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Коментарів: 46
Bussin' no cap vibes tbh





        1st. Zz...
        Edit: Damn

        Цей коментар був відредагований

          Seems as though some of the categories you have for items/abilities are a bit off.

          I've seen blademail listed as 'pure' damage and mkb bash damage being listed as 'physical'


            @The Dekel since the change to blademail we can no longer determine the damage type being reflected. I'll look into MKB.


              You guys are absolutely incredible!


                I noticed that Lone Druid's bear does not count entangle or his roar/ other abilities. Is this intentional? Or oversight?

                Yowai Mo

                  I'm a monkey huehuehue

                  Great Explosion Murder God

                    Too. many. numbers

                    Looks like purges excel sheets

                    Kai no Kiseki

                      Oracle is bugged. Doesn't show heal he does on enemy that was not purged.

                      sopa en mi yolk

                        And this has to be release when my plus runs out in a few hours, great

                        LESBIAN WEREWOLF

                          whoever this jason dude is, he a savage lad


                            This is a great feature. Nice work

                            Deep Vein Thrombosis
                              Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                              The World, Inverted

                                Nice job on the feature, but one thing: dispersion from spectre is reflected back as the damage type it was taken, so it is not pure.

                                Player 215168758

                                  When I play invoker vs spectre, I received 800+ dispersion damage in 1 teamfight , insanely painful :D


                                    Hah, I knew it, new DB+ features :D

                                    Clare: Reloaded

                                      I Played a game as visage and it shows 0 seconds of stun even though i stunned with my familiars. Perhaps controlled units don't count yet?

                                      Professor Dog

                                        Anyone else notice the new mod :D he plays veno :))


                                          и как это работает, ну т.е как ее включать?


                                            Great update.

                                            [FaO] JoJoBird

                                              Why are the damage numbers different from the totals on the overview? Is one pre and one post reductions?

                                              sin blyadi

                                                DB shows hero damage uncorrectly. Dota and DB show different values

                                                The DarKNovA

                                                  Great feature, but "give us more money" is the sad underline.

                                                  Big Daddy C
                                                    Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                      @Admins: Silver Edge effect is added as slow. Since 6.87 the item does not slow anymore (no maim - sange component). Please update this. Otherwise I find it a great and useful addition. Keep up the good work! :)




                                                          pure reflected damage is now source type but there's technicalities which cannot determine which kind it is


                                                            Great job! Interesting addition to plus

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                            Vem Comigo

                                                              Darwf Fortress is the most complicated game you will ever play.


                                                                So much maths involved x.x


                                                                  Darwf Fortress is the most complicated game you will ever play.

                                                                  I knew someone was going to say that!


                                                                    This could be so cool, if you didn't have to pay money for it. Thumbs down

                                                                    Dr. Banana

                                                                      "This could be so cool, if you didn't have to pay money for it. Thumbs down"
                                                                      D+ is cheap but the main problem is about actually paying the money. Not everybody has credit cards. I wish you could use your steam wallet though.


                                                                        The new Combat tab is available for recent matches that have been analyzed by TrueSight, including all Esports matches and those with one or more Dotabuff Plus subscribers.

                                                                        Yesterday I played two matches with a Dotabuff Plus subscriber, but in none of them I can access the Combat tab. Am I misunderstanding something?

                                                                        [FaO] JoJoBird

                                                                          @Socram my guess is you need to be a dotabuff subscriber as well and that paragraph only refers to them reanalyzing matches of subscribers for recent history. I'm a subscriber and I can check combat stats for a few days back for myself and of course all current. My guess is they had to rerun truesight for matches to get this analysis and they only did it for the people who could see it, but if you become subscriber now you will only see your history matches if at the the time a subscriber was involved. Not sure how they'll handle it for the future but that's what I gathered from that paragraph at least. Hope that makes sense and of course I might be completely off.

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                            I cant w8 to get dotabuff plus again


                                                                              This is absolutely amazing. So glad I subscribe. Cheers!


                                                                                great addition! good work guys.


                                                                                  Seems cool! :) Could you put a small black lines separating the purple fields in the crowd control chart. The shades of purple are hard to distinguish from each other.


                                                                                    ofc spectres damages comes on dispersion ,what more u hit that more u pain,great carry ,more like this carrys pls .


                                                                                      I love it, can't understand the seemingly huge difference in hero damage however, as some one noted above HD in game client and DB showed different numbers, are the now further different numbers in combat tab more accurate?


                                                                                        i dont like it ,all secrets come visible.