General Discussion

General DiscussionPrediction on Riki Nerf

Prediction on Riki Nerf in General Discussion

    Tricks of trades cooldown increased from 40/35/30 to 70

    Tricks of Trades interval increased from 0.5/0.45/0.4 to 0.6/0.55/0.5

    Changed Riki's level 20 talent from +0.2 backstab multiplier into -0.1 Tricks of trade interval

    What do you think about my prediction?

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    Saucy Edwin

      Feels way to much, the hero is good, but not so good to warrant a nerf like that. Even the cooldown reduction itself would be more than enough I feel, since his ult is the biggest reason that he's good right now.


        He is only good below mid-Ancient bracket.


          Agree with Imprecis above.

          The moment people start learning how to spend money on dust/sentrys, youre pretty much dead as riki.


            I stated my opinion in a old thread, I think it's the first time there is an actual chance he will be picked at TI, I would love to see riki in a pro match. I hope they wait for the nerf.


              yea the hero only has 19% pickrate and 51% wr in divine bracket, just buy sentries and hes toast haha =)

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                he was dead long enough bruuhh


                  Pretty shure Divine-players actually know when to pick, and how to play him on a lv he should be played on. For me, a really op hero is op when he can be played by literally anyone and still stomp the shit out of games, like nechro a while ago.


                    Is 51% the highest winrate among all heroes in the divine bracket? If the answer is no then clearly there are other more "OP" heroes. The devs are right to balance the game around the best players (mainly pros in this case) ... Even at my scrub 2,5-3k MMR bracket I have no trouble dealing with Riki in the majority of games. Yeah, sometimes he gets out of hand, but so do many other heroes...

                    Having said that... I do believe he will be slightly nerfed due to the outcry. Doesn't necessarily make it right but it is what it is...


                      do u know what 19% pickrate means or are you yet to touch percentages in math class

                      Tu tayta

                        Considering his winrate is just 51% in hte highest bracket, he'll probably get a single nerf. Mainly to appease reddit and the lower brackets.

                        Something like...I dunno, increasing the cd of his ulti á la Dark Willow or getting rid of the crit talent and replacing it with something still useful, but ultimately lamer, like +40 ms or something.


                          there's no need for a nerf you punks just shut him down early game.
                          It's not Gaben's fault you guys don't know that dusts/sentries exist


                            bro, his 57% winrate isn't just for show. His invis is not the problem that makes this hero OP. It's his buffed ult that make his early kill potential skyrocketed that is op. Sure, u can buy as many dust and sentry or even gem as you can, but can you cover the entire map? 1 sentry could only cover 850 aoe, while dust can only be used after riki reveal himself, which would be too late after riki used his ult + diffusal.
                            Riki can't go against 3 or more heroes that stick together, but surely, there will be opening where 1 hero that doesnt stick, for example when someone TP to defend.

                            Also last thing,
                            phaseboot 1340 gold
                            Aquila 985 gold
                            diffusal 3150 gold
                            nullifier 4750 gold

                            Total : 10235 gold
                            With just 10250 networth he could kill basically any heroes without any retaliation.
                            Mutes item + Smoke silence + Ult = Kill
                            and his ult cd only 40/35/30
                            The only problem is that Riki is too weak as an offlaner or midlaner early game, and as a carry, his pushing capabilities is too low. While being a roamer would let his items stagnated.
                            So, I believe Riki could only thrive in reverse offlane where Riki is on safelane solo against other offlaner.


                              get pushing line up and a detection like bounty or slardar, then you can win the game in 20 minute before he posessed meaningful threat



                                and pls dont say like obvious thing like shut him early down, what u gonna do if u go against lineup of Tinker, Riki, and Jugg, U gotta split ur heroes into 3 to shut all of them early game?

                                and I already said, the invis is NOT the problem.


                                  Just jungle his wards lmao


                                    i disagree, imo the invis maybe not the #1 problem but it's sure cost the team support more on sentries and dust, as for the ult riki cant nullified all of your team, just group up and have force staff, sure you cant shut down all lane most of the games but i think it's better to shutdown riki, without item he posesses little to no threat


                                      or just fucking ban him


                                        You're a weak player if you don't know how to deal with riki


                                          @braindead carry What role that riki is? how could his total damage even lower than ogre, SF too. I'm sorry but I'm not being cocky here, but normally riki can't play that bad, even with many detection.

                                          Also, here I provide a match that although cant be compared to your match (Since Riki counter Rubick and drow), they still buy dust and sentry like crazy

                                          I still deal most damage equal to slark and participate on many teamkills. In this case, my teammates has good disable so I could follow up with my ult, while the riki on your match doesnt have good stun to follow up


                                            Man, if I was given choice to either ban Riki or AM, I would still choose AM. So annoying when team picks that because it means AM will farm all day and rat, the worst case would be AM trying to rat late game and ended up throwing.


