General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for someone to offer some coaching

Looking for someone to offer some coaching in General Discussion

    So I'm looking for someone in the high bracket, with a mic, who would be willing to offer me some coaching. I play a decent carry/mid, but could use some work on my support. If you're interested just add me on steam, or post here. Thanks!

    Please don't judge me based on my win/loss ratio as I just often play with friends who are new to DoTA 2, and it's honestly killed my w/l.

      Цей коментар був видалений модератором

        I'd really prefer getting some actual feedback from someone though. Surely not everyone is bad.


          i suggest you stop playing carries...

          Pandamonium(You Died)

            how to play as support
            -map awarness
            -stacking/pulling creeps
            -help teammates
            -get gold while not getting gold
            once u hit all 4 of those (and some more) ur good support
            pretty ez


              Why's that Vermi? Thanks The Terrible, but I already do most of that. One thing though is that I definitely need to work on my map awareness. It's a little bothersome to pull creeps with people at my skill level though because none of them can seem to last hit under tower.

              Pandamonium(You Died)

                Find a good carry player, play with him.
                To improve map awareness, play heroes like treant, invoker, meepo, clock

                I come from the dark

                  Don't play support heroes. Pointless supporting pub idiots.

                  Don't play heroes like antimage/sniper/alchemist etc. They are shit and you will almost certainly lose if you get into a slightest bother in your lane.

                  Now here is the most useful advice you will hear EVER. Carry a tp scroll. Through out the whole game you must have a tp scroll in your pack. Already tping somewhere? Buy 2. There should not be a single moment in the game when you do not have it in your inventory (apart from the start of the game obv)

                  Claim mid. You may suck at first but you will learn.

                  When choosing any carry hero make sure you are able to farm 100 creeps/20 minutes. Whatever the fuck happens you must have that number. If you can't do that - fucking learn how to lasthit.


                    Well I already am pretty good at carrying a tp scroll, I already know how to play mid, and I can already farm ~100 creeps/20minutes. Like I said, I'm really looking for some direct feedback here not just general tips. I find it really hard not to pick a support when there is already 4 other carries on the team. I feel like if I pick a support maybe I can help just one of them actually do well, of course it rarely works out, but I still like to try.

                    I come from the dark

                      Supporting random idiots is a sure way to lose games and lose nerve.

                      Why would you want to get better anyway? It's a game, you win some you lose some. you only want to get better to play at competitive level and that is just not worth it. Hit the gym, shag some girls instead.


                        I enjoy playing DoTA 2, and I enjoy winning. Pretty simple.

                        I come from the dark

                          I used to enjoy playing dota too. And hell yeah i enjoyed winning! Played it since 2007, 2009-2011 were my best years, won lots of 1x1 tournaments and some 5x5 tournaments with my team. I too wanted to get better.

                          But sooner or later you will realise that you can't play games forever. I got a job, started working out, joined a tennis club and about to get a first class degree from a very good university. And dota faded away.

                          I'm not saying don't play the game - I still play it a few times a week. I'm saying don't set your goals in playing games. Get better in real life.

                          Ples Mercy

                            No, you do not play a decent carry/mid. You are overall a bad player to begin with. You should look for overall help not only supports.


                              Why do you think that Blunt? Also, I am looking for overall help, I just mentioned that as it's something that I think needs more focus.

                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                              I come from the dark

                                because your KDA ratios suck, it's obvious.

                                Ples Mercy

                                  Well i checked some of the matches and saw that ur farming and item build is just plain horrible.

                                  Lets just take this match:

                                  Shivas, Linkens and scepter? i dont even know....what were u thinking?


                                    I wasn't playing carry that game, I was focusing on the mid game thinking that our DK would be our carry, as that is what he planned to do. I accomplished that as well, if you watch the replay you'll notice that I was dominating the mid game and just fell off late game. You'll also notice that DK went 0-13. I got scepter for the larger burst/lower cooldown, it was also one of my first large items, it further enabled me to kill enemies in the mid game and prevent PL pushes. The Shivas was next and I got it for the slow, and the aoe, the slow to help catch Slark, and the aoe to kill more PL illusions, the armor also helps since they had large amounts of physical damage. The linkens was just for regen and survivability.

                                    Linkens came before Shivas actually.

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                      A hex would have benefited your team much more than a sceptre would have. If you needed survivability a bkb probably would have been a better pick up than a linkens. Shivas does very little as it is only a 200 dmg aoe nuke. an orchid would have been better in that case. Had you gone orchid bkb sheep instead of shivas linkens scepter maybe it would have put more pressure on pl and give dk more room to farm? Btw, qop isn't meant to carry. She's meant to cripple the opponent's carry in the mid game so your carry comes out in the late game ahead.


                                        I suggest that, unless you're going to pay some dudes here, you should go over to Reddit and ask for help. People there are much friendlier and would probably coach someone, although they might not be as good as the people you can get from here if you pay. Just check the person's stats I guess.

                                        Dont listen to these people saying that you're bad. You just asked for coaching and they try to convince that you suck wtf.


