Today we’re very excited to drop the curtain and reveal a few big changes to Dotabuff! If you hadn’t yet noticed, now has a new, more modern design that better matches the visual identity in Dota 2 Reborn.
Additionally, Dotabuff is now entirely responsive. This means that it is mobile friendly, and works well on a variety of screen sizes. So yes, even those with a Windows Phone can have a nice experience on Dotabuff now (I hope - we never tested it). You can check out your last matches, and even compare all of the detailed Truesight statistics on any device. Elements have been organized to fit whatever screen you’re using, be it your desktop PC between matches, your phone at work the next day, or your tablet while watching a Dota match on your TV. Most importantly, shitposting on the forums from your phone has never been easier.<!--END_PREVIEW-->
Also new is a dynamic homepage full of content: we think you’ll agree that it offers quite a bit more than a search box. If you’re logged in (which we assume you are!), your last 5 matches will be summarized in the top right of the home page. We hope this will make it even easier to recap your day or quickly jump to a match.
With TI5 rapidly approaching, we also have some exciting additions to the homepage planned for the event. Dotabuff will be the best place to catch up on the event and find interesting stats, regardless of if you’re at home, at a pubstomp or in Seattle watching live.
For many players their Dotabuff profile is the most direct representation of the time they have invested into Dota. We think that the new Dotabuff offers a much more approachable experience for new players and veterans alike, and should make it easier to share your Dota profile with friends.
I would love to thank the team who worked very hard on this project, often working through their weekends and forgoing important Dota playtime to make this happen before TI5. I’m really proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish and we’re confident that the new design will provide a platform to launch additional new and exciting features!
Thanks for checking out the new site changes, and we would love to hear any feedback you have!
ggwp :)
Wow I am really digging this new layout! Well done!
Now for Source 2 replay analysis capability.
^ We're getting close on that one ;-)
govno reborn
Nice job, looks cool ;)
Personally, I preferred the black. Potentially different color schemes could be nice?
> Well played!
> Well played!
> Well played!
> Well played!
> Well played!
> Well played!
> Well played!
How can I back to the older look of the site?
заебусь привыкать
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Hey! I like the design. There is one bug though, which is really annoying. When I open a game in a new tab (Mac OS X: CMD+Click, Google Chrome), it opens a new tab AND opens the game in the same tab.
I like it very much, but will have to get used to it. :)
If you use the Chrome zoom feature, the sidebars break.
Also the rank sorter in the Rankings tab is broken
Thanks, looking into sidebar issues
Love it, keep up the good work guys!
it is fckn perfect, my friend
I don't really like all the green links. I feel like a sky blue would look a lot better.
For example..
Great, ty!
I don't like how hovering a menu item brings up the submenu that shifts the whole content below.
I like it, but can you somehow make the "dotabuff" logo (the red box) to somewhat different, looks kinda out of place.
"Phantom ass..."
I'll just have to say that I can't find myself in the search engine because there's 150+ other players with "kaz" in their name and I don't know if i can force it to only go for kaz.
This is godlike *_*
That's all I can do. Meh.
I like the new design. Decided to sign up for plus now, been a long time coming but I can see you guys work hard on this.
@ SPiTFirE
I kinda prefer the colors of the old one :(
This is good but that was better
Well maked Dotabuff team! Much appreciated!
Now if you add the missing strings for translation all will be perfect
gg boys
Works without problems in Windows Phone at the moment.
Rankings issue should be fixed, thanks for the reports
The site looks amazing. Keep up the good work!
good stuff!
Where have you moved the Hero Dmg, Hero Healing, Tower Dmg stats? I can't find them. :/
nice job, kee up the good work boys/grills.
nice work guys
Looks great! Thank you
When you hover over one of the tabs at the top, the sub-menu pushes the rest of the page down. Could you make it so that it goes over the page content rather than pushing it down?
Looks great! One small thing though - I can't control click matches anymore to make them open in a new tab, it now opens a new tab but also goes there on the main page. Could this be fixed?
It looks great, but for one thing.
I'm on a widescreen 1920x1080 resolution, and I have 450 pixels of gray space on each side of the website.
If my terrible math is correct, that's close to half of my screen width. Are there plans to fill this space up? I'm not a web designer, so I don't think I would know what fits, but you guys seem to know what I want to see from stat pages, and I'd love to get more!
Design is cool, but D2:Reborn sux a bit for now. :<
Y'all seem to have messed something up. It's showing me as having lost 9 out of my last 11 games.
That can't possibly be right... right?