General Discussion

General DiscussionMatch Insight

Match Insight in General Discussion

    Hello Lads,

    Back to Dota after a while and would appreciate any insight from high MMR players regarding below Match:

    So basically I felt Jugg had vision on me the entire game and he confirmed when he commented on my item purchase while I was dead(around 49 mins) hence out of vision and he even went on to taunt that he can see me. I know for sure something was fishy.

    As Naga I felt pretty strong Mid game and did typical naga things even as team fed PA but died to Jugg multiple times which changed the game, so can any one share insights if I could have done anything different to carry this game. I feel like i am always losing to Drow Jugg Necro lineups as Naga so how do I deal with them as Naga.

    Kind Regards :)

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