General Discussion

General Discussionshow 50 top players in every country

show 50 top players in every country in General Discussion

    How about you guys create a list of 50 best players in every country? Is that possible? I know steam profiles are customized by players themselves and its up to them which country they choose but still.
    Shame the DDR system's down though. It was more accurate than mere win ratio.

    Bot Tyrone

      Good ol'DDR


        DDR? Deutsche deomkratische republik? Or do you mean DBR?

        Woof Woof

          great idea +1


            east germany needs ranking too! no need for them in our ranking


              That would be nice but based on DBR system and not winrate

              Pandamonium(You Died)

                He means Dance Dance Revolution, obviously


                  @The Terrible
                  Yep that's what I had in mind

                  sumstoner  oxx[=======>

                    New Zealand Nmba 1 DOTA!!


                      good idea imo. Lets create more elitism


                        In Russia its Mes ; XBOCT ; res0lution; Blowyourbrain; maybe Scandal.

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!