General Discussion

General DiscussionHey guys, Murs appreciation thread

Hey guys, Murs appreciation thread in General Discussion

    it's about time you all paid respects to your dotabuff overlord Murs.

    Everyone go worship him and add him on steam. Tell him he's a good player and handsome.

    None of you will ever be this good so please start sucking his dick in hopes of semen flowing into your mouth and getting 1/100000th of his skill.


      He doesn't even come close to:

      I can go on. Obviously murs is a really good player, but there are still lots of players that are way ahead of him.

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        ? ur wrong in every way humanly possible ur just a jelly bronze scum toad


          how can you even list that troll warlord picker beesa he sucks


            jking i love u beesa~~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!


              Because my skill level is relevant to this discussion. Ok.


                brnze scum mad he got called out.


                  I would like to add that Murs team is ranked #9 by dotabuff, just behind EG and Zenith.

                  Also they just won the 4PlayersLeague cup, ahead of several well established pro teams (Kaipi,Pain,3DMax) and several hundred pub teams.

                  So for those who don't want to acknowledge that Murs is better than you...not only does Murs beat pubs better than you. He also wins actual pro tournaments.

                  Also here are examples of Murs beating well known pros in pub games

                  Murs defeats Mouz Pas, and Mouz FATA-

                  Murs defeats Dignitas.Universe

                  Murs defeats nth | @Lodaberg

                  Murs defeats EG.Fear [RC],Inphinity, and March stack twice in a row

                  Murs defeats Dignitas.Universe, March, EG.Fear [RC], and EG.Bdiz [RC]...a 4 pro-player stack

                  That's all just this month. Most Very High players are not good enough to even play against such teams, much less beat them. Top pro-players often have Murs, listed in their Dotabuff "friends" because he has the level of skill they want on their team.

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    <Insert comment about stacking with Merlini here>


                      his team performance yesterday against mouz was terrible (<3 envy as standin)

                      @Relentless i would like to point that none of the pro teams takes this "team matchmakingshit" seriouslee becouse its a joke unless u get paired vs other same skill level teams (not gonna happen tho)

                      winning pub vs pros who just do random shit proves nothing

                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                        I think Relentless just proved Murs > all

                        also valikiss is a terrible shitter who is just mad no one cares about his shit dbr.


                          I think Vaikiss is very good. I've watched him play several games. He is talented enough to play on a 3rd tier pro team if he practiced hard and put him mind too it. However, Murs is as good as most players in the top pro teams. This is why they tend to play on his team and against him in pubs.

                          Vaikiss also makes a great point about the game against mouz. Eternal Envy (formerly on NoTideHunter) was standin for Murs. Since EternalEnvy was new and also not as skilled as Murs, they got stomped by mouz. EternalEnvy is best as a strategist, while Murs is best as a superstar, they dont fill the same roles on the team...also Mouz is currently the 4th best team in the world in my judgement. EternalEnvy fed first blood and proceeded to ruin their aggresive tri-lane pretty much single-handed losing the game.

                          I think the fact that Merlini plays with Murs more than any other player is even more proof that Murs is amazing. Merlini likes to win, hence he puts Murs on his team instead of me or you.

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            ''also Mouz is currently the 4th best team in the world''






                              "also Mouz is currently the 4th best team in the world in my judgement"
                              try again mate

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                merlini does random shit in pubs most of the time as far as i remember so no he does not like to win (even tho noone likes to lose on other hand)

                                mouz 4th best team??? not really not even close maybe their among those teams like virtus pro 3d max and so on but definetly not 4th


                                  Good, good more proof that you don't really follow the pro scene. Laugh at obvious truths.
                                  It's ok I'll help you out. Keep in mind these things change a lot from month to month, and even week to week just like other pro sports.

                                  IG #1
                                  Fnatic.EU #3
                                  Mouz #4
                                  LGD.CN #5
                                  VirtusPro #6
                                  Dignitas #7
                                  Liquid #8
                                  DK #9
                                  Neolution.Orange #10

                                  Until 2 weeks ago NoTideHunter would have been on this list, but they fell apart due to internal conflict. Many of you probably thought Navi or Empire were the best, but no...all last month they both played like crap.


