The better you get, the more obvious the flaws of others become. Feel free to add me and we can play some matches together if you want some tips. The MM system is a little jacked, but it's not that bad.
Another thing to thing you can do is watch some tournaments. Their gameplay is much different than pubs in many ways, but you can learn a lot from that.
*Advice* Don't play at night. That's when all the scrubs and trolls come out. Trust me. I've ended up in games with kids who steal people items from couriers and then hide it in their stash, while in the mean time hardcore flaming. If you want to avoid that, play during the daytime.
in the daytime, u might take 6 minutes to find a match, ofc depending on ur timing related to the servers timing, and they would be all scrubs, and no game is has ever been into the very high MM when i play at early daytime, unless u mean at the evening
In the evening I often watch games and if you want I can watch some of your games and comment.
no need, keep going buddy, u r almost 200 games, the mission is almost done !!
gl being on the top, though u r lower than 89, so second :D
edit, sry, 87.97%
Mapz0r, would you be kind enough to tell me where the numbers (87.97) are coming from? I'd like to find out mine.
Que in a stack if you want to improve. That way you can play with other people who have a good idea of how you play in game, and they can offer constructive criticism of your play. It's hard to ask someone who has never played with you before to watch your replays and then offer criticism.
If you want, you can add me and que with me and a couple others for a couple games. We basically permaque in high tier, if that interests you.
I already queue with friends quite frequently. I'm usually the one making drafting decisions too. I queue high tier too, occasionally sneaking into very high.
Sure, I'll queue with you.
better to stay shit in dota 2 if you do your best and win too many games match maker will come after you sooner or later
Watch pro replays, compare it to yours. Otherwise presumably gonna watch your replays.
i am trying to encourage u buddy, never mentioned any thing bad about u?
did i?
i am not sure wut do u want, but try these, maybe they might answer ur questions:
It looks like you need to get into more teamplay to improve. I would play with you if you were in the US, but you should try to get a larger group of EU friends who also want to play more competitive team-based games. Otherwise you will continue to be frustrated...this is why....
Cakey, you are not the same rating as those on your team. The team averages are matched, so players who are put on your team are often far far below (and above) the rating of others. However, since you appear to be a fairly high ranked player you will tend to draw low MMR players to your team to balance the average.
If you were to pick the 4 best players you know and put them on your team you would see that your opponents are also much stronger. But if you just solo que, or as you often do que with 1 other player, then much lower MMR player will likely be placed on your team to balance it.
This tends to happen because there are tons of low MMR players and very few high ones available. So while sometimes you will get a game where everyone is good and close to the same skill level. More often you will get teams where several friends have qued and 1 or 2 of them are very bad. This will be balanced by placing 1 or 2 very bad players on the other team also.
As u said, MM is fine, not always, most of the time,
and to support wut Relentless said, i show u this game
this is my smurf account, wanted to learn meepo, then suddenly it bcame the account from which i play with my low skilled friends without caring about winning, or my hidden MMR,
if u noticed, all the enemy players got winrates of above 50%, and on my team, non had above 49% except me, so i think MM was trying to balance the game, but ended up failing, bcus someone randomed meepo, it was me, but they insisted to swap, and so, that happened :D
Sometimes you will just get some idiots in your team, its nothing u can do about. Somtimes i get ppl on my level and sometimes i get ppl way below my level, its very rare that people are better than me. I even met someone who had over 1k wins and yet he managed to be TERRIBLE. So there just some people who won alot and have decent stats but yet are still to retarded to play decent (his top2 heroes are drow and riki, says so much -_-).
Form a team of friends, no matter how bad they are and play CM. Try and have set roles for each player and you'll know what's wrong.
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I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with the level of play demonstrated by my team mates, but unlike seemingly most people, I trust the match making system and understand that I am the same ability as those I am frustrated with. However, I have reached the point where I'm not sure where I can improve. Any suggestions based on watching some of my games?