General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter stupid weeboo cuckernaut?

How to counter stupid weeboo cuckernaut? in General Discussion

    Is there any other way to deal with that stupid hero apart from banning him? Ever since i got to 3k theres been a juggernaut almost every game and tbh its getting irritating as fuck. Press R get a kill. Press q become magic immune. As a roamer/support i despise that hero, showing up in lane is always a risk because of that stupid fucking ulti. Im probably doing it wrong (most likely, since im a normal skill pleb on my main), but whats are the best ways to shut down that weeb?


      why r u only roaming on jugg when he is lvl 6?
      play heroes like tusk or shaker, both can block pathing, tusk ulti goes through spell immunity and shaker ulti is instant cast so u can chain stun him before he can spin.
      at least as a support
      its not that bad


        Bkb piercing disables to limit his freedom on the map by preventing him from just bladefury tp-ing out every time.

        He gets rekt by silences or instant disables before manta.

        Ghost/Euls and a shitton of spells (like astral, disruption, cold embrace, blinks etc.) make his ult straight up useless if you play it correctly.

        Without his ult his mid game teamfight contribution is minimal until he has like 3 items. Once his ult is gone if you can force him to spin he becomes a non factor because he cannot rightclick unless you already spent all of your disables or he has a bkb.

        casual gamer

          pjhysical damage and multiple units and killing healing ward

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            Jugg is one of the rare carry hero that can be first pick without fear coz of how flexible his abilities is. A spell immune dps, aoe healing ward, a reliable (but nerfed) crit, and a deterrence ulti.

            Bane Elemental fucks him in the anus. Enfeeble decreases his right click and cannot be dispelled by all means. Jugg low hp pool can be solo kill with a picture perfect grip + brain sap.


              killing healing ward should be your first priority once he uses it unless he's real low and you can kill him through it. I've found viper to actually be fairly decent against jugg. His ult slow goes through bkb so you just throw it on him when he spins to limit his escapes and Viper can generally tank most of omnislash early.

              casual gamer

                Jugg is one of the rare carry hero that can be first pick without fear coz of how flexible his abilities is. A spell immune dps, aoe healing ward, a reliable (but nerfed) crit, and a deterrence ulti.

                yes but hes trash right now idk how this topic exists


                  but bearcat what do u do if u find a hero that viper isnt fairly decent against?


                    Axe rapes him throughout the game.

                    Player 404335202

                      Yeah axe is the counter


                        you need offlaner to give him a hard time. bkb piercing spells and strong and fast laner so he doesnt have an ez lane.

                        LC, Doom, maybe enchantress.

                        axe is a classic hero to pick against jugg but if axe is not strong hero in the meta jugg can still win easily


                          LC duel


                            Know what skills he has up before you go on him. And don’t put yourself in a situation where he can kill you, because he can even without items given the right circumstances


                              terrorblade ck can cuck jugg easily

                              low prio master

                                His q is op i cried here as well aegis ago...axe good counter,still kill you early with cm hidden in trees


                                  Play Phantom Lancer.


                                    how about you play with jug and pick magnus


                                      Isnt he weaker now that he cant purge off ghost sceptre with diffusal?


                                        His q is op i cried here as well aegis ago...axe good counter,still kill you early with cm hidden in trees


                                          WHUY ARE U low mmr players so DUMB ? kys

                                          Story Time

                                            hey, jugger ult cant hit you if yuo go invis or eul! :D wow, amazing

                                            SASA POPOVIC

                                              Take doom, eat big satyr, pop scorched earth and righ click him to death while he spins and wonders why doesnt your HP go down. On lvl 6 just ult him and he is dead.

                                              low prio master

                                                Low mmr players...hope you dont think your mmr is high lul

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  not sure whats the problem here, the hero is a more self-sufficient antimage at this point and a non-factor until like 35 mins into the game unless u feed him omni kills on cores several fights in a row

                                                  not arin

                                                    why did his crit even get nerfed
                                                    he was already a mediocre hero by then


                                                      jugg's still pretty good carry in most scenarios. i first pick jugg all the time and it works.


                                                        ^exactly, he is probably top on my list now as my most hated hero, i get triggered when i see him on the enemy team lol. Fuck me


                                                          Only time I lose as Jugg.. Is when enemies shit on my lane..


                                                            "CrusaderSk 23 minutes ago
                                                            Only time I lose as Jugg.. Is when enemies shit on my lane.."
                                                            juggernaut-350 games-50.14% wr


                                                              49.86 percent of games enemies shit on his lane. It isn't hard to understand krappa


                                                                jugg is not even that good tbh, he has less counter and work a lot better most cases but that doesn't mean it's op

                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!