Juggernaut is not a good hero in this patch. He is currently sitting at below 45% winrate in Divine+ games and feels completely out of place in the current meta. Despite that, some players are finding good success with the hero, opting for a greedier late-game oriented build. Today we are going to analyse this approach, while also discussing why exactly Juggernaut is so weak right now.
There are currently two types of carry heroes who are meta-viable. Lane dominators like Monkey King,
Ursa and
Slark, or flash-farmers like
Alchemist or
Terrorblade. Technically, you could consider
Juggernaut to be one of the former, but in reality, when playing against popular early
Vanguard, he can’t reliably get kills unless he snowballs from minute zero.
His farming potential is also limited. The usual Maelstrom first item still leaves him underfarmed when compared to dedicated farming heroes and doesn’t provide the necessary physical damage scaling.
What the hero does have, though, is one of the best BAT values in the game, one of the most reliable crits and one of the strongest sustaining utility abilities in Healing Ward. This is what is being leveraged right now by the strongest Juggernaut players.
The new Juggernaut build is actually the old Juggernaut build, before Aghanim's Shard on the hero became mandatory. We are playing a strong late game scaling right-clicking machine who has built-in crits and come level twenty also has a very strong built-in lifesteal through talents.
Essentially, the idea is to make Juggernaut unkillable through the combination of Healing Ward, Blade Dance lifesteal and Omnislash immunity. To achieve this you need high attack speed, high physical damage and a decent amount of HP.
What it means is you get Power Treads instead of
Phase Boots.
Battle Fury instead of
Maelstrom and a
Yasha derivative, instead of
Aghanim's Shard.
Later progression involves going for either Eye of Skadi or
Butterfly for survivability and extra DPS, and then you ideally want to get
Aghanim's Scepter and end the game.
This is as old school as it gets and was the default Juggernaut build before the Shard introduction. With this build Juggernaut is decently tanky, can frontline, especially if he is ahead of the enemy carry, and can siege really well with the help of Healing Ward.
If the game can’t be closed in a timely manner, he can also go for an Abyssal Blade or
Nullifier. Coupled with
Swift Blink it allows him to assassinate priority targets at the start of the fight, creating an early teamfight advantage.
So when does Juggernaut come into play? Juggernaut is a relatively weak hero, but he has his uses.
He is excellent against heroes who restrict your movement if you don’t have BKB. Heroes like Disruptor can often force bad BKB usage, but Juggernaut doesn’t really care about it — he can always spin and TP or walk away. Same with characters like
Pangolier or even
There is also a point to be made about playing against high magic damage dealing characters. One of the big problems with the current BKB is that it doesn’t provide you with enough magic damage resistance. Heroes like Crystal Maiden,
Venomancer or even
Skywrath Mage can deal a lot of damage even through debuff immunity if left unchecked.
Juggernaut solves this problem easily by surviving through their magic damage with impunity, killing them quickly courtesy of Swift Slash and also keeping his team alive through Healing Ward.
Depending on the enemy draft, Juggernaut definitely has games where he can be considered the absolute best pick and they aren’t as rare as some might assume. Building and playing him correctly, concentrating on killing enemy squishies and evaluating the item build priorities, however, is very complicated.
In the late game your job is to create conditions where you are in a numerical advantage against the enemy carry. It is unlikely for Juggernaut to kill the enemy carry outright, in a fair 1v1 fight. But he can quickly dispose of the enemy supports, while protecting his own team and if played well Juggernaut can be undeniably powerful.
The problem is, you can be just as powerful playing meta carries in a default manner and it is generally going to be much easier and just as powerful as a perfectly played Juggernaut.
i noticed that too, jugger being pretty weak right now
Any hero can do well in dota with a good team tbh. Matchmaking is terrible , feels like skill means nothing these days
dunno, i currently have 12 win streak as juggernaut (this patch) and i win games mostly by snowball (i am 2-3 levels ahead of enemy team heroes). plus i don't follow the bf build, maelstrom is still decent and more practical in fights.
if you are interested in my build, check my dotabuff
Хз, я не вижу джагера через бф, только если надо перефармить (с бф на 1-2 шмотки выносишь больше) я всегда играл через молнии и выигрывал рассчитывая снести по скорее и у меня это всегда работало,
Просто фейзы молнии манта башер шард, и 20 лвл все уже после этого можно идти в трон, задача чтобы вам не снесли трон до 20 и все
Хз через бф он больше командный, ты просто даже подойти не сможешь нормально так как после крутилки ты будешь по кд в стане (в билде с молниями, за 1 крутилку спокойно убьёшь сапорта)
90% of the people that read this article won't understand the title
Currently the Enchanted Mango has a 36.01% win rate. As members of the DotA 2 community we must not allow this travesty to continue. Who hasn't experienced those moments when the clutch mango allows the tp-cancelling stun or just enough mana is restored to use WK ult? Please join in the efforts to restore the item to the win rate that this great item deserves.
не забывайте про мом
yeah Simon I noticed that too