                                              @Nep Holy shit man tranquil boots is actually legit on 4th pos riki? gonna certainly try that shit


                                                He's pretty OP and I am a dirty riki spammer. It would be nice if they could nerf him in way that helps low bracket but doesn't effect high brackets since he is relatively underwhelming at 5k+

                                                low prio master

                                                  Remove invis

                                                  Atsaldets[Deez nuts]

                                                    i think that riki should be nerfed till ground. like WTF is his ulty...? fact that he can diff and ulty and get ez kill on supports early game and so on. but fact that he can make basher and scepter and have bashing ulty for 10 seconds with 10km AOE... CD 30 seconds. i couldnt even heal up from that if i had Hot... when he would have another ulty... 10 seconds beeing invulnerable. securing unreal arena where nenmy basically cant fight. like u wanna push mid tower. riki ez blink in with dagger does ulty for 10 seconds. teammates take down tower and racks and riki blink on mate with 2nd skill. - u got no force stuff bitch. u are tosted. u though that u can get out with inviz... when riki can pick gem. go in fucking other dimenstion where no1 can hit him, but still he have gem effect under his ulty... that ulty should be nerfed till ground 100 seconds CD atleast and it cant last for 10 seconds with 10km AOE for sure.


                                                      To counter Riki

                                                      The obvious is detection. Everyone thinks sentries and gem, but too many forget about Necronomicon. Detection is most crucial in the laning stage. Riki can't stay in a lane with a sentry. Unlike bounty, Riki's early game usefulness is pretty awful. Buy a sentry for every lane, unless you have a Bristleback, in which that case Riki cant do anything in that lane anyway.

                                                      Buy force staffs, glimmer capes, and ghost scepters to get out of smoke and Tricks of the Trade
                                                      Lots of popular heros counter him, Bounty Hunter, Zeus, Slardar, Bristleback but also heroes that have a long root such as naga, cm, and underlord. Riki still struggles with evasion and most low level Riki players do not think of going medallion into solar crest to alleviate this.
                                                      Don't get heroes that are fragile and only have an ability for escape such as Storm spirit, or Antimage.
                                                      Be aware that if your hero randomly seems like he stopped running, you just ran into a riki since he still has collision when invis. Also keep an eye on runes.

                                                      People forget just how good PA is vs Rikis. PA can tell if Riki is nearby with her passive disappearing and Riki will miss most of his attacks with her.

                                                      If he was to get a nerf, I would say make his invis cooldown longer. It would punish newer players when they are careless. Or you can buff Dust to last longer or slow more, because no one likes invis heroes.

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                                                        ... just played that game... Riki countered with ease in laning phase and i had glimmer by the time he had diffusal... couldnt really solo kill anyone on the team... i dont have the time nor inclination to look for all games i played against riki in this latest patch but im certain that i have more then 50% winrate over Riki pickers. As ive said before... it will probably get a slight nerf due to the outcry but he is far from the wrecking ball some claim him to be. Sure by the end he deals damage but it was spread out in his ulti ...didnt really pose much of a threat...

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                                                          -4 base damage again xd


                                                            @Valci not sure if he really doesnt pose a threat, a pos 4 riki that get countered early game still do 41k dmg? His damage done is ranked third, even higher than morphling. How's radiant still get stomped hard with that lineup? Although it is hard for riki to solo kill, but a simple dragontail/impale+ Trick Of Trades combo will do the trick.



                                                              just played this match not sure tho about the riki


                                                                @Nep ... here's the thing mate... when and how a hero does damage matters also. The reality is that Riki's damage was spread out compared to the morph for instance who's damage was for the most part single target (blowing someone up with the shotgun combo). Now obviously i cant do a play by play... but i can give you two examples off the top of my head where preemptive sentries gave us the opportunity to turn around a potential gank. Once in the midlane, on the dire high ground at the river and once on the dire high ground north of Rosh (where the ancients are). The first time i spotted Riki and Nyx coming for me so i proceeded to back off (cant remember if i had glimmer exactly) and throw upheaval on top of them as i know i had team mates relatively close and they came in at about the same time as the enemy Tiny... a golem dropped on top of them all solved the issue pretty fast with the help of my team. The other time i saw Riki stalking me so i didnt reveal i had vision and baited... i tanked through his ult with a shadow word (was left with 10-15% life), saw their DK and Nyx i think coming in so instantly turned around and Ulted... all of this gave time to my team to react. They died we didnt... simple enough really. This was all mid-game(ish) ofc... and the reality was that once we proceeded to group up our superior team-fight just came through because of the secured early game... The only lane we more or less gave free farm to was the morph's to a certain degree but as he was single target we itemized for him with Glimmer, BKBs, Blade Mails, Pipe etc. Riki just never felt like a real threat... i dunno how else to put it...

                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                  He's very strong right now, a lot of people don't like to admit it because of the stigma that only noobs struggle against invisible heroes.


                                                                    Just buy gem lol 4head


                                                                      @ Potato Marshal - yes he is... but strong doesnt mean OP. If measured for pick and winrates at the highest rank (which is really the only one relevant here) Riki is at 19% pick and 51,3% win. By the same token Bounty Hunter is at 21% pick and 54% win, Shadow Shaman 17,8% pick and 51,5% win, Void 16,6% pick 52,2% win etc etc etc... So does that make those heroes even more OP than Riki?

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