General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are some good offlane heroes for a beginner?

What are some good offlane heroes for a beginner? in General Discussion

    I'm around 2-3k MMR and I play mostly carries (jugg, tb, luna).
    Most of the times when someone else has taken carry, I'll play support on lion or wd. But I'm not that good at support and even when I do perform well, the carries don't always end the game fast (i.e they dont take advantage of an early game lead).
    So I've tried playing offlane but when I'm vs a trilane I end up chain feeding and if I'm in a dual vs dual lane, I trade farm with their carry but their carry often jungles/split pushes and gets the better of the deal.
    So I would like some suggestions for good offlane heroes for people like me who aren't used to playing 1v3 in the offlane.




        Tidehunter, bristleback, are probably the easiest for beginners. Built in passives help prevent feeding.

        Batrider can also 1v3 very effectively, but he's alot more advanced and does require team coordination.

        An honorable mention of underlord imo is the best offlaner, but he can be killed if not careful.

        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!