General Discussion

General DiscussionRazor Tips

Razor Tips in General Discussion

    I'm new to razor, can I have some lesser known tips?



      Use static link and win ur lane
      Then lose the game


        It's a team-fight hero, don't bother playing it in low pubs


          lesser known tips eh?
          go tnky items and use his 2nd spell on enemy carry!! fucking ez

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Razor is less tanky now because of the STR change though
            It's a bad patch for him


              i need some razor tips aswell LUL


                dont play it in low pubs, needed coordination team

                Machado98 #xatubaking

                  go full party or go home, razor needs coordination


                    1.Pick it vs troll on offlane
                    2.get rekt anyway cause ure a noob


                      Get boots as first item, static link to victory


                        Wait for the enemy mid to pick Invoker/OD. Pick Razor. Absolutely shit on them in lane. Buy fighting/pushing items like S&Y, Deso, Drums. Win game. /thread


                          ^od has astral


                            I know, it's a remnant from the old Unstable Current, the one that did the slow/dmg/purge on a hero who used a targeted spell on you. Razor absolutely shat on OD back then. But even until now, I think Razor is heavily favored in the matchup, just not as one-sided as before.

                            Forget me not

                              When you are fighting/chasing an enemy keep distance for your passive to process. So the purge and slow keep the enemy near you. I think 2k MMR player should at least know that much .

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                midas travel radiance linken heart curi or manta , gl hf


                                  hood blademail on early not bad 2


                                    Is he a good hero to spam

                                    Bill Cutting

                                      In low mmr very strong people underestimate your damage

                                      Just walk someone like a dog and press R

                                      Boring hero tho

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        I feel like even some pros dont know that Eye of the storm hits are not random and it always hits the unit with the least hp


                                          Wait, it hits the hero with the least HP?

                                          Forget me not

                                            Unit not just hero. If there is creep with lower HP than hero it will hit the creep.


                                              Cool, can anyone explain why one would pick drum on razor, rather than quickly building s&y


                                                Drums are decent stats, and a good amount of passive movement speed. Then,when activated, and with lvl 4 unstable current, you run around at max movespeed. You completely annahilate everyone in the teamfight, they can't escape you. The attack speed bonus when activated is also very good. It's a good early fighting/pushing item.


                                                  dont be afraid to use ur ulti to farm if the games feelin kinda dead


                                                    Well in your bracket, Razor has 44.74% win-rate. Not an easy hero to win with, requires too much coordination. Even at Divine, Razor only sits at 47.29% win-rate.

                                                    Also you play 98% CORE apparently lol.