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Коментарів: 31

    me 4 koira ollemme emme pelkää m,itään siksi olemme niin pelkäämättömiä
    miä siä juho egi

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      Nero Scarlet

        Good article as always. Keep it up.

        No doubt Wings is the most versatile team, but the title for the best team is still debatable.

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        Spinning nuts

          wings might be the best team though




              6th never too late


                7th not too late

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                  doc joferlyn simp

                    9th never too late

                    Banana Juice

                      In my humble opinion, in the dotabuff comments it is never too late to think that I am going to say I am the 10th. Hahaha hahaha.




                          The one who said i'm the best usually isn't.

                          The Robot Devil

                            In a diverse meta, I'm going with Wings until some other team shows anything close to their hero range. They just have a much better chance of outmaneuvering other teams during the draft, and while I don' t think they're the best tactically, they're damn good.

                            I'll be rooting for EG like usual but I really like watching Wings.


                              Who said puppey is core player....


                                When they say core, they mean the people that gives the team the identity, not the core roles. Can you guys think outside of dota first, then dota second maybe? Smh.


                                  I always think about professional dota teams of 6 players? Like in soccer or ice hockey every team has a player that can be substitute. This could lead to lesser team changes and longer team development without the nescessity to switch every season. It also ensures readyness in case of illness or indisposition. An finally you can have more signature heroes or specialists in your team.


                                    17th never ever too late


                                      you see, those who have no constructive comments and keep posting their orders are usually 1k scrubs.

                                      wings undoubtedly showed the world they are the best this year.
                                      their hero pool and synergy is way better than any other teams currently.
                                      i would give them the best team for 2016.. of all time... well too early to say since they are only in the scene for 1 year.


                                        it usually takes some form of "unseen" tactics to win TI sometimes...

                                        TI1, TI2 and TI5 were generally uneventful.

                                        TI3 alliance won with "rat dota". Then an unseen style of play.

                                        TI4 Newbee won with "deathball" Then another unseen style of play.

                                        TI6 Wings won it out of pure versatility.


                                          what was the point of this article? This was dull, recycled humdrum


                                            I always think about professional dota teams of 6 players?

                                            Nice idea. Team has lost a game, and substitute is coming. Wow, what's their plan? Another hero pool, possibly totally different draft strategy. Looks cool.

                                            And I not believe in Wings. One win is nothing. OG seemed undefeatable some time ago. Then Newbee crushed all the records. And where are they?


                                              IF U WIN A FUCKING TI UR THE BEST TEAM .PERIOD.


                                                We are talking best team all time not currently, so I have to say wings is not the best team they did not have to play OG, Newbee or liquid the three "favorites". They had a good group stage but third place out of eight is hardly dominant. They just found interesting ways to use all aspects of the meta while playing at an extremely high level, which I think is highly impressive and deserving of a TI but not the best team of all time.

                                                ♥Bᴇᴀ♥ (single and happy)
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                                                    i cant like the chinese teams sorry they seem like they dont have personality at all, well i like ice3x hes not chinesse hes asian but the guy is funny he can joke and stuff...i played and watched sc1 for a loong time until 2013 or something the koreans are so different more fun and funny....i cannot seeanything from i the only one who feels like this?
                                                    its kinda offtopic but i hated when wings won ti...


                                                      Chinese masterrace is back lads/lass.

                                                      Honestly I find it really surprising that most western teams failed to perform! Let's hope a western comeback will be a thing this new season.


                                                        IM BLUE

                                                        *FarizTampan99 2nd

                                                          ofc wings is the best team , no one cant argue about that

                                                          except Itali won World Cup title by materazzi bastard made Zidane angry , so Zidane got red card

                                                          i cant remember all the detail of that match

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                                                          I'mS oFuckiNg B aD

                                                            31st.. well as you all said "never too late"