General Discussion

General DiscussionMmr system so fair?

Mmr system so fair? in General Discussion

    Lose = -25 mmr
    Win = +24 mmr

    Any logical explanation for this? And its solo ranked match not party.


      It depends on mmr average between team

      Story Time

        wow so strange, how is that balance, thank you eisfrosch, gg ff


          If the enemy team average mmr is slightly lower than yours and you win against them, then you have higher chances of wining against them. The prize isn't as nice because your team didn't work as hard to get it.

          From a stats/math point of view, it makes sense to me?


            You should stop complaining lol. I've had games where I won only 19 MMR and those where I won 26/27.

            It depends on mmr average between team

            Story Time

              once i got +40 without trying and then there was a 2 hour game with silly -15 mmr change... so balanced


                never get angry before you get +13 and -37


                  So no one got 3 games in +8 and lose one -45? But all +8 was with leavers adn under 20 min. xD Depend adn when you finish game if you finish in less than 30 min you wont get much mmr.

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    lost about 100 mmr in total from this +24/-26 shit happening over the past 2 years, and that's just since i started noticing
                    god bless the mm update removed the mmr loss so at least i don't get triggered by this far often(though its still very noticable when ure xx65 and after 6 games u become xx59)

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                      top 10 questions modern science STILL can't answer

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                        When you win 24 the other team only loses 24

                        Meaning you -24 sometimes too

                        Retards dont notice that though

                        Tu tayta

                          Did someone say fair MMR system?


                            haha that's accident occured on 2014, you wont get twice something like that.

                            SASA POPOVIC

                              Well its f2p game what did you expect? Everything is made to make you queue as much as possible.
                              So you have 50% winning streak but you are loosing MMR, Valve wants following reaction from you:
                              "Shit man i gotta spam more games and buy some hats to please Gaben and RNG!"

                              Dota 2 is rigged and and unfair game D:

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                As mentioned its because of the balance in the teams. Aka you only won a game where you had an advantage balance wise.

                                Imo, even iwht perfect balance, wins should be 20+ and lose 25-.

                                That way we dont have to have these 50% flippflopp winners raising in ranks.

                                SASA POPOVIC

                                  Why do you mock my fun account? You are same as me just in Archon bracket, so that makes you divine/ancient im just low Legend.... :(

                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                    Thats phantom riki account.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!