

Тег команди
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Recent Clips
chshrct kills ����!
Uvajenie.Hope vs Vega Squadron
The International 2019 Open Qualifiers
0:10 1 0 134
chshrct kills Vega.CeMaTheSlayeR!
FlyToMoon vs Uvajenie.Hope
The International 2019 Open Qualifiers
0:10 1 0 136
chshrct kills ALWAYSWANNAFLY!
FlyToMoon vs Uvajenie.Hope
The International 2019 Open Qualifiers
0:10 1 0 145
Trending Clips
This month
Uvj.Hope gets 2 kills!
Natus Vincere vs Uvajenie.Hope
MDL Disneyland® Paris Major
0:16 2 0 214
Uvj.Hope gets 2 kills!almost 6 years ago
Vega.Palantimos kills Na`Vi.Crystallize!
Natus Vincere vs Uvajenie.Hope
MDL Disneyland® Paris Major
0:16 1 0 51
Vega.Palantimos kills Na'Vi.Blizzy!
Natus Vincere vs Uvajenie.Hope
MDL Disneyland® Paris Major
0:11 1 0 82
Featured Player
chshrct kills ����!
Uvajenie.Hope vs Vega Squadron
The International 2019 Open Qualifiers
0:10 1 0 134
chshrct kills Vega.CeMaTheSlayeR!
FlyToMoon vs Uvajenie.Hope
The International 2019 Open Qualifiers
0:10 1 0 136
chshrct kills ALWAYSWANNAFLY!
FlyToMoon vs Uvajenie.Hope
The International 2019 Open Qualifiers
0:10 1 0 145
Featured Player
chshrct kills ����!
Uvajenie.Hope vs Vega Squadron
The International 2019 Open Qualifiers
0:10 1 0 134
chshrct kills Vega.CeMaTheSlayeR!
FlyToMoon vs Uvajenie.Hope
The International 2019 Open Qualifiers
0:10 1 0 136
chshrct kills ALWAYSWANNAFLY!
FlyToMoon vs Uvajenie.Hope
The International 2019 Open Qualifiers
0:10 1 0 145
Featured Hero
Vega.Palantimos kills Na`Vi.Crystallize!
Natus Vincere vs Uvajenie.Hope
MDL Disneyland® Paris Major
0:16 1 0 51
Vega.Palantimos kills Na'Vi.Blizzy!
Natus Vincere vs Uvajenie.Hope
MDL Disneyland® Paris Major
0:11 1 0 82
Vega.Palantimos gets a double kill!
Natus Vincere vs Uvajenie.Hope
MDL Disneyland® Paris Major
0:33 3 0 52
Popular Clips
All time
Uvj.Hope gets 3 kills!
Natus Vincere vs Uvajenie.Hope
MDL Disneyland® Paris Major
0:27 3 0 268
Uvj.Hope gets 3 kills!almost 6 years ago
Uvj.Hope trades 3 for 2!
Natus Vincere vs Uvajenie.Hope
MDL Disneyland® Paris Major
0:28 5 0 170
Uvj.Hope trades 3 for 2!almost 6 years ago
Uvj.Hope gets 2 kills!
Natus Vincere vs Uvajenie.Hope
MDL Disneyland® Paris Major
0:16 2 0 214
Uvj.Hope gets 2 kills!almost 6 years ago