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Коментарів: 81

    Sorry for the cleave mistake, added a small note in to clarify that of course its 70% - thanks for pointing it out everyone


      This article is worth reading for this alone (for me at least):

      "Ideally heroes will approach the ward cluster from opposite sides to avoid taking splash damage from their attacks."

      Also, I'm sure the authors encourage Edits/typo suggestions, but there are respectful ways to say this.

      I for one love these articles and want more.


        A good article! (For once)


          I was wondering if WK had two battlefuries and crits a creep with enemies in the aoe. It would deal so much damage. I know its highly unlikely but just letting you know that it's a possibility. Maybe they could make a change to WK's crit like for what they did to Brewmaster. A mention about items... They either need to reduce the damage returned from blademail or make it magical again or even increase its price by introducing a recipe. Its worth more than 2200gold.


            Just buy blade mail .. him will died if attack it

            Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

              @Dotorats, what they did to Brewmaster in that sense? :3


                His crits have a certain trigger time

                Цей коментар був відредагований

                  His crit used to have chances just like PA and WK but now its different. Just look it up. I mentioned WK because he does more damage to creeps when critting. It would work on anyone with crit damage but WK has a 500%crit. So... U get it? XD


                    >implying sven isn't useless piece of meat

                    JOHN TRAZ DE VOLTA

                      Why don't do you an article about the new arising community of dota 2 players that only plays "Low Priority" games? They refuse to play regular games, as they do whatever they need to get "punished" with low-priority games, they flame, quit, abbandon whenever they're in normal games. They have a different play style, as the one is required to play in low priority games - heavy teamplay snowball. As in low priority no one has roles, the only role is to win as a team. They're a new underground community arosing from the dota 2 scene! Thanks.


                        fird :)


                          Okay so for everyone b***ing about 35+35 being 75 read that sentence again OR just go here:
                          It stacks additively which means you can't just sum them, there is a formula for certain stacking types (those can be as well checked out at the link mentioned previously)


                            Ranged heroes have only splash (centered on target), usually the more nearer to the target the more bigger the splash damage dealt. ex: DK Dragon Form Lv 2-3, Magnus Aghs



                              hey mr. can you also elaborate on TA's thirds skill and PA + Battle FUry and Stifling Dagger?

                              -Everything they build will be destroyed


                                "Magnus say hi!" Magnus isn't an item lol.


                                  Actually the best way to counter cleave damage dealt by Sven is to make him no longer able to cleave.
                                  And silver edge is the best choice.


                                    @matrice : Technically you can't buy an item to give ranged heroes splash damage. Magnus has to empower you. He is using his native ability.


                                      Very inciteful article. I now know more about Cleave.


                                        @Katie That page clearly says that cleave is additive, not multiplicative. xD So they do stack exactly to 70%. It was a typo and people love attacking tiny imperfections. Please be sure to read the article you quote before saying something that isn't on it.


                                          Guys stop asking about range units and magnus. We all know that only luna can cleave.

                                          Künstliche Intelligenz

                                            1- DK in elder dragon form lvl>1 actually cleaves...
                                            2- I've never heard of the item named "Mekanism"!
                                            3- Magnus aghs adds cleave to ranged heros.
                                            4- There are some ranged units that have cleave like ancient black dragon or shadow shaman's mass serpent wards...
                                            + A lot of minor errors

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                                            el natto bueno

                                              "There is no item you can buy to give a ranged hero a splash attack." >>>>>> magnus scepter

                                              Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                "For example, Sven’s max cleave range is actually the same as his Storm Hammer range (600 units)." Sven's Great Cleave radius is 300 at all levels /:


                                                  Okay ur mama bitch all,thanks


                                                    Great article always good to learn more about how the game works.


                                                      @Quinkerros that's the whole point of that section; I'd recommend you re-read. Radius is 1/2 of diameter, which is total range. So if the radius is 300, your range is actually 600. Your common misconception is precisely why that section was included!

                                                      @Msitua As the article states, ranged heroes use splash, not cleave. They behave differently, as the article outlines.

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                        still dont get it.................


                                                          cleave on ursas fury swipes does not work, right?

                                                          Morgan Freefarm

                                                            There should be an upgrade to Dragon Lance that gives splash damage. Hurricane Pike is rarely good.

                                                            TZM Cut Te

                                                              Nice :)

                                                              pussies literature

                                                                pick oracle for counter sven, u can win early game easily