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Коментарів: 22

    Sumail's Invoker is trash.

    El Goblino

      2st, just the tip?


        why ppl say first!! second!!! third!!! and so on in these posts? just for fun? i usually read this blog when I can, but if I write a commend usually is to talk about the article itself. anyway..... I love play Earth spirit and I really enjoy the fact that finally he's getting his right place in the most played heroes!!




            nooo dont nerf earthspirit anymore :l


              Oh come on! Just a little bit more nerfs and Earth will be trash ,so much my time invested in that hero


                God no, please don't nerf my beloved Earth Spirit. :(


                  Yep as it was said...Venge is a very solid pick and don´t reveal any strategy, I just love her at cm.. but I hope when they nerf earth spirit(which actually requires skill) they won´t buff that anti fun hero Doom. So happy it is 5v5 not like with doom 5v4 or 4v4. This meta seems pretty versatile let a side Invoker(it´s not his first time anyway).


                    we need to buff Storm Spirit (ulti mana cost) and buff puck (silence duration) or at least pure damage orb

                    LET ME COOK TY

                      dont nerf my lone druid :( ive been playing him before he got buffed


                        Invoker is well balanced now (that Invoke level 1 isn't much but feels right). Also, VS with Shadow Blade in lanes is pretty dangerous. Late game, though, becomes quite potato.


                          It is sad that icefrog bases his hero changes on professional crap rather than casual players of dota...

                          Kor Kaza

                            Icefrog Logic: Holy shit, Venge, Lone Druid, and Invoker are playable again! Better make them useless again ASAP, and go back to 0 skill right click meta! BrokeBack FailFish

                            anti-hero in my own damn ...

                              Kaolin FTW! dont nerf plox


                                Another major contribution to these heros is the fact that their counters have been nerfed significantly. Earth Spirit and Spectre were countered by the heavily nerfed Huskar.

                                Other carry options have been nerfed so much, that they are almost insignificant. RIP Storm Spirit, Phantom Assasin, Bloodseeker, Phantom Lancer

                                Mr Meow

                                  What about the 38 bans of Bambi in America ??

                                  ||GuNNeR|| [A]

                                    Time for alliance to shine :)

                                    Derp's missing tax files

                                      Code of Conduct!?? RIP previous comment section.

                                      Also, currently the Enchanted Mango has a win rate of 34.47%. Together, we as a community, have the ability to fix this problem and end this horrific tragedy. Please help. It is our duty as gamers to give this item the respect it is due.

                                      Buyback enjoyer

                                        come on man .. youre still on that mango shit .. god damn, thats so last year


                                          requesting DOTABUFF PLUS code ty :D


                                            I have been giving the Mango the respect it is due. When I'm losing games, I buy them up. How's that for respect?


                                              Don't care who you buff or nerf since i play them all. playing dota from the first patch.