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General DiscussionWhy am I a noob?

Why am I a noob? in General Discussion
[spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

    As you can see my profile, I have a really low win rate. Why do I have it? Is it because I'm bad at the game? Not really, I've played in some captain's mode matches and as far as my friend that has played Dota for over 2 years says, I'm really helpful, know about the game and have good map awareness. Is it because of my net? No, I've only had 2 connection problems throughout my whole experience? Then what is it about? THE FUCKING MATCHMAKING. For most of the time, I get matched up with either players that are a lower level than me or with players that would pick another carry, when there are already 3 in the team. There is also another problem: the russians. They are everywhere. I disable Russian, remove the Europe East and Russia servers, select only Europe west, US East and West and the russians are still there! If they played good and knew at least something about the game, I would've been fine with them, but they don't even know a single word in English for most of the time and when they do know something, they tell the carries to buy the courier when the Russian is already playing as a support. Also, when I pick a support like Bane, Wundrunner or Omniknight, they don't even know how to last hit and always complain that I don't heal them or harass the enemy every 3 seconds. Of course, I've had good russians on my team, which knew what they were doing and there were some, from whom I've learnt a lot from. However, that was only 4% of the matches I've been in and I forgot about them after I played 4 or 5 matches with (you guessed it) more russians.
    I think I'm blaming the russians too much, I've also had Spanish, Mexican and Polish players on my team, which didn't know how to put up wards or pull a lane, but at least they do what you tell them to and don't type or yell сука every time they die or you steal their kill.
    Just because of this, I think of returning to the original DotA where even the russians are good and know what they're doing, but the servers are getting lower and lower every time dota 2 releases an update, so I want someone to give me some sort of advice on how to fix my problems.


      Happy 325726859246579246r42th thread about the same topic. move on bro.

      Hakuna Matata

        That happened to me as well my friend. Exactly the same situation. However I'm nowhere near the number of matches you have played. I had 50% win rate and then lost like 8 out of 10 games I played with random people for the same reasons. I had 42% then. There's a solution. Play with the people you know. When I did that, you can see now I've won 9 out of last 10 games. You can also see the losing streaks just before that.


          I'm sorry but your friend lied to you so you wouldn't feel bad.

          [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

            Mohid, thanks for the great advice. I'll try and make some of my steam friends play dota with me more often, since most of them are in the same position as I am. Strange that I'm 450+ matches in and have only played with a steam friend barely 1/6 of that. You've just made me understand the game even more :D. I just cannot explain how much you made me realize the whole premise of dota and I've been playing both the original and 2 for over a year now. Thanks, man. You're my hero.

            [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

              karake, even if he did, he gave me a great advice. Even though the win rate doesn't show any skill whatsoever, I still like wining and playing dota as a team game. Hehe, I love all the flamers in this post.


                "Even though the win rate doesn't show any skill whatsoever." Yep, that's why all professional players have 43% win rate.

                [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

                  never said I'm a pro...

                  [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

                    And I don't know of a noob that has over 15 games with 0 deaths.


                      ^ This mm is intended to keep you at 50% winrate. You're just bad.

                      [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

                        Yeah, I saw your comment on a post like this. Like you said, if a person has 49%, he's automatically a noob. For me, if you think you're a pro and have over 1,000 losses, it's just laughable.


                          wow you are rly bad and since you are rly bad i bet you are playing with rly rly bad player!

                          I suggest you have this always in your mind and you will eventually get better however you play! remember these are pub games and not exactly team games so even if you are support, creeps last hitting is necessary!

                          1- always have at least 2x creeps/min in sidelanes, if you are carry at least 4x creeps/min and if you are free farm, >4x creeps/min. if you are mid you need at least 4x creeps/min even if you are raping or getting raped (remember that)!

                          2- pick smth with which you can win alone! this way you will eventually win more and if you are rly better than the lot you are playing with, get matched with better player in both teams (except ruiners and random noob skill players- pray they are not in your team). i recommend you take heroes like yurnero, leoric, resilient heroes that are good in mid game and late game and can still get off some kills early game!

