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Коментарів: 44
Ghastly Wail

    I kinda like him.
    But well, never thought he's the right choice to pick.

    "][" {[]} {[]} {[_

      2nd im so happy naw

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      CћæФsþђΞяe ㊙

        Some things can also be explained by TRENDS and not necessarily coming into meta. DAC featured a range of teams unlike Valve Events, teams which have practiced different Metas and under different Trends. Not being a cynic and not that there's anything wrong with it but Almost All Top Tier Teams don't play around with heroes which can be countered by OTHER Top Tier Teams, they don't take needless chances n am always impressed by Top Tier Teams who pick experimental (in pro-scene) heroes even when playing against another such teams.

        Lester, Moe

          silencer isnt a support fuckwit


            I spam him way too much tbh, but I find him fun to play.

            I'm almost always in pos 4/5, so when playing with strangers, I pick him because I know I will always have some chance to transition if I need too. I also think people undervalue Arcane Curse. I cant count the times I get a random kill 30 seconds after a fight.

            Its can also never really be that bad to pick a global silence up, though I admit I am guilty of sometime picking him only to wake up and realise I have forced the core into needing to pick a hero with a stun.


              He is fun and is needed in some cases but not a go for pick hero and his talent tree isn't that good

              < blonk >

                whenever an enemy silencer got his refresher, i just say 'fuck it we gg'. i hate core silencers


                  The good thing about silencer is that you can start him as a support and later transition into a core role if things go well. If you like to play aggressive it should suit you.


                    super strong pick in pubs and I do agree that he fits more as pos 3 or something rather then main carry or the reliable core. He is of good use with his skills and he can always scale and become a carry if needed.


                      I was playing silencer back when his q drained mana, he was one of the best heroes at driving heroes out of lane. Good times.

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                      Erase Humanity

                        He is a good counter to magic heavy lineups. His pure damage scale with attack speed and intelligence. His stats gain is among the strongest too.

                        Steph Carry

                          Can someone explain why Silencer has a good "catch versus highly-mobile heroes"? How does he chase down mobile heroes/what can he do against a mobile hero that is fleeing/pursuing?

                          ♏mikeeCS ツ

                            ^^ global silence followed up by his "last word".
                            effective against mobile heroes with spell such as Akasha, AM, Puck, Ember, Weaver, sometimes slark, uhmm....what else.....
                            "countered" by BKB, Manta, Eul, or even blink.

                            Edit : I'm not really sure if Global silence dispellable by BKB, Manta, or Eul.
                            Maybe someone below me could help

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                            Erase Humanity

                              Mobile heroes either have high base movement speed like Luna or[and] have mobility spells like Void. Silencer has a slow, long range pure auto attack and two 6 seconds silences.

                              xMeric 紫影

                                Good harass early on, and on paper his utility looks good. But once enemies get Eul/Manta/BKB he falls off badly.. unless you stolen enough int for your Glaives to matter. Wish his Q drained mana again. That was annoying back then.

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                                  silencer is a good support that can transition into a right clicking core in late game especialy if u stole much ints.. His rnge and pure damage is good

                                  getting bj'ed and distracted

                                    Global silence will silence a spell-immune hero, but is dispellable with bkb.

                                    Darth Plagueis the Wise

                                      "Split pushing is almost dead" according to the April 9th update giving towers increased armor with more heroes in its range, no split pushing is not "almost dead"


                                        The good thing with Global Silence is, even they buy BKB, you'll still be silenced.


                                          Mr steal your intel lul. i had an ultimate shitfest in 1k mmr in this match i even get nearly get 2 int per min in this match lul



                                            yes,split pushing is viable again..
                                            and NP is back !

                                            JAR OF URSA

                                              I feel the writer is writing just to write some more blog posts.........

                                              Wonder what he wants to explain.

                                              But I agree rat is a very sad stray currently. If they bunch up, the map changes and hero changes make sure that you can't mount a defense. Pretty sad yes

                                              Merky Chumpis

                                                Good read but why is the picture of dragon knight?

