General Discussion

General DiscussionMaybe it's not matchmaking that is bad, it's us.

Maybe it's not matchmaking that is bad, it's us. in General Discussion

    So they rank us on a scale of 1-100.

    Let's say

    Radiant: 50 50 50 50 50
    Dire : 50 50 50 50 50

    It's perfectly balanced but it still can cause a very bad game.

    Radiant have 3 people randoming carries (3 Randoms)
    Dire have 1 person randoming a carry while another random a support (2 Randoms)

    Some guy who normally plays support decides to pick a carry this round (Not much experience as a carry, can't farm as well etc). Now Radiant have 4 carries while Dire follow up nicely.

    What I'm trying to say is, no matter how good the MM system is bad games will still happen. Be it randoming a really crappy line up, some guy decides to play half drunk or a guy having a bad day.


      There are alot of factors affecting a game it's not only about the skill rating of a player you have to take into consideration ofcourse the lineup and the team composition if it has good mix of carry and support just play the game give 110% effort to win and enjoy. I think valve is doing a decent job with the Match make system.


        If you take the "maybe" out of that, I might agree.


          I'm confused, why are you posting this? Of course valve cant see into the future what heroes people will pick. But if you want your "balanced" game with supporters and everything, why not propose to valve to matchmake people according to the position(1-5) they play the most? You would get your balanced game almost everytime, and maybe wait 10 mins for every game :)


            except for HoN and even LoL had more consistently balanced matches.

            Flaccid Jack

              "What I'm trying to say is, no matter how good the MM system is bad games will still happen. Be it randoming a really crappy line up, some guy decides to play half drunk or a guy having a bad day."

              I'm still the best player on my team when I'm drunk


                "I'm confused, why are you posting this? Of course valve cant see into the future what heroes people will pick. But if you want your "balanced" game with supporters and everything, why not propose to valve to matchmake people according to the position(1-5) they play the most? You would get your balanced game almost everytime, and maybe wait 10 mins for every game :)"

                For the public to wake up form their delusions that MM is bad.


                  the matchmaking is broken system, no doubt


                    Matchmaking is broken. I've played 850+ games and I still end up with games where it's a player's first/second game ever.

                    Chicken Carry

                      matchmaking is not broken. of course there are games when you get bad teammates, but so do the opponent. learn to improve your individual skill and teamwork, and you will see improvement in your games + pub games.

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!