General Discussion

General Discussionus east/west lf active and skill players

us east/west lf active and skill players in General Discussion

    sup guys just your average gamer lf equal skilled players with experience in high mmr dota related games such as hon/league of legends my experience in hon was nice till it whent free to play made the population crumpled as for league i just dislike the gaming community 1760 hon/1540 lol all i ask is some information on you

    1303 gold with 63% win rate im not sure if that good or im just a noob

    check my game profile

    here are some replays



      I almost died from not being able to breathe from the run on sentence x____x.


        hi, i used to be around the 1700 in hon, played lol, didnt like it.
        so here i am playing dota. i play mostly semi carries and i believe im good with them. unfortunately i havent gotten into high mm yet, because i was trying all the heroes and playing a moba after 3 months of not playing one.
        although i do play in the "high" normal bracket, (there are actually 5 brackets, very low low and normal). in this bracket i almost always have wards and courier. not so many noobs. add me if you want to, check my dotabuff ratings if you want to, im losing a lot of games because im on vacation and the internet here is bad, I'm playing with around 400 ping. but i go back home in 2 days and ill push it up to 55% win rate fast. tell me if you are interested. if you want to see my actual skill, this match is a good example.

        in this match, i played as usual my role of semi carry ( i play semi carry, semi support, and initiator/utility)
        then, my team started to lose, but i managed to carry them, without dying once, then we were having a bit of trouble in teamfights, we got rosh and i got rapier and aegis. after that,we went full pushing and won. thats my average skill, i always play like that. also, in that match you can see i evaded some stuff with my blink. when i play worse than that its because of bad teammates


          also, steam id: nohanmeza


            steam id: 0verdoze_1


              awsome ill add guys once i get off work