perfect. i shall try that soon

                            Slav McGopnik

                              I never thought I'd see the day that someone bought an ARCHON account.

                              Potato Marshal

                                Judging from his past games, I don't think he's an account buyer, he just has no idea on what items to buy and still hasn't learned. He probably just got lucky and climbed up to high skill a few times,


                                  This shit right here is what makes me think I'm not sat in the right bracket. I thought even Herald players knew that Mirana should not get both Arcane boots and TP boots. At the same time. And keep both. And have nothing else after 40 minutes.


                                    and what bracket do you belong to sir


                                      this guys plays better than you, shocking.

                                      ГРУБЫЙ ПОДОНОК

                                        Because you can actually learn how to play this game when you support. Supports usually don't do any boring shit like lasthitting creeps, so if a player supports he has better chances of understanding what is happening in the game. You can assume if enemy mid player is going to gank your lane and place a ward. You can assume enemy magic damage and build Pipe of Insight. You can assume that enemy carry needs camps stacked and block these camps. When you are playing support you have a chance to evolve your game sense and next time be better despite how the game ends. You can actually think while you are playing support. Carry player's routine does not include using brain. Lasthitting creeps is not an intelligent activity.

                                        Why do people say you should stick with supporting? Because it is disgusting to see your carry has nothing to secure lategame. it is disgusting to assume your babysitting brought nothing and was completely pointless.

                                        Also, quit wasting mana while playing spectre. If you need mana on this hero try not using it all the time. This hero gains more by farming than by killing enemy heroes. You don't need arcane boots to farm. Rush Radiance and you farm like a machine and get all your other items in no time. Or build some useful in combat items and go fight with your team if situation demands it. But I don't suppose you can yet differentiate situations when you should participate in fights from when it is better to farm.
                                        The number of firstbloods and triple kills made doesn't matter, they neither make your dick grow bigger nor make you more intelligent. The only thing important is whether enemy ancient is destroyed while yours is still standing. It has always been like, people simply don't enough games to understand that or they don't experience enough games with base races to understand that it is all about the ancient building.
                                        You got lucky I stumbled on your post. Most of the time don't care about improving anybody's experience in the game. Like what did you expect, you enter the environment of competitive gaming say something like "i am bad, pls help me" and expect constructive criticism? Start using your head or find yourself a coach. You don't need dotabuff forum to play better.


                                          I think the OP just decided to troll everybody. It cant be a real account.

                                          If it is a real topic, I wouldnt tell you not to go carry because of the GPM. I would report you for building manaboots+vanguard as a carry.

                                          As far as I would say based on your profile, you don't have mechanical skills (GPM for 80%+ core under 400), understanding of the game (manaboots+vanguard on Jugg/spec/WK). Obviously, you are not team fighting, as you have usually some 3:5:3 or something.

                                          I would be interested what the hell do you do during the matches - you don't farm, you don't kill, you don't deal dmg to towers, you dont do dmg to ppl (last game - 900dmg to buildings, 19k to ppl, 450GPM).

                                          I would say you are playing on the phone, but still, the stupidity of item build is sooo bad it doesn't explain it.


                                            OP is fucking bad lmfao.


                                              Ok I don't argue I'm a good player, but I play carry better than support. I just have zero experience playing support, so why shouldn't I pick carry? As for vanguard and manaboots, they're good for spec and juggernatut, with the regen they provide i can farm all the time without going home.


                                                and yet he is archon 5 and better than most of ya. lul


                                                  As for vanguard and manaboots, they're good for spec and juggernatut, with the regen they provide i can farm all the time without going home.

                                                  fokkin idiot. just go casual perseverance.


                                                    Juggernaut needs a lot of mana he has 3 actives that i want to use all the time.


                                                      Wtf is archon 5?


                                                        this guys been building mana boots and heart on every hero since 2014.

                                                        yea i know jugg needs mana dude. perseverance is better for mana.


                                                          Why is there no quote option on this forum? There should be


                                                            archon 5 is your rank. but your recent games are siting at like 39% wr. you havent played in a while so yor probably gonna keep dropping.


                                                              "Builds manaboots since 2014" That's a bit misleading I started in 2013-4 then 3 years no play and then came back this september.

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                Just gitgut

                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                  You are a bad player who's going to keep dropping until you admit you have terrible item choices and have no idea what you're doing. Copy any item build guide, doesn't matter which one, even the outdated default ones and you'll do much better.


                                                                    I don't understand what is the point of complaining here about people complaining to you about your gpm

                                                                    INSTEAD OF JUST GOING INTO A LOBBY AND PRACTICING FARMING.

                                                                    p.s yes there's a quote function

                                                                     [quote] text [/quote] 

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      I don't understand what is the point of complaining here about people complaining to you about your gpm

                                                                      INSTEAD OF JUST GOING INTO A LOBBY AND PRACTICING FARMING.

                                                                      I'm complaining about the fact that they think a bad player such as myself is more fit for support role than carry, it's not true in my case

                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                        Why shouldn't I make arcane boots on jugger? If I make phase or treads instead I can't spam my abilities as much. I've gotten lots of kills that without arcane boots I couldn't have achieved.

