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Коментарів: 15

    Binging on the Manila Major Qualifiers. Doom is almost ALWAYS picked or banned first phase.


      Well dooms infernal blade is base hp based so he is really reliable pick in this patch and of course we know Chinese teams love doom


        In the last paragraph you wrote, "[herto=lion]"

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        Execute Order 322

          Im wondering why don't they pick/ban timbersaw. He's very good against str heroes. However, slardar and doom are also good vs fatties, yet they have more "reliable" skills rather than timber does :/

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            sad invoker :(

            Vem Comigo



                Formatting error in penultimate paragraph


                  The upcoming Epicenter tournament (starting on Sunday, 9th)
                  Sunday is 8th.

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                  Fang Yuan

                    the true winner of 6.87 is elder titan

                    J. Craser

                      Meanwhile I'm just sitting here waiting for the Manila battle pass to drop

                      < blank >

                        new patch always won't been discover that early, even last patch hot pick just been find out at about before the release of new patch.

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                          Storm might be back,but it's too early to tell


                            ofc storm is back,he was good hero before but with that new crit int item hes too OP,but i dont understand why china fears alchemist,there are not many rly good alchemist on games ,but there are many crazy ass slardars
                            also slardar alot better hero than alc

                            kelly lee owens

                              How do you see the stats of picks and bans in professional games for 6.87 on dotabuff?

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                carry io armlet + two maelstrom + mom is even stronger now