General Discussion

General Discussion1icetea

1icetea in General Discussion
Cancer Malaria

    What happen to that guy? did he change name in dotabuff? just curios what happen to the lycan jungle spammer


      heard some news that he died
      dont know if thats true but either way doubt he will ever come back to dota

      Potato Marshal

        Jungle died


          quitted dota may 2017
          played one game in august, came to the assumption its still shit, quitted again


            ded game

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              oh wait its what potato said
              hes a jungler. and his thing is not a thing anymore. he got roasted by volvo

              chicken spook,,,,

                Why would anyone lie or joke about someone's death on a forum


                  Because he is


                    well shit if thats true im sorry


                      I mean... I hated the guy because of how he shat on multiple posts on the forums with his MMR elitism, ruining threads, but wouldn't have wished death on him... RIP i guess.


                        MMR elitism?
                        Nigga he got 5k by jungling and doing retard strats
                        He has the right to brag abt it

                        Cancer Malaria

                          he die of cancer? damn son. How old was he? he was a sea player right? was he indo ?

                          Story Time

                            shall i we make a flashmob such as adding his name to our nicknames for 1 week?


                              no thanks

                              Story Time

                                arent we a community that cares for something?

                                TheDoctor (HTPG)

                                  Nvr had a chance to talk or see the forum where the guy posted
                                  however i hope he is at peace
                                  lung cancer is very dentrimental especially at late stage identification
                                  we remember you ICETEA


                                    I really dont know that guy brother

                                    Some retard guy which spamming 1 jungle hero all time?
                                    Its impossible right?because it must be retarded as f*ck, just like some kid who spamming dagon rapier riki

                                    fear is the mind killer

                                      He once got LP and could never get out due to his extremely limited héro pool lmao


                                        So now yr trolling a dead person wow new levels these forums have sunk into


                                          Yes abdal someone who reached 5k MMR by spamming jungle lycan must be SOO DUMB

                                          fear is the mind killer

                                            Any proofs that he's actually dead ?

                                            fear is the mind killer

                                              He was dumb, no doubts about it. RIP tho if it's true.

                                              死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                you guys think 1cetea is dumb? he know how to play dota better than most of you here , yes he spam jungle but he played it perfectly


                                                  Dumb kids

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    position 5 support ganked him irl for farming jungle


                                                      ^ Hahahahahahahah

                                                      Story Time

                                                        so much hate is pretty cancerous


                                                          If u can reach 5k by jungling how can u be dumb


                                                            Because he was doing it when jungling was stupidly strong. He abused the patches that allowed it. Jungling was nerfed slowly but surely, hurting his self-centered playstyle,, and once he was put into low prio for his toxic behavior, he got badly exposed. Couldn't win a game. He only got out of low prio because of the system reset.


                                                              ^wtf r u talking abt
                                                              he reached 5k after they were nerfing it
                                                              wtf do u mean "jungling was stupidly strong" lmfao
                                                              he must have been 4k for ages, he hit 5k after many nerfs
                                                              how tf do u know he got into low prio for toxicity, we dont know why he is in low prio
                                                              why r u hating on a dude who died over a fucking video game


                                                                hes probably jealous because hes an archon 5 meepo player xD


                                                                  Like I said, he was an asshole on the forums. He was in low prio for toxicity and abandons, he said it himself. But whatever, I'll leave it alone, and respect the dead.


                                                                    I bet nobody will remember me if im dead. Oh wait, do anyone know me?


                                                                      lmfao we have a licetea hater
                                                                      he was memeing like the entire time


                                                                        Haters gonna hate

                                                                        Cancer Malaria

                                                                          yes he did bad plays, but in the end it work, he got 5k just by spamming jungle. something most others players spend months up to years to get 5k, he did it with one hero pool, that itself is great in its own right

                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            I bet nobody will remember me if im dead. Oh wait, do anyone know me?

                                                                            would throw a party if u died

                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                              Aside from his broken english he's one of the coolest dude I met from this forum
                                                                              Sad to know that he passed away

                                                                              ANDREW TATE

                                                                                Have confirmed that icetea had passed away.

                                                                                His mobile phone is no longer contactable and his facebok already had condolences of his death from his friends..


                                                                                  I hope he’s at peace

                                                                                  1 MMR SOLO

                                                                                    RIP licetea... dota kills...

                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!