General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff stats, aren't they just amazing?

Dotabuff stats, aren't they just amazing? in General Discussion
Soggy Bottom Boy

    Yeah, yeah I know I am shit, less than 2k trash, all right now that we got that settled let's move on.

    I have always felt most comfortable playing as offlane role. Especially solo offlane. It suits my playstyle the best as I like to play carefully (I almost never feed as solo offlaner), I like to have some farm, but I am not good enough for 1-2pos. I use my gold mainly to buy utility items for the team. I can tell when a game needs a pipe or mek, when to go crimson guard or when to rush force stuff.

    I love heroes that no matter how bad the game went still can win buy 1 got move. Like a well timed blink ravage on Tidehunter or a 3 man shackle on Windranger.

    So back to my point, look at this:

    A whopping 70+% win rate in the offlane is really telling combined with the abysmal win rates from all other lanes.

    I haven't finished calibrating yet, I have too little time for dota currently, but despite my solo mmr previously being somewhere between 1.5 and 1.6 I played with 2-2.5k players in my recent games, so I think when I finish calibrating I will actually have way more mmr than previously.

    Interesting thing is that I don't play the meta offlaners like Nyx, Batrider, NP or Beastmaster(I started practicing him though). My strongest heroes are Tidehunter, Venomancer and Windranger.

    So. I understand that I can climb higher by entirely focusing on the offlane. I ask you 3k+ players whos replays I should watch, what tricks I should learn, which heroes I should add to my pool, etc to become a really stable offlaner and maybe reach 3k+ MMR myself.

    funny side note: While I am absolute garbage mid, like real total trash when I had to go mid I just picked Zeus and 5 zeus games = 5 wins ^^


      Offlane does not exist below 3k mostly. Its 5 position 1s and if youre lucky, 1 position 69

      Soggy Bottom Boy

        You play on SEA server?


          I think every offlaner should learn those tanky annoying offlaner that do well in 2k aka physical damage pubs. Timber, bristleback, underlord.

          There's an offlaner for everything. If u lack teamfights u can pick up magnus, tide. If u lack stuns and initiation u can go axe or slardar or clock.

          Learn offlane heroes that can fill different gaps in your team.

          Leave Bat nyx np, puck, beast, to the pros.


            you forgot about legion.
            a good legion can stomp many games below 3k

            i just stopped because i went on to play position 1 and 4 instead


              I like legion behind t1 tower...

              Soggy Bottom Boy

                I consider legion to be a trap. It is a shit hero that works only in very low skill. If you spam LC and win with it it gives you the false illusion on being good, but you actually don't really learn anything.

                LC's sole purpose is to give reliable catch against elusive heroes. Take that Ember or Morph out and lock them down for your TEAM to burst.

                If you play a greedy LC and think you are carry you are doing it wrong.


                  Timbersaw, Brewmaster and Weaver - very fun, very strong offlaners that I enjoy playing and can have a high impact.

                  Timber is great against physical cores like PA/Sven especially if their support has weak magic damage. I feel like I win most of my laning match ups with timber but have a pretty shitty winrate with him.

                  Weaver is strong and extremely survivable, can transition into a core and can rat towers early pulling a lot of pressure away from your core (hopefully). Win the lane fairly often with weaver, especially when the support leaves for me to 1v1 the core.

                  Brew - literally never play him, but played against some good ones and it's bloody annoying.

                  Also found like Huskar is fun in 2k when playing on smurf account - can completely dominate the low mmr offlanes.


                    Np isn't meta and just sucks ass now

                    Venomancer is also shit stay away
                    Tide is ok fyi good hero situationally

                    Also stop buying crimson guard it's just a crappy item
                    Tbh if u think crimson is a good item to get just get halberd instead


                      Timber is more of a carry or mid than offlane and weaver is a dogshit offlane

                      Soggy Bottom Boy

                        I've built Crimson only once recently when playing Clockwerk and it saved my ass a couple of times. In that specific game it felt very good. Otherwise my main 3 items to choose from (beside blink) are mek, pipe or force stuff.

                        sneyking prime

                          Offlaners get really out of control in these lower tier Normal Skill games because the supports don't zone and pull through properly, I play pos3-5 in my games, the things i've been doing more in general is just not dying, but aside from that theres not really anything specific to offlane that you need to learn in Normal Skill games, for example knowing strengths of your hero and capitalising on the timing or having the map awareness to foresee a gank or tp to save a teammate being dived any of these skills are applicable to all positions.

                          On a side note, it's important to know what your role is in a game, for example, its pretty obvious tidehunter is supposed to land an impactful ravage, but also the reduction of your anchor smash on enemy cores are really strong and for a hero like abaddon or legion, in the early game(laning stage) if you see a teammate being dived, you can tp and use your W to purge the debuffs on your teammate and also heal/give eHP and then turn for a kill.


                            Crimson is just not good, don't buy it ty.
                            Don't just be like "I have 3 main items" when u have the entire shop to choose from. Buy the items u need. Ur completely forgetting abt solor or class or lotus or a whole host of utility items besides that.

                            Soggy Bottom Boy

                              By main I mean items I buy more frewuently. I know there are more. Somtimes I get linkens to keep putting it on my carry. Sometimes I get an aghs. I think my item choices are decent most of the times.

                              I need to be better at rotating and making stuff happen mid game. My laning I consider very good for my bracket.


                                Tide cent and pitlord are offlaners who die hardest and have very good spells with low cooldown

                                Those are heroes who build pipe greaves blink crimson and contribute to fight more than any hero in game

                                If enemi has some viper veno posion shit just go greaves pitlord with pipe and they can never win a fight

                                Soggy Bottom Boy

                                  Yep najbolji offlane u kraju, I agree with you. Tide is good comfort hero for me. I should definitley go into practicing Underlord. Not sure about Centaur. He seems very hard to lane with and would maybe do better in a dual lane than solo.


                                    U shudnt have "3 items I buy more frequently"
                                    Especially since ur talking abt utility on a multitude of heroes.

                                    Story Time

                                      A whopping 70+% win rate in the offlane is really telling combined with the abysmal win rates from all other lanes.

                                      gosh, you have so few games that your "whopping" means nothing, so sh*t up and go play more and see if your 70% wr will remain,

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!