                                          Thanks TheBreadman. I definitely do think that the Shiva's was a bad pick up, but the sceptre helped out a ton during the game. But I'm not sure about the bkb, since I wasn't taking much magic damage, blinking away from chain frost is easy and SF wasn't really hitting his razes. Perhaps instead of getting linkens or bkb I could have just went straight for the orchid, that would have given me some of the regen I needed and would have been pretty useful.


                                            I might try that Slarky, hopefully things go better over there, but I've haven't had a great experience with the Reddit page in the past.


                                              if you weren't taking any disables then i'm not sure why you went linkens at all. paying 5k for a 6 hp/sec is pretty inefficient. 4200 gold to increase your ult's dmg by 125 doesn't seem very efficient either. 1000 more gold and you'd have an item that would be able to completely disable their pl for 3.5 seconds(sheep). you can argue the cd decrease would help but i don't think a fight would last 40 seconds for you to get off a 2nd ult. if you were not dying to magic dmg then a cheap item path you could have gone is buying a ghost sceptre. if things went well for you later on you could even build it into a eblade. i know a lot of these item choices only make sense because you depend on your team to know what their doing (following up a hex with chain stun or bursting them down) and your team probably wasnt the most coherent of teams so your item choice may have made a little more sense because it is centred around making you as an individual stronger rather than your team. but hey, pubs gunna pub amirite?


                                                Yeah linkens was definitely something I should have done without, what would have been the best regen item in your opinion other than a bloodstone? What's the most efficient? I honestly got the ags mainly for the cooldown, the damage increase was just a nice touch. I feel like it really payed off. I think you're definitely right about ghost sceptre though, that would have been such a good choice, but I hadn't even thought about it.

                                                Ples Mercy

                                                  So i was watcing your match, and im gonna admit, i thought u were bad, but what i saw, just makes me wonder, how is your winrate even over 40%.

                                                  So lets begin:
                                                  First of all, you do not max dagger on qop. Whoever told u that, is a moron. So i was wondering when the hell you would start to gank. I was shocked, that it took 11 lvls to make you move from that midlane, despite having haste multiple times. Also when you went top for the first time, you litterally just ran to the lane, took their farm, found the support by accident (which was afk btw), helped to kill the support and then fed the hardcarry. I dont know about you, but thats just flawless.

                                                  Also i dont think you know the range of scream of pain, since u missed a LOT, even on creeps.

                                                  The rest was pretty much more fail of screams, some ks and pretty much bad plays. linkens didnt help u at all, shivas didnt help u at all and even the scepter was pretty bad.

                                                  You could have won the game easily when u would gank at lvl 6 (bot had trouble, u didnt give a damn), when you would get items like orchid or sheepstick + dust, didnt feed like because of very bad decisions and overral just using your head more.

                                                  Im gonna be honest, your the worst 200wins player i have ever seen. You should seriously start on working on urself otherwise you will stay at being so bad and eventually leave the game.

                                                  Woof Woof

                                                    guys that game was on US West(LOL! nr 32022 server in the world) there u can even buy 4 bfs on qop + pt and win


                                                      I think you're right about me failing a lot of screams, and taking way too long to gank. But I maxed dagger first just so I could keep SF out of lane, and even kill him, which I did. Thanks to some actual reasoning by TheBreadman I've already came to the decision that the linkens and shivas were bad choices.


                                                        If you were just looking to increase survivability in fights, a bkb would have helped not only by making you magic immune, but the 10 str gives you some tank as well. if you really needed it, a rod of atos gives 325 speed and a good slow for picking off heros and allows for you to pick up an early vit booster. if you're looking at just regeneration, the bottle you have should have been all you needed. as a qop (blink) and with proper wards you should be able to control almost every rune giving yourself plenty of hp (drop your str stat items before you bottle to maximize hp gain) along with the mek and urn your sd carried, your regen should have been fine? know that you are an extremely mobile hero. a trip or 2 back to the fountain isnt too costly. if you feel like it hurts you that much you can even bottle crow a little

                                                        i understand what you mean by the cd helping out a lot, but qop being a burst damage hero isnt going to find time to pop a 2nd ult in the fight. it would be better if you won the fight because you disabled the main dmg dealer and your team was able to burst them down and have your ult on cd for 2 min than if you broke even on the fight but had your ult up in 40 to defend again. especially if you are playing from behind you need something to level the playing field a little (no matter how farmed pl is, if hes hexed hes easy pickins) if you were trying to work around the cd of the spell, a refresher would have been the better choice (although i would not recommend it) because it allows you to pop your ult twice in quick succession.


                                                          Blunt, why don't you help me out? I did make this thread with hopes to improve.


                                                            Hmm, I suggest you to observe some good players or even watch tourament replays and analyse why they do what they do (skilling/movement/positionating)

                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                              No, just NO.

                                                              You max scream first for efficient ganking. You could have easily rightclicked him a couple of times, throw lv1 dagger and nuked him with scream 2 death. Your dagger was extremely ineffiecient and did nothing, since he healed up with tangos, which everone would do.