                          3- if u rly are better and if you want to get better, get chicken even if u r carry. this way you aid your team, get used to playing with less money and as long as you can last hit, will give your team a considerable advantage (remember upgr)

                          4- remember that the game is won by taking down towers and eventually throne! make use of your awareness and minimap to constantly do split pushing!. it may seem stupid now but in low level games and even in higher levels, a shadow blade is annoying and effective!!! so get yourself one regardless of your hero (well not supprots unless you rly need to make a difference)

                          5- always carry a tp and remember to have a good pool of mana on you (usually an "aquilla ring" fixes that.

                          ENJOY WINNING with these tips


                            well i think ur simply not good enough otherwise u would be at 50% ;)

                            [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

                              Benao.Pringles.Lifedancer. that was actually really helpful advice, even though I knew 2 of it from the original dota, where I (for some reason) play better. I mean, you can look me up on game ranger and maybe we can play some time. But thanks for not insulting me, I really appreciate it.


                                Snerf Snerf, sitting at 1k losses with like 2,2k games played is sure better than sitting on 44% winrate which is impossible with this mm.

                                [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

                                  lol rage kiddo
                                  besides, the site counts also the games which have early abandonment. also, I calculated my score which from the dota 2 client and after the win I just made, it's 45%. Not much, but better than what this site shows. Also, go get laid, you're embarrassing yourself with all this flaming.

                                  Pandamonium(You Died)

                                    I remember when I had about 300 games, I was stuck at 50% WR
                                    I couldn't move from there. Then, one day, I woke up, watched
                                    this video. I started to develop map control, do double stacks, double pull if I couldn't stack, salve abuse, all those little tricks.
                                    I went 50>55-54% in about few months, mostly solo, occasionally playing with some people.
                                    Your jugg and SK is good, you seem to be ok at carrying. Find a guy who would be willing to support you every game (Dota forums, game chat, guilds, pretty easy to find a support). Play with them. If your winrate doesn't improve, that just means that you lack those little things that I talked about in the begging to overplay the enemy. If your winrate improves, then u just needed a good support. Of course, there is many little details, sometimes u get retards on the team, yes, but I personally believe its possible to go up to 55% in MM solo, just have to output much much more than u usually do.

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                                    ❤ Ashley ❤


                                      you went 1-9 undying and you couldnt control or creep pull or even gank, maybe you improved by now but i doubt it

                                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                                        ^Your winrate actually keeps dropping
                                        hows high level games treating your drow? ;)

                                        [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

                                          1-9 with undying? I don't see such a score. I have a 15 0 14, and the worst one - 3 13 9 (i had 6 deaths when it became safe to leave), but a 1-9? Besides, I find 700+ game "pros" bashing newbs and noobs as funny as a marine that is making fun of a little kid just because he can't shoot a gun properly.

                                          [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

                                            oh, the insult wasn't directed to me. nvm
                                            keep them tips coming

                                            ❤ Ashley ❤
                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                              Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                0 28 enchantress, 0 cs
                                                your point?
                                                Kiddo, you seem to think that you are "trolling" me (mostly by pointing out this 1 game on every thread, because you have nothing else to say), but lets look at the facts:
                                                Your a shitty pub player. I'd tell you why, but it seems your falling winrate already slowly shows you that. Can't shadowblade with every hero and carry drow when playing in higher level games.
                                                Have fun having 51-52% wr when you get to 1000-1500 games.

                                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                  0 28 enchantress, 0 cs
                                                  your point?
                                                  Kiddo, you seem to think that you are "trolling" me (mostly by pointing out this 1 game on every thread, because you have nothing else to say), but lets look at the facts:
                                                  Your a shitty pub player. I'd tell you why, but it seems your falling winrate already slowly shows you that. Can't shadowblade with every hero and carry drow when playing in higher level games.
                                                  Have fun having 51-52% wr when you get to 1000-1500 games.

