General Discussion

General DiscussionMeme Builds

Meme Builds in General Discussion
Johnny Rico

    Whats yout best meme build, like carry techies etc


      i had couple,but i not remember anything currently
      wat kind of power is this


        Battlefury on ranged heroes.


          Dagon terrorblade ez nuke


            pos 4 invoker
            wqwqwq until w is lvl 5 q is lvl 4 eeee
            spam tornado emp
            works wonder vs sb and other cases where you can countergank easily
            also on low mana enemies

            go mwand phaseboot agh

            insanely fun to play


              +1up vs riki+sb combination,who cares if they smoke your freinds or charge
              one emp+tornado you destroy them with your frens


                mid lion
                dagger in between if you really can't get close

                try to get a kill at lvl 6 asap
                manaburn lvl 3 also works at lvl 5
                works wonders vs mid like storm who rely on mana

                talents are self explanatory,lvl 20 just get hp unless vs illus

                i don't even know what is lvl 25 lion talent,oh right
                get spike always except vs illus

                other item build would be
                if not going for veil


                  Support Sniper, Support AM(lotus, linken's, glimmer), "fighting AM build"(no battlefury, maelstrom vlads into manta), right click Techies(kept trying to do the TryMike4Instance build), Undying played HanSolo's way(casual perseverance into aghs)... I've memed so many times. Funny thing is, my "carry played as support" memes actually worked


                    @Feachairu mid Lion is somewhat meme-y, but it used to be common back in Dota 1. That's another one I do sometimes, when with friends.


                      pos 4 sf
                      your mid must have a reliable stun,like rubick/venge mid or whatvr

                      go boots smoke clarity


                      wait for enemy courier first at the first 1 min(use smoke to their midlane woods)
                      no courier sign happening? go to that mid razeout of that guy,he'll lose like some hp he'll reflexively buy a salve since he's low
                      you go back to your coruier sniping position,kill cour

                      go raze again the mid
                      try to get 3,it deals like 91029319031238 damage

                      if start from lane,get lvl 2 asap then go kill enemy mid with your raze and stun

                      easy +24 damage

                      item is watever but maybe go eul for more solo killing potential
                      guardian greaves works too i guess

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                        @etdawesome yes,all of my ideas mostly from dota 1
                        i even go mid pugna so much before even when he's literally not popular and unbuffed
                        1800 range life drain is so fun,i hate these changes to make drain just 700 range..


                          legion DAGON
                          usual legion stuff,go jungle or whatever(preferable in a lane)
                          works vs high armor guys like timber or dk
                          see someone low? DAGON him and duel him

                          phase/pt-dag-bm-DAGON-watever item you want,eblade works also

                          i've ever had friend playing lc,we were fighting insanely high armor lineup
                          we all just go dagon,dagon whoever the guy dueling
                          in the end,lc got like 400+ damage (there was no talent at that time,and timber was insanely cancerly buffed)
                          686 687 smth


                            see guys,itemization must be fluid not static
                            we don't have magical damage,enemy not building defiance/pipe
                            we all just go dagon,win game ez from lc damage to destroy enemy ancient


                              One shot huskar
                              Meteor hammer mk, ratting from the trees
                              I like roaming as weird heroes too
                              Like void for example
                              I tried lance lancer going for dlance stacking on PL
                              It's rlly bad tho
                              The ultimate meme is building meepo items on Luna, try it because it legit

                              Pale Mannie

                                magic barathrum:
                                meme hammer
                                veil when your team has more magic damage


                                  support huskar. he should be a position 4 but laning support, has increadible harassment and can transition into a sick healer with some utility items like crest/force/glimmer
                                  combo with strength cores, a sven with gods strength will heal insane amounts with huskar Q on him

                                  i buy dagon on spirit breaker and earth shaker when the game is stompy

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                                    Dagon 5 tinker

                                    Justin Weaver

                                      Right click cm, 200 AS talent plus damage/as items, bitch really kills if farmed.



