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Коментарів: 40
sopa en mi yolk




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        Mr. Furryhentai


          Guilty Spark

            Dendi for president 2016


              od Astran areglen the prison has cast range



                fans will be loyal if they have the same team members,foster changes tend to break us apart..


                  "Is there ever a reason to chant EU-ROPE? What if you’re British?" I LAUGHED WAY TOO HARD AT THIS

                  no handshake

                    Literally the best pictures you could have picked to illustrate the article. Kappa


                      Dendi virgin (с) Xboct on stream


                        Good article. My impression is that fans tend to adopt their favorite pro players, rather than pro teams. I like Universe, Fear, Pieliedie, and Dendi, so I tend to watch whatever team they are currently playing for.

                        The team-changing by professional dota players is on the extreme end of things, even when compared to a high-turnover sport like NFL (where a player playing for two teams in the same season/year is quite rare). Pro dota players have far more control over their careers than almost any other type of team-sport athletes.


                          Landish I agree, I watch pro dota to see my favourite players rather than teams. I find that players move around quite often so its best just to follow the player.

                          Of course currently I enjoy watching Miracle but I will always be a fan of Fear and Dendi!

                          When I first started out with dota I was a fan of Na'Vi but the way that team has changed makes it hard to be loyal 'to the team'...
                          For football fans its easy because you are loyal to your local club and so you that is the main supporting drive.

                          Granpire Viking Man

                            Even as a kid, I never tended to get attached to hockey teams from my region. I always liked the team that impressed me and played impressively. That would tend to change from year to year.

                            Right now I love OG. I love that they've stuck together through the roster shuffles, I love their unpredictable drafts, their camaraderie, their pure individual skill. They can execute any combo, they are three steps ahead of what any team is planning.

                            I think a lot of people connect to stability, and that's part of the reason why people love Navi, because Dendi is the loveable foundation of that team. When EG switches its roster a dozen times in a year, how can you be a fan of EG?


                              Liquid all the way, KuroKy FATA- German pride!!


                                "what if you're British?" LMAO!! BREXIT burn!!!

                                Epic Sax Guy

                                  There's an error in the article: no Swede on DC, Misery is Danish.


                                    i fucking hate dota.

                                    Sei la

                                      I really don't get why it's such a must for murican fans to chant 'USA! USA!' to any non-asian team. It actually sounds cringe-y af

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                                        [A]lliance fangay since ti3

                                        Sei la

                                          Also... only Dota TWO is 6 years old... the whole dota thing ages way longer than that... EG.Fear has been on the road for more than a decade now!

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                                          Caramel Baker

                                            i met puppey once, i cummed so hard.


                                              [A] Fandog here since their team name is "no tidehunter"

                                              I Have- 900 MMR

                                                Meniski TI 6 Confirm


                                                  "childhood nostalgia and emotional scars"
                                                  nice one


                                                    Last xD

                                                    силы уходят

                                                      wtf author
                                                      actually active roster of DC contents American (Moo), Ukrainian (Resolut1on), Macedonian (Saksa), ROMANIAN (w33) and DANE (MiSeRy)

                                                      I'm DADDY

                                                        Fuck this society, it's not even real. Everyone keeps pretending its a fun thing to do but it isn't. These players are just human like us and their career shouldn't be significantly tolerated. You go to school for a purpose and that's legit. Just play dota2 or watch tournament only if you're depressed but its not even helping, its only good if you're winning. Don't support any of this shitty player. They just play and make a different kind of strategy, still the hero plays doesn't change, An Infinite loop of insanity. Wake up everyone.


                                                          ^ Nope, not today troll, not today


                                                            why kentucky?


                                                              Alliance got a top 3 highest fanbase and u put em in locals, delete ur article pls


                                                                I started following EG post DAC and have been following them since then even when Universe left the team. To me EG is my FCB and I will keep on supporting it till the end even if they change all the players of current roster.

                                                                FrosT 霜

                                                                  Alliance till the end


                                                                    Community could use a lot of Improvement ,boycott compendium for instance because it fucks up the game.
                                                                    I play since 2009 2 months after the first TI and the thing is quite simple :
                                                                    Every last year it was better ,less hats more dota.
                                                                    Compendiums and cosmetics are killing the game,
                                                                    you should pay for your account 20 bucks and there should be perma ban


                                                                      The fundamental problem is that player salaries are dwarfed by prize pools. So whenever a player feels like he needs a different roster to get the prize pool, he initiates a shift (either kicking players or moving himself).


                                                                        Kind sad for @fsociety, saying like that but still here commenting & reading this section lul #R[A]T !!


                                                                          In truth, the teams are made up of any 5 players. Watching teams in Dota means watching the players. How this compares to in, let's just say, British Soccer league, where teams like Liverpool, Chelsea, etc have coaches/managers/ideologies which represent the team... this is not the case in Dota 2 and other eSports games; players switch and captains often depict playing styles. Old Na`Vi had Puppey, a legendary tactician and captain... those who agree with his ideals and play style will move with him (IMO). Likewise with Alliance, who invented the "Rat", a team who brought new, exciting and desperate exploits which the world of Dota hadn't seen before. If all the players moved over to a different brand, would Alliance still be Alliance? Is Alliance still NoTidehunter (even tho EE isn't there anymore)? I think the largest change would be a team like Fnatic, who if you said you were a so-called "diehard" fan of the team, your ideals would have had to shift not only play styles, but complete regions, where the team moved out of EU and into SEA, taking the entire name with them. While Fnatic today is a great team, supporting the Fnatic of old would have you supporting OG... and their dominance over the scene has been incredible the past few months.

                                                                          As a diehard Na`Vi fan, I have to say that my team probably comes the closest to a team you can become "diehard" for... while captains, coaches and players have changed quite drastically (considering Dendi is the only one still there from the TI2 squad), their hardcore man-up, balls-to-the-wall play style has not changed, and IMO has become better with the introduction of General and Ditya recently.

                                                                          While players rotate squads and coaching becomes a definite part of eSports organisations, I think it would be quite awesome to see an organisation built around certain ideals... Ideals that say "This is who we are", and allows players to say "I like *enter team name* because of their insane team plays and their resilience to fight to the last minute, not calling GG till the throne is down". I think we'll get there soon. May the Dota culture begin.

                                                                          senior professional griefer

                                                                            it's so obvious that an american wrote this article.

                                                                            holy fucking shit thank god you can enjoy following a competitive sport without the local bias.

                                                                            The Laughing Man

                                                                              [A] Forever.


                                                                                Well, i'm a big Na'Vi fan since ti2 maybe ( coz i have their second season jersey with dendi signature on it ), i really see the improvement in the fanbase of every team, it is much bigger than 1 - 2 years ago, the hype of dota2 pro scene in my country is not really that big, we only have small group of people that really enjoying dota2 pro scene, maybe someday the hype of dota2 will rise just like football basketball etc.