                                                  ❤ Ashley ❤


                                                    your name is suitable for you


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                                                    Pandamonium(You Died)
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                                                      Hakuna Matata

                                                        Ignoring all the comments above (although they were interesting, I don't noobs have a right to comment on them), I have one more thing to say that I forgot. You can actually find new DOTA friends from the matches you play. Just add the ones who played well. If you played well too, they'll add you.

                                                        And no, I don't agree that MM keeps you at 50%. Although you get paired with better people if you are winning a lot, there's no 50% rule. This is the proof


                                                          lemme grab my popcorn


                                                            If you´re not extremely bad there is only one way to achieve 43% winrate. You lose on purpose - or at least make your team lose by raging in all chat, leaving games et cetera. Don´t blame the matchmaking. There are lots of people who are stable at anything from 49-56% winrate even without playing in parties. I doubt that there is a forced 50%, and OP, you cannot seriously believe that you are important enough for matchmaking to create bad games especially for you.

                                                            Arx Akmarum

                                                              And yet some kids still believe that mm forces 50% winrate.

                                                              Anyway: OP, you lose cause you're bad. If you want to stop losing, then get good. If you want to stop getting trolls in your games, then get friends.

                                                              [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

                                                                I think I'm good enough. Look at my recent PA game. I have the most kills in the team, I got the proper items and then look at the SK. Yup, the loss is all my fault.

                                                                My computer is shit

                                                                  It's not matchmaking that's making you lose. Go watch pro players play to get better.


                                                                    DUDE YOU GOT 47 creeps

                                                                    listen, follow my guideline and WIN.

                                                                    and you built yourself bad! that shit wont help you mid game playing alone, the only thing useful you couldve done was go woods as you had good regen


                                                                      I dunno man.

                                                                      I'm a shitty player by all means, but my mates & I decided to be dicks & try a 5 carry team, it was a stomp;


                                                                      I think in the lower end pubs, people need to stop thinking in terms of professional team comp, & start playing heroes they're good with. I also refuse to support pubs anymore because A: I'm not great at supporting, & B: they aren't great at farming.

                                                                      [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

                                                                        dunt care bitchezzzz i got must kills
                                                                        and 404error, I can take that in account

                                                                        [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

                                                                          well, thanks for all the tips. I'm abandoning this thread, since now I'm almost on a win streak. you can spam all you want. Now I can eat my kebab in peace.


                                                                            who changed the title. lol?

                                                                            [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

                                                                              me. nom nom nom


                                                                                Just play more pubs. If you want to win every game you have to learn how to win with idiots. Give them friendly advice and just let them learn. Win your lane then just influence how the rest of the game goes. Once you've won enough trash games MM will start putting you in high tier games. Good luck.

                                                                                Woof Woof

                                                                                  thats not true after winning streaks quality of your teammates drop hard + theres nothing i can teach ignorant retard like 450wins leshrac i had yesterday

                                                                                  i am on safe lane as void+leshrac against drow and mirana
                                                                                  lesh tries to last hit creeps all the time + goes stats + diabolic edict + uses edict to last hit creeps + stands behind me all the time + right clicked enemy around 4/5 times during first 60seconds of game + not a single pull or even stack attempt
                                                                                  i told him to not use diabolic edict on creeps and lvl up stun he didnt give a single fuck and on mid ofc we had insta pick star invoker that can only use 2 spells sun strike and cold snap in first 30minutes of game

                                                                                  Sōu ka

                                                                                    your teammates don't really get worse if you go on a winning streak
                                                                                    what you have to understand is that in every game there are 10 players and in a game you can potentially be the best player or the worst player, too
                                                                                    if you are the highest rated player then your other 4 teammates should be worse than the 4 teammates of the lowest rated player on the other team to subsequently try to have a ~50% chance for each team to win

