General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the hero that DESERVES and NEED a nerf?

What is the hero that DESERVES and NEED a nerf? in General Discussion
Anri of Astora

    Well, i wanna know what the community wants to say.. So.. Starting me!

    Drow Ranger, Reduce the ultimate amount of bonus agility
    Phantom Lancer, increase the cooldown of abilities
    Sniper, Reduce the Bash chance
    Lion, increase the cooldown.


      I agree with you on the phantom lancer nerf- i would increase the cooldown on his spirit lance. The rest... well, i wouldnt apply any of those.

      From me- increase the cooldown on RP- its so low, that people sometimes use it on a single target and actually get it back online when a teamfight occurs. And that is big nasty bs.

      Imo the stun on warlocks ult should not go through immunity. Its heart breaking to see a complete and utter distruction inflicted by it. Another possibility, which I like as well, is to decrease its range. Both would work, not simultanously ofc- that woudl be too much of a nerf.

      Lasst, but not least- increase cooldown on np's teleportation spell. Its REALLY LOW. Plus, he usually has a tp scroll, which makes things even worse.

      Woof Woof

        every hero that is stronger than huskar should be nerfed


          Lol, huskar?
          just get beast master and he is screwed, one ulti, focus him

          Woof Woof

            - huskar is shit tier hero sooo
            every hero that is stronger/more usefull than shit tier huskar is 2strong for dota 2 and should be nerfed

            hopefully its clear now D;

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              Mention its sarcastic, by something like: (Kappa), lol, xD,

              TikTok Uncle

                how bout you all harden the f*ck up?
                none of those guys are imba

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                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                    my slark > every one of them
                    items needed : shadow blade , orchid


                      Magnus CDs. The rest are okay, I can deal with them, but Shockwave is way too good for mid, it's like a Raze that needs no skill to land.

                      Bot Tyrone

                        Magnus CD's

                        Nyx - maybe tone down carpace/mana burn

                        I'd think that Bat, Naix and LD need ones too, but I'm not so sure. And maybe SD as well, just a minor nerf to soul catcher

                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                          Only Nyx and Pl. Others not


                            PL, no !!
                            Nyx, Bat, Mag, yes !!


                              gyro flak cannon slight range nerf
                              mag cd increase
                              bat sticky scaling turn speed reduction
                              nyx scaling mana burn int multiplier or a spell redesign to now burn for targets main attribute and have lesser and scaling multipliers
                              naix base damage nerf

                              Josh  :D

                                If you're having problems with drow, learn to counter better. Same thing with sniper. At the tier I'm playing now most folks that pick drow end up regretting that decision. This latest nerf made her much easier to deal with. Don't like drow? Just get cuddly with her.

                                Lion is a support and he can't really carry a team. His ult is reasonable. If you don't like how badly he screws your team dynamics, just get your support to by an orchid then beat the shit out of him. Lion is all bark (magic) and no bite (physical damage).

                                PL is pretty balanced too. He's a hard carry though, so the longer you let the game go the uglier it can get. You just gotta keep him down. Tiny, Earth Shaker, Magnus, and Sven all destroy a PL. Also, if you keep their lanes pushed up he can't amass his army. If you're having a hard time with that, cutting the lanes can also slow him down a bunch.

                                Also, meow is 100% right. CM is OP as fuck. She needs an HP reduction and a drastic speed reduction. I'm surprised he didn't mention something about her ridiculous base damage too, but I guess with less health and slower speed that could probably balance it just fine.

                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                  the only fucking thing that needs a nerf is drow's ice arrow
                                  60% slow with no cd? bullshit

                                  Dump Truck Dota

                                    Broodlord needs nerf, spiders are scary.


                                      treant needs buff 500 base dmg lvl 1

                                      Josh  :D


                                        Who cares. Yeah, 60% slow (2 seconds) with no cool down. Who cares? Stun her and kill her. If you walk up to her she loses her attack speed, damage, and armor. It's not like having stunner/cc on your team is useless against other heroes.

                                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                          yup, walk up to her when there's a lion behind her :D
                                          watch your world go black after that

                                          Josh  :D

                                            So you walk in with a tide.... or a PL... or a magnus... or a CK... or a Tiny... Or have BH hunt her down... or kill her in lane repeatedly... or or or...


                                              icefrog does not nerf based on low level pubs

                                              Josh  :D

                                                ^^ I love it.


                                                  All heroes r balanced :D

                                                  Anri of Astora

                                                    Thank y'all for the feedback!
                                                    Now let's say abou Viper. VIPER IS TOO MUCH OverPowered!
                                                    He did a high amount od DPS and have a good survivability.


                                                      Viper is nowhere near to being OP, but its always ur opinion