General Discussion

General DiscussionAn English Clan Recruiting? GOD NO.

An English Clan Recruiting? GOD NO. in General Discussion

    Well here it is, my clan TBS (Team Big sausage) is recruiting :p, we already have 5 members of the group but only 2 of them are permanent and the other 2 come and go every so often, we#re looking for a couple of cool people who are also British, this is not me being evil to all you other guys, its just simply the time difference that is a pain in the ass. I've only played dota for over a year now as well as my team but we tend to watch a lot of pro games, commentries etc so we have a lot of knowledge of the game and obviously how map control works last hitting team play all that stuff so we're pretty average players i think. If you're interested add me on Steam and we can have a chat and stuff and see how things get on, there are only a couple of spots left in this clan, we are pretty chilled back when it comes to games and don't care if we lose as long as we play well together and have a laugh, winning is not everything.

    TBS | Camera Guy
    TBS | Weavotz
    TBS | LLama

    These are the three main clan members that are on pretty much everyday, you're welcome to check our dotabuff for stats etc.


      why ur friends play on US server?
      and ya, i checked the stats b4 even opening the thread xD


        us player suck be side me so why try to make a us server clan when they all suck really bad and why the fuck paly this trash verson of dota with a fail mmr system


          hugs and kisses random troll


            im actually uk, just didn't decide to change my profile rofl. and yes, us suck


              hi guys im a true brit and im sick of playing with US and non brits so add me. im on most days and love to have a laugh, also im over 18