General Discussion

General DiscussionFactors deciding to go magic or physical sf

Factors deciding to go magic or physical sf in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    For me I just go physical when there are too many tanky heroes in the enemy team, otherwise magic every game. What other factors should i consider?


      I always plays physical because i cant hit razes


        Physical every game unless ur facing terrorblade or something

        Palmen aus Plastik

          i feel like i farm a lot faster with magical. What other heroes are like terrorblade? Windranger maybe?


            you are still allowed to raze creepwaves even if you go phsyical btw.

            i dont really think "magical" sf build is a thing outside of 2k. at least i cant remember a game that i won with a magical sf in my team

            Palmen aus Plastik

              eh?? sumail always goes magical. and the difference in farming i was referring to was you can raze a wave, raze two more camps and still regenerate enough mana to repeat that process again without depleting your mana pool. i personally farm faster that way, not saying the hero farms faster that way. It could, but I'm not commenting on that.


                you can buy clarities all day long.

                sumail goes magical build? is sumail known the be a good af player?
                is sumail even a good midlaner anymore?

                I saw sumail playing magical sf once and he sucked very bad and they lost the game because of it.


                  sumail is a professional dota player how is he not a good player? 2k retard trying to call a pro player bad lmfao

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                    Physical is better late game but u still should get the 8% amp talent and 40% cooldown probably, aghs is also quite good

                    Palmen aus Plastik

                      40 percent cd on physical for the bkb i guess? I like to stack my physical sf with passive items instead of active. Should I start including scythe and bloodthorne to make sense of the cd reduction further?

                      btw, sumail is rank 1 now. just found out.

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                      Stone Cold Steve Austin

                        40 percent cd is just too overwhelmingly good, no matter what you go for. BKB, Teleport, Dagger, Shadow, Hurricane, Manta, Mjollnirt, whatever you go for it will probably be worth it.


                          Why does the aura talent have higher winrate though?just people trying it out while winning?


                            Aura has more of a raid boss feel to it doesn't it? Pretty sure people get it when they are Godlike already.


                              40% cd reduction is not necessarily the greatest synergy with passive items, but its probably better than the aura
                              i really like drows cd reduction talent too


                                I generally opt for magic if there are squishy heroes who I can burst, and physical if fights are more drawn out, thus needing sustained damage.

                                The other factor is team fight and gank potential of the opponents. My magic build will generally include bots, and I spend a lot more time split pushing and shoving lanes. If the enemy has a heap of heroes who can initiate on you, that is obviously extremely risky. Conversely, if they have a lot of team fight heroes but lack any towerpushers, you can split push very effectively. Overall, which build I go depends if I'm trying to open the game up and spread people, or take team fights.

                                And yes, magic build does farm faster. Not necessarily because of the build itself, but as per the above, you generally opt for it when you have more space. You also put a lot of value in a quick lvl 25, whereas not as necessary to rush on physical build.

                                Regarding talents, I actually think the -armour for buildings and the lvl 25 -armour talent are good for physical build. If you have someone that can seige, you can rip through buildings without much trouble, pressuring the enemy to engage, or lose their base if they stall.


                                  Go magical SF if they have CK or Terrorblade. You can go magical against Tinker too, since it's easier to kill him.

                                  Go physical SF if you're against team with lots of AFK-farming heroes that'll most likely spend their time pushing the lanes towards you or farming any of jungles.

                                  If you're going to play against 5-man team or lots of heroes that'll gank you early on and will force team-fights, I'd sugest going magical build because it's simply not worth it to go physical, coinsidering they'll have supports dedicated to sentry everything.


                                    Sf simply out from the meta since the 3 nerf on raze and 2 of his talent, don't pick him, try wr instead


                                      pls if u around 2k dont ever think to build magical sf....

                                      i see many sf player always stomping mid and end up losing because buying stupid shit like eul and blink. when u can buy butterfly end the game quick.

                                      fck sf player tho. autistic same like techies


                                        ^same in 3k

                                        they buy sb euls after winning mid. run around the map trying to blow people up (fail ofc) meanwhile they dont get much farm and then you loose minute 30.


                                          I always plays physical because i cant hit razes



                                   | This is how you play SF in your bracket )


                                              and thats why you are 49 winrate


                                                Depends on my mood

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