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Коментарів: 15

    Boomer tide still working at my level. Just afk away at the ancients and buy time with ravage and maybe some gush pickoffs. Lategame is a free win anyways with a hero like tide.

    Mad Bullets

      i'll do you one better, who is Tidehunter?


        What is Tidehunter?

        Brünk Hüll

          Nobody yet has asked h o w is Tidehunter

          aikyu3 SuBi ♪

            Comment section is brutal. I do care about Tidehunter :(
            I miss the +250 damage talent at lv25 :')


              make anchor smash dmg + reduction pierce BKB again!!

              only practice idc win

                Tide isnt even bad wtf

                Shard literally made him relevant again...

                shib )))))

                  anchor smash bkb pierce would be chill

                  i beat nightmare king grimm

                    pretty sure tide is in a fine spot. how can he be called bad. one of the best ults in dota 2 can single handedly win teamfights. his laning is fine and he even has a stun without ult.


                      just make anchor smash pierce bkb without the effect already, like all other similar skills to it (dawbreaker q, pango q etc)

                      aikyu3 SuBi ♪

                        I agree, anchor smash should pierce bkb like it does before, come on icefrog!

                        Snabriel Snarsch☕

                          i'll do you one better
                          WHY is tidehunter?


                            Ravage feels like a muskito bite while a decent black hole can feel like a carcrash


                              I'll try something better
                              How is Tidehunter?


                                The problem is also that Ravage is not as powerful spell as it was 5-10 years ago. Now with Ahganims and Shards, every hero can do crazy things, and Ravage is... meh.