                                                                        Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                          You're slowing down your itemization for regen, with carries who should be about farming.
                                                                          Manage your resources, and make up for regen with items that will actually accelerate your farming. At least that's the logic behind building Battlefury for Jugger, or Urn+Radiance on Spectre, but if that is the style that fits you, then go for it. It's just that's probably gonna be one reason why your GPM will lag behind, and therefore why people will tell you not to play carry.


                                                                            perseverance is better for mana.

                                                                            but arcane boots is "free" because you will want to upgrade your boots for the +speed anyway. And arcane boots give mana pool too which preservance don't. At level 7 if you use bladefury twice in a row you won't have mana for ulti, with arcana boots it will be possible.


                                                                              You're slowing down your itemization for regen, with carries who should be about farming.
                                                                              That's the point about the vanguard+manaboots build, it will make me farm better, i can spam my abilities, i won't need to go home for regen. None of you ever tried making manaboots on spec or jugg but all trashing it. When I was relatively new (back in wc3 dota) I used to go either phase on treads on them, but I once tried manaboots and realized it's better.

                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                If you need mana on a carry:
                                                                                - buy few clarities
                                                                                - buy raindrops+aquila
                                                                                - Soulring (+wand)
                                                                                - Pers into BF for Jugg
                                                                                - PT switched to int it gives you mana

                                                                                Those are options. If I see manaboots+vanguard on my carry, I report him no matter how the game ends, because he is dead weight.

                                                                                For everybody would be the best if you made a new account and move to 1k and start learning the game again, if you don't see why the hell is your build wrong.

                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                  Stop arguing, you are objectively terrible, there's a reason why everybody goes a different item build than you. Just follow recommended item builds because you're at a level where using your brain is a detriment.


                                                                                    yeah yeah go phase boots on jugger so i have no mana to use my ulti. Makes sense.

                                                                                    Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                                      First off, I was doing anything but trashing it, I even told you that if that style fits you the best, then go for it.
                                                                                      On the other hand, both of these heroes can farm without spamming their skills, that's why I told you that you're slowing your itemization (spending a total of ~3,400 gold on regen items on items that don't give you attack, meaning "right click" potential), that will probably hit you later on.
                                                                                      Yes, there are some instances where it might work out better than if you're managing your mana pool by spending less, or bringing out mana potions, but chances are you will always lag behind what the current meta's tempo dictates.


                                                                                        This starting to feel like a troll post, you can easily go and look at higher MMR players builds to realize you ARE WRONG and learn to take constructive criticism and improve.

                                                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                                                          I'm sorry, it turns out myself, everybody in this thread, everybody 2k mmr and above, including literally every pro has been wrong during the whole existence of Dota and that phase boots is in fact the wrong build. It seems you have discovered the real proper jugg build, now if only we can solve the mystery of your terrible match performance. :thinking:


                                                                                            If I see manaboots+vanguard on my carry, I report him no matter how the game ends, because he is dead weight.

                                                                                            For example in the following two games the manaboots build enabled me a unique playstyle that I couldn't have pulled off without the manaboots ( by unique playstyle I mean spamming healing ward and manta illusions) and I contributed to my team's victory significantly.
                                                                                            here are the links
                                                                                            In the second game in last team fight I literally whoopped a 23k networth(mine was 20k) AM's ass.

                                                                                            Also there's nothing wrong with vanguard, it gives you defense against towers, creeps, hp and hp regen everything a low hp hero like Juggernaut needs.

                                                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                              ill teach u a secret. u can buy mango and use it when u need to use ult. its a small price to pay. so it's not 'free' but its a good alternative to mana boot.

                                                                                              Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                                                Buy two mangos, and you get a mini vangu+mini mana boots.

                                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                                  Good job, you did slightly more damage than the purge with 2 urns. Keep it up and you'll soon be able to cherry pick a match where you're at least second in terms of hero damage on your team.


                                                                                                    yeah yeah go phase boots on jugger so i have no mana to use my ulti. Makes sense.

                                                                                                    You don't understand the hero. The hero is position one - carry. Carry is prioritized in farming.

                                                                                                    You FARM by right click. Vanguard is not helping your right-click. Manaboots are not helping you right-click. If you go BF, you take an entire wave by 2-4 hits. Same goes for neutrals. Instead, you are using fucking spells with cooldown 20-40 sec to farm the wave for 5 seconds instead of 2.
                                                                                                    You FIGHT by spells. IF you are using your spells to farm, you are doing it all wrong.

                                                                                                    With Phase, Aquila, stout and QB and lvl 3 crits, you can walk an entire jungle there and back during 3 minutes, while using only 1 spell - heal on lvl 1. And take entire jungle on the way back during another minute, while shipping 1 clarity and 1 salve - spending 160 gold for farming all neutrals twice and returning to lane with 100 mana and HP. Which gives you around 1k gold, some XP, and safety.

                                                                                                    You know why your GPM is complete trash? Not because you are playing support ocassionaly (once in 10 games), but because you are playing carry in this way you farm as much as a roamer.


                                                                                                      cant really argue with OPs logic there.. i really can't. i mean he's right. how do u use spells if u have no mana.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!