General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff Rating + Percentile?

Dotabuff Rating + Percentile? in General Discussion

    How does this work? Do you get higher Dotabuff rating when u win a game or what?

    And, my percentile is 40%, does it mean that 60% of all DotA players are better than me?

    Thank you.


      Means youre in the 60% of the playerbase that is around ur elo


        What do you mean?

        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          Means more than half of the players are at your skill level and higher.


            x% percentile means that x% of community has DBR lower than yours.


              if you have percentile 40% that means that you are better then 40% of the ranked players

              I USE CHARITY 4 MONEY

                It means there's plenty room for improvement! Good luck!

                Final Fantasy

                  I have 99% percentile, its a bug or what ?


                    86% booyeah

                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      91% :) ^__^

                      Steep - SL345Y

                        52%, not bad for only playing dota/rts games for 3 months.


                          98 bitches!


                            @OP Yes. simple answer is yes.


                              94 <3
                              Hell yeah motherfucker!


                                I dont get it: Im lvl 14, with a record of 123-116 (51,46% wins). Yet i'm 93%, and platinum with 1685 rank. I'm barely pulling 50% wins, and im among the best 7%.. :)


                                  u guys seriously forget that 80% of dota players are new accounts or trash accounts or shit players that have no clue how to play. For example if there was 1 million players registered. only 200,000 actually know how to play and the other 800,000 are fake accounts, random noobs with 1 or 2 games played or really bad people. If you have over 51% win rate ur probably in the 95 percentile or higher. However if u compare urself to the 200,000 "real" players ur probably 50 percentile.

                                    Цей коментар було видалено
                                    Baby Boy

                                      I'm at 72% and 1368 (Gold), what does that means?


                                        new player needs 25-50 games to get ranked, so those accounts with less than 25-50 games are not counted.

                                        Cyclone Jet Armstrong

                                          98 whoop

                                          No Arms

                                            I'm at the 96 percentile. I doubt that I'm really that good though.


                                              im 99 fuck all of you

                                              my secret is that i fuck around every game and not try hard


                                                Dotabuff Rating
                                                2188 (Diamond)




                                                    96 hehe!


                                                      Dotabuff Rating
                                                      1759 (Platinum)


                                                        I dont get this at all...
                                                        Im sitting at 1413(gold) 75%
                                                        with 304-285
                                                        while my brother is sitting at 1560(platinum) 83%
                                                        but we both know that I am better than him by a long shot since I tought him how to play only about 6 months ago. how is this accurate or is he getting better rating because he parties with me and his opponents are (harder) so his wins count more than mine?
                                                        How is this an accurate way to measure skill level.


                                                          if he gains more than u, he will eventually try gaining same as u, so thats not the reason, maybe he just was lucky, give me his profile link, and i will see wut might be wrong or wuts the reason, does he have more games played, or a higher win rate?


                                                            You guys played less than 5% of your games together. The difference is that he won harder games than you did (ie against Higher DBR players) when playing alone. I cant really know without watching a bunch of replays but I would guess that while you may have more skill it is possible that he made better critical game winning/game losing decisions than you did. Maybe he actually followed some of your advice that you tend to ignore yourself.

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                              99% BITCHES!!


                                                                1600 is the average player dbr rating

                                                                Darkness Of Abyss

                                                                  no 1600 is not the average the average is around 1200 to 1250 1600is such a high score
                                                                  but dota just a game concerate on ranting is not good for you playing happliy!guys!
                                                                  I am 1373 71%hah

                                                                  Bone Chilling

                                                                    the stats are indeed strange


                                                                      i started playing dota 2 1 month ago, and so far managed to do quite a decent job at supporting team (warding, initiating and shit), but man, did I LOL so fokn hard when i saw my dbr: 837, 11% LOL

                                                                      seriously, is that even possible, considering that at least 50% of the players base are complete noobs? (i should precise that i'm always playing with my friends who are veterans of dota2, hon and the original dota)


                                                                        Since patch on friday of previous week rating does NOT update. It requires everyone to share match history which is pretty much impossible to do.

                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                          So what now ? Is the DBR worth anything then ? If it doesn't update ! I am at 851 (Bronze) 12% and have played like 320 hours. I am not a Noob and usually have a KD around 1 - 1,5. I have allot of assists. How is the DBR created ? Last hist ? XP/m ? Gold/m ?

                                                                          I don't get it


                                                                            This is how it was calculated . It is based on knowing results for every player in the game, and since valve put sharing match history to off by default it does not work anymore.


                                                                              If you started playing only 1 month ago its almost impossible for you to even understand yet just how much better you could be playing and the huge number of mistakes you are undoubtably making. Dota is a game that takes years of practice to understand the concepts and master the skills. Even pro players still have much to learn, as you will hear them say (ie watch talkdota interviews).

                                                                              You might be far above average intelligence, but still have no idea what you are doing 1 month in. You might be very skilled (fast fingers, lots of video/pc gameing xp) but still have no where near the practice required to not suck at dota. Don't be upset, just imagine how silly it would be if someone said to you "I have been playing basketball for 1 month I must be one of the better players by now." There is no shame in the fact that you are still terrible at dota. Becoming good in 1 month is impossible.

                                                                              One thing that really stands out on your stats is your record high lasthits is 151 on weaver (over about 90 games). This tells me that you have almost no ability to control your hero. Thats not suprising again because you are new. While your friends can win some games with you your many mistakes have caused them to lose lots of games they should have won. This is why your DBR is very low => losing games you were predicted to win.

                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                this guy speaks the truth ^

                                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!