                                                                                    a problem in MM is that lower rated players don't recognize themselves as such and they play high impact heroes

                                                                                    but that's not the case in low rated games where almost everyone sucks dick
                                                                                    people watch competitive games and think their low level dota pub teammate should do the same things but in the end a decent player would win these games with 1 hand without wards, pulling, stacking or relying on teammates to do anything

                                                                                    just try to get better and stop focusing on your teammates mistakes


                                                                                      MM is a piece of crap and doesn't work at all. I get the urge to pull my hair out every time I solo queue, but I've figured out how it works - the number of wins. Take a look on these people with the most played games, I've saw most of them on page 1 (not the ones under 50% win tho) and they're completely horrible even after all the games they've played. A 2000 games russian with 50% wins has around the same MMR as I do (~1000 wins), that's all there is to it really.

                                                                            , take a look at this - russian pudge with 50% win, LESS THAN 2 KDA on his most played heroes takes pudge and goes mid. He has no single hero over 3 KDA, this is literally bronze bracket the lowest of the low shit tier scum. He was level 4 when enemy qop was level 8, he was level 8 when the next lowest level was enemy SD with 11. This is not even close to scratching my skill level. I've never, ever, in 1500 games been 1-10 after 15 minutes on mid. I've never ever been 3 levels under the enemy support with a mid hero, no matter how badly my team is getting stomped. You can say he had ''a bad day'' or whatever shit like that but I've actually observed his gameplay and he was running into 4 people without using hook trying to dismember somebody and dying. This repeated around ~7-8 times. Even if I went and picked meepo for the first time in my life I wouldn't suddenly lose all my game sense and start suiciding into 4 heroes all the time. The guy has a losing streak record of 18 (highest I've seen) and he feeds in every game he plays. But valve decides he should be in top MMR just because he plays 5 dota games/day.

                                                                                      Mind you, this wasn't some obscure queue time or mode. Europe west, around 3 PM, AP selected, I was resetting the queue if it searched for more than 1:30 and I still got this guy.

                                                                                      So either you decide to play solo queue and pull your hair out after 10 games due to the roll of dice deciding the outcome and not player skill, or you find some decent people to play with and actually enjoy this game whose matchmaking Valve has completely ruined and doesn't intend to fix

                                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                        Another newb with impossibly bad winrate qqing. Move on.

                                                                                        Sōu ka

                                                                                          that's actually impossible to solve if you want MMR to reflect player skill and allow stacks and solo queuers in the same system
                                                                                          like when you 5 man stack and try really hard to win the game, do you think you deserve a huge MMR gain for those games when you win 80% of them
                                                                                          but at the same time when your MMR isn't really going up by a lot you keep winning many games at ease
                                                                                          so winning rather one sided games isn't really rewarding MMR wise, which seems like a good thing because you don't want lower skilled people in your games getting there just by stacking when they end up solo queuing

                                                                                          maybe valve can give some actual incentive to play TMM so the 5 man-picking-same-hero-stacks can move on to that
                                                                                          or just give 4/5 man stacks a separate MMR to balance those games


                                                                                            force solo queuers to queue in solo only mode, put stacks against stacks, do something about 4 man stacks and there you go

                                                                                            [spongebob crew] Suzumiya...

                                                                                              I should've quit this post, but damn! All of this argumentation is just fun as hell to read. Also, bogs, let me use your logic on you. I remember your excuse on "I have 2,2k games and its normal for me to have 1,000 losses." Well, how come Swiftending has 1,000 wins and only 530 losses? Where's your excuse? I don't care that you had bad players in your team. You said it yourself: "the mm is made for the player to have 50% win rate". Swiftending pretty much raped the shit out of the system. And don't use this excuse "you suck more and have only 44% winrate". Just answer my question. How come Swiftending and most other players demolished your logic?
                                                                                              This is going to be funnnnnn....


                                                                                                Btw 2 years Dota experience does not mean he knows what he is talking about


                                                                                                  u need Chinese