                                        6 butterfly drow.. glyph the range creeps, pop your aura and watch them take towers


                                          Void with Boots, blink, mjolnir and 3 Moon Shards + 1 eaten

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                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            Pos 4 WK

                                            Oh wait

                                            SASA POPOVIC

                                              Echo sabre elder titan!

                                              Pros: its super fun when if you pull it out early and start dishing out kills.

                                              Cons: you gonna get flamed alot nad pinged to death, "WTF u support!!! Go be ward slave!!!!"


                                                isnt elder a pos4? why would he ever be supposed to be ward slave, that hero doenst do anything as pos5
                                                imo hes even stronger when played pos3 but he needs a 2-1-2 setup then

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  Elder titan core is good
                                                  confirmed by 5k memelord

                                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                                    No such thing as pos 4 in crusader bracket. You are either full support or reported :(


                                                      well shit. git gud, then try play elder again

                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                        No such thing as pos 4 in crusader bracket.

                                                        ya u can just snowball as a support and outfarm the most retarded core in your team xdxdxdxd


                                                          thats still a thing in 3k dude


                                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                                            Yay it works! My memes are not dreams anymore! \o/



                                                              Maxing astral on ET offlane is super satisfying
                                                              I enjoy hitting for like 120+ dmg at lvl 3

                                                              Potato PC

                                                                IO solo full support in low bracket, enemy often laugh at me.

                                                                SASA POPOVIC

                                                                  Maxing astral on ET offlane is super satisfying
                                                                  I enjoy hitting for like 120+ dmg at lvl 3

                                                                  I know right! ET is such a rare pick under 4k, people underestimate him so much. Wish i knew how to play him i would be a low bracket God.


                                                                    I don't play him ever but the couple games I have I win


                                                                      Midas invoker


                                                                        Support medusa. Purest meme i can think of, because she's absolutely trash without farm or levels. With a support sniper, you could cause havoc with shrapnel and random ults from the backline. With support/pos 4 farm priority AM, you're still generally strong enough to wipe out their backline supports. Support huskar, you have heals for days, and a good nuke+slow...
                                                                        Dusa? Ult and snake? MS of a slug? Dmg that makes Techies seem like a better right clicker? Yeah, I wanna see someone meme this and win.

                                                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                                                          Support sven that rushes aghanims is more meme worthy than dusa lul.


                                                                            i love ld bear with the usual radiance and then just get a dagon :-D
                                                                            also a big fan of oneshot huskar (eblade, aghanims, veil. btw i a´seriously think that huskar with those items is legit!)
                                                                            team forcestaff+bloodseeker (with agha/refresher)

                                                                            special mention is team global charge: bara (with shadowblade), lifestealer (+agha), riki (+agha) and one random hero that has global presence adn enjoy 4-5 ppl appearing right next to you (imho meepo is super good because he can poof to the meepo being eaten by lifestealer who is infested into bara)

                                                                            SASA POPOVIC

                                                                              ^ you can add Gyro with aghanims to that bara naix bomb and laugh while everything around you is dead.

                                                                              Story Time

                                                                                ogre + 6 mango

                                                                                GRANT MACDONALD

                                                                                  Ferrari Gyro (All ms talents, SNY, Euls, Phase, etc)
                                                                                  Radiance Riki
                                                                                  Radiance LS + Visage combo (Infest a bird and just rain sky cancer)

                                                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                                                    doing racecar build is pretty good, especially if you can hit multiple people at the same time, like gyro and lesh

                                                                                    Also like to play slark offlane, you cant die because of jump, so you survive and agro creeps, them build midas into sb into 4 skadis, sell midas and buy boots


                                                                                      ^the offlane slark build is drums Pike ok get it right

                                                                                      Johnny Rico

                                                                                        i invented the offlane before there was pike


                                                                                          how does slark offlane work?


                                                                                            ^it doesn't ROFL that's why it's a meme


                                                                                              oh i mean wat do you do with the pike and stuffs

                                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                                daedalus stacking pa

                                                                                                low prio master

                                                                                                  Dazzle mid...its actually legit

                                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                                    less memey: shadow blade ta, orchid on literally any core, hex on literally any core with damage