                                    Haha this is amazing, keep posting please


                                      either troll or just retarded


                                        3DMax is not really a top tier team, though they can beat top tier teams if they make mistakes. 3DMax wins on consistent teamwork and taking advantage of opponents mistakes. If their opponents don't beat themselves 3Dmax is not going to win against the best.

                                        VirtusPro is very good, but Mouz is better. Liquid actually has the potential to be better than all of them. Liquid and LGD.INT currently have the most talented teams. We will see if they can develop them.
                                        I would not be surprised to see LGD.INT defeat IG in the G-League grand finals.

                                        Navi is really going to struggle this year. In the past they were able to win on better strategy and taking advantage of experience and superior teamwork. But many other teams with more talented players are reaching the point where they have the experience and knowledge to compete with Navi so Navi is running out of options for "how can we win this game". Navi can't go up against a team like Fnatic.EU or Liquid and beat them without some trick. Maybe Puppey will think of new strats, he has before. I'm hoping he will.

                                        Also...Merlini envy again? Anytime jealousy of Murs comes up its always about "stacks with Merlini" maybe if you guys pay Merlini he will let you play with him. Or maybe you could get your stack together and try to challenge Murs and you think you would not get totally crushed? lol

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                          murs is good be he aint bananasinmyass


                                            liquid just took a steaming pile of poo on mouz today.

                                            And VG is definitely better than both and mouz so I dunno what you're trying to say.


                                              lowskilled stacker


                                                ^ the god has graced you plebs with his presence


                                                  Am I missing something, or are you guys just blowing air?

                                                  Merlini has played 10 games in the last 4weeks with murs.

                                                  Are there some other accounts I should be watching?


                                                    @relentless yeah lgd int 9 games they have played in last few months

                                                    totally worth comparing with other teams


                                                      games that are not matchmaking @_@


                                               is great shut up vaikiss dumbo


                                                          murs, accept my friend requesttttt,
                                                          I even watch your streams loyally whenever you try to gather like 20+ people to watch.
                                                          -a scrub(COMPARED TO YOU)

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            So much hate


                                                              ok ggm


                                                                murs, accept my friend requesttttt,
                                                                I even watch your streams loyally whenever you try to gather like 20+ people to watch.
                                                                -a scrub(COMPARED TO YOU)


                                                                  everybody shut the fuck up murs is speaking


                                                                    murs, accept my friend requesttttt,
                                                                    I even watch your streams loyally whenever you try to gather like 20+ people to watch.
                                                                    -a scrub(COMPARED TO YOU)




                                                                        i would be honored to add u valkiss


                                                                          Well you guys do seem really nice


                                                                            murs, accept my friend requesttttt,
                                                                            I even watch your streams loyally whenever you try to gather like 20+ people to watch.
                                                                            -a scrub(COMPARED TO YOU)


                                                                              i ate a banana and thought of you


                                                                                murs, accept my friend requesttttt,
                                                                                I even watch your streams loyally whenever you try to gather like 20+ people to watch.
                                                                                -a scrub(COMPARED TO YOU)

                                                                                Except I will need to login first and send you a friend request. =P

                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                  I just found out Murs said something SUPER nice about me. I cried a little. Please everyone love and support Murs in his endeavors, whether it be life or dota. GOOD LUCK MURS~~~~


                                                                                    il cry for u too


                                                                                      murs, accept my friend requesttttt,
                                                                                      I even watch your streams loyally whenever you try to gather like 20+ people to watch.
                                                                                      -a pro(COMPARED TO YOU)

                                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                        Soon Murs is going to be like SK.ocelote with friend requests poping up every seconds non stop. Get in while you can!


                                                                                          wtf is sk.ocelote ?

                                                                                          Click Clackin' Crackalackin'

                                                                                            this thread is dildos


                                                                                              anime watching trash


                                                                                                this is autism incarnate everyone where you brag about beating peruvians 5 am in us east time zone and feel special about your 70% wr at 200 games LOL

                                                                                                im going to bump this thread once a day

                                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                  i still remember when murs got so mad at me in dotacash for sucking so hard

                                                                                                  it was so funny that i think im in love with him. <3 murs


                                                                                                    Is there a search box? Or how do you revive a 9 months old thread?

