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Коментарів: 23

    plz dont nerf tusk

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      If in case of Windranger there is still room for discussion on player skill and luck, in case of Lina it is pretty clear that she is weak not only as a hero in the current meta, but also as a hero in general.
      If in case of Windranger there is still room for discussion on player skill and luck, in case of Lina it is pretty clear that she is weak not only as a hero in the current meta, but also as a hero in general.
      If in case of Windranger there is still room for discussion on player skill and luck, in case of Lina it is pretty clear that she is weak not only as a hero in the current meta, but also as a hero in general.

      Ayrton Senna

        yoooo wp wp


          Man, you totally missed your shot about windranger.

          It's just called tuskar, dazzle and winter wyvern, which are both some of the best sup-off and some of the strongest heroes in the game against her.
          (es is also pretty strong at unallowing her to get a kill).

          Цей коментар був відредагований
          3k scrubs

            Surprised at dark seer's KDA


              OSfrog Le balanced patch OSfrog


                Feel WW had great impact on most games


                  Pretty sure shackleshot works mostly "as intended". The only weird looking thing about it is that it arcs onto moving targets, which changes its flying direction slightly. But the latch search radius isn't based on which direction shackle was moving, but where the shackle hits the target in relation to where shackle was cast - so sometimes it looks really random, and, if the target blinked, for instance, blatantly wrong.

                  SHIN  POLO PS...

                    very good


                      'shoutout to EternalEnvy and best of luck in the future tournaments!'



                        OG IS THE BEST :)


                          We need techies buffs its obvious he needs all pure damage. Sounds reasonable. Hahaha, but seriously buff chen


                            "Surprised at dark seer's KDA" ion shell=assist. Also DS is usually somewhere in the mid of the fight, but raraely focused after he used main spells.
                            In my own games he is still holding assist record.

                            One_Tap 1

                              говнари ебаные


                                my congratulations ^^


                                  SF: "At the same time he is quite susceptible to early game pressure and can't catch up very well."

                                  Where do you get this rubbish? All SF has to do is double raze a few stacked camps and he's already ahead of the enemy mid after a rough start. The camps don't even need to be stacked, he can still catch up easily.

                                  Sei la

                                    Liam, the point is that Shadow Fiend isn't supposed to 'catch up', but to get ahead, stay ahead and end ahead. If at a any point SF loses this edge, there's a huge number of carries who can simply outcarry SF and be overall better (save from a miraculous Requiem, of course)

                                    But, yep, good analyzis

                                    Sun Tzu Apostle

                                      Shackle works like Templar Assassin and her Psi Blades in that it latches in relation to where the caster (Windranger) is as ability (Shackleshot) lands as opposed to where it is cast from.

                                      Derp's missing tax files

                                        Currently the Enchanted Mango only has a 36.43% win rate. Together, we as a community, have the ability to fix this problem and end this horrific tragedy. Please help. It is our duty as gamers to give this item the respect it is due.


                                          nerf miracle

                                          △ Smoke

                                            Nice play by OG with Ember *Eternal envy. Undying and Earthshaker best support on Frankfurt Major this year.

                                            Yves Saint Dushman
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                                                играю в доту уже 1 день я про за рики убью их всех