General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for an active Treant Protector player

Looking for an active Treant Protector player in General Discussion
Io the Guardian Wisp

    we are 3 active guys who are looking for an active Treant Protector player to fill our strategy
    region is Europe
    so, if you can play in team, you are active and you can play Treant Protector hook me up on Steam with a friend request
    your sincerely, Io the Guardian Wisp



      Ming (Zufälliger König)

        this treant suck


          Haha :)


            so treant works every single game


              do i have to have 33% winrate too ?

              Sōu ka

                to be fair his team won 66% of the games


                  Maybe, but he is a bad Io, look at his games !!


                    What if that losses are planned?

                    dookie daddy

                      Shame you left that game yesterday buddy, we ended up winning that one with an off lane sniper :)