                                                              The reason you cant really use dagger is because its a dot, which can be easly healed up.

                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                'Blunt, why don't you help me out? I did make this thread with hopes to improve.'

                                                                are u fucking kidding me? Im telling you all the mistakes u did and u dont call that help? Want me to fucking drive to your home and play with your account, or what exacly do u mean by 'help'?

                                                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                  ITT 50% winrate scum teaches people how to play
                                                                  Welcome to dota.
                                                                  Btw played with OP, party was horrible, 3/10


                                                                    Alright, thank you for actually explaining it, I'd have to agree with you now that makes a bit more sense. TheTerrible, you're saying you played with me? And Blunt I mean like play some matches with me and actually tell me what I'm doing wrong while we're playing. I feel like it's easier to learn that way, and that is what I started this thread for. I'm not trying to say that you aren't helping at all.

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                      oh dude im too high
                                                                      i thought this is Blunt thread ahahaha
                                                                      my bad


                                                                        Serenity just ignore all the haters and go on, you can't always be the best, otherwise you would earn money with gaming. If you keep playing and actually doing it with your brain and not only brainafk then you will improve pretty quickly.

                                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                                          Nothing i said was wrong, and when exacly did i play with a scrub like u?

                                                                          Matchlink plx

                                                                          I remember you now! your that idiot clock who couldnt do anything right, coged yourself in front enemy towers, hooked creeps, missed a to of hooks and fed like a total fucking scrub. Oh god, you made my day!

                                                                          This is 2 good 2 be true.

                                                                          Srsly, go to bed or something, then you even apologized and said something like 'im so sorry, im just 2 tired, *insert more excuses here*'.

                                                                          Go Teach him howto feed and play bad :D

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                            The thing is, when you play with someone whos better than u, u only end up dragon that other person down (matchmaking is kinda cruel when it comes to that part). The best thing u can do is play some matches and let people see the demos, watch some progames, some guides, and some pros/ good players who explain what they are doing and why.

                                                                            As it is now, you dont even get some basics as ganking and map awareness, basicly id say you should defnetly look up some guides and stuff.

                                                                            I come from the dark

                                                                              A fool with a 30% winrate on QOP teaches to max dagger. I wouldn't listen to a word this idiot says.

                                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                                Are u drunk? I told him to max scream first u jackass.

                                                                                2 afraid of using main account and got stomped by a carry SK.

                                                                                Srsly gtfo.

                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                I come from the dark

                                                                                  30% QOP with KDA of 2.2 please share your knowledge with the world!

                                                                                  Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                    Really? 50% noob with noob friends gonna tell me im bad? Mkay.

                                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                                      @Bad to the bone:
                                                                                      show us howto lose against carry SK. Kinda impressive.

                                                                                      @The Terrible:
                                                                                      good mid.

                                                                                      yes really, ur so bad. l2p nab.

                                                                                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                        Oh look at u
                                                                                        found one of my bad games
                                                                                        oh clever you
                                                                                        anything else?
                                                                                        mb u can go to my "records" and find my game with pugna with 24 deaths?
                                                                                        u so good

                                                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                                                          found one of your bad games? that was the game with me u jackass.

                                                                                          Cry some more, u suck l2p nab.

                                                                                          I come from the dark

                                                                                            I don't understand all these carry SK references are you tripping or something?

                                                                                            Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                              >>>u suck
                                                                                              >>>Win Rate

                                                                                              Tell me more, how do you win so many games? Is it skillful Q_Qing?
                                                                                              Or are you too dumb to understand that just because game was with you (omfg) it could have been a bad game?

                                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                Hey, can you guys stop spaming in my thread please?

                                                                                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                                  Add me, give me a game, and ill tell u what u did good/not.


                                                                                                    Blunt fella does seem like a pretty awful player to be honest... 2.1 kda pudge as second most played


                                                                                                      serenity this is how dotabuff forums works :D

                                                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                                                        @The Terrible:
                                                                                                        You suck, as soon as u have to play against decent opponents you begin to suck ballz & feed like a scrub. Dont talk, you lost us that game with the offlane bounty hunter, which was your mate at that time. The only lane that did ok was our lane. So keep sitting in your baddie corner and whine some more little crybaby.

                                                                                                        first of all, what does my pudge have to do with my skill?
                                                                                                        2nd of all, my pudgestats are off. Ingame i have over 50% winrate with pudge and here only 47%. KDA seems low to me aswell, but hell who cares i play multiple heroes not only 1.

                                                                                                        Besides, for someone with 330 games on pudge u sure suck alot:

                                                                                                        Theres alot of 'e-penis' going on in these forums because people look more after the winrate than anything else. Its kinda cute sometimes, but there pretty decent players with a winrate under 50% here.

                                                                                                        for example this guy:

                                                                                                        hes not pro, but hes alot better than his stats are showing. And for example you see 'The terrible' with a 54% winrate, yet so bad you would want to cry if u see his fails.