                                                a kitten

                                                  Thanks for the breakdown, it's really helpful to place why I've felt like I've had a mixed experience with Silencer since 7.00.

                                                  You've inspired me to give Warlock a look now, too. Cheers.


                                                    That is not DK o.o Silencer is a boss Love the hero. Especially Mid. You don't feed get some LH and stay relevant youll be aboss by 40 min.


                                                      Too you a while to get silencer is imba dude @kawaaiii


                                                        I've had ridiculous success with silencer over multiple accounts in brackets from 1 to 4k mmr. If not attacked head-on, he can easily harass the whole trilane into the jungle, and if he has a hero to help in the offlane - good luck trading hits with him or attempting to come close. What's even more funny, even without any items he can still out-damage most cores in early and mid game, so I strongly disagree with the 'low damage' statement. Me and a friend of mine often pick the stupid squishy offlane of necro+silencer, but most of the times efficient enough to remove enemy carry from the game unless 4 people commit to ganking the lane


                                                          Silencer losing his ability to burn enemy mana.
                                                          Now this hero isnt good anymore.
                                                          Some carry have manta and bkb. So silencer ss ability not work well and long CD make it worse.


                                                            I routinely pick him and play solo off lane, enemy team never knows how to deal with it. Can completely shut their safe-lane down, farm freely, pick up an early Rod of Atos and then start murdering errrrryone.


                                                              i have a good winrate win him and i playing only mid - its a good counter for comboes and Good iniciator (ultimate starting fights )
                                                              needs lots of farm in early game
                                                              Good counter against enemy like morphling or invoker who cant deal with him


                                                                Moreover, early point in Glaives will allow him to auto-attack the enemy without aggroing the creep lane.
                                                                should say
                                                                Moreover, AN early point in Glaives will allow him to auto-attack the enemy without aggroing the creep lane.

                                                                Brünk Hüll

                                                                  I feel like it's a shame the hero hasn't had success in the carry role, because looking at his skills in a vacuum I would've absolutely guessed that he is a carry. The skillset really feels like it would be best utilized as a magic dmg drow that mows heroes instead of towers. Instead he is played either support or a pseudo OD mid, and neither seem to really fit the hero well. Being so dependent on mana in every stage of the game to put out damage is not something a 1 position is usually tasked with, and that dependency closes a few doors that traditional carries can keep open.

                                                                  It's really a shame, because in concept Silencer sounds like such a great carry.

                                                                  Wiegers D
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                                                                    Insert C01n

                                                                      Nortrom is my personal most hated hero in the game. Super annoying in the laning stage and one of those "press r to f*ck up people" heroes. It all starts already with his design and playstile. I could vomit if I just see him even if he's on my team. Please no Silencer meta in competitive matches! :/

                                                                      HAI DOMO!

                                                                        one of my highest winrate hero. great aggresive support that late can become a carry ny only increasing his attack speed thanks to the permanent int steal through out the match.


                                                                          GDE PEREVOD ALO, 2 STATYA BEZ PEREVODA

                                                                          ♂️Altered fitter♂

                                                                            изи перевод


                                                                              midone's invoker make silencer useless. midone join war just after the global silence. he just need some hero who can survive in war longer like tanker hero such as centaur and after the global silence end, he wipe every single one off them who survive. wadaplay.

                                                                              Positive Attitude

                                                                                Silencer is really strong mid-laner,especially versus intelligence heroes(his Q is nightmare for invoker for instance).He is ok support,strong at lane but has no lock-down and if he gets initiated on(and he get's a lot since he is one of the main targets),he dies like instantly.The best part about him is that he can transit from babysitter support to strong late game carry.However,he was far stronger when his Q drained mana

                                                                                OEMAR BAKRIE

                                                                                  his aghnim upgrade are really not worth it after icefrog nerf the extra 1 sec duration from his agh upgrade

                                                                                  Iršavsky rahùl'

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