General Discussion

General DiscussionWaiting >1 hour for a game

Waiting >1 hour for a game in General Discussion

    ... ty Dota update. Waiting since more than 1 hour for a game with 2 friends. 1 already left. now we are 2 and wait since 15 minutes...



      If it takes longer than 10 minutes I just assume its glitched or bugged, cancel and re join. Normally sorts it.


        same here. already 35 mins


          now we are in 5-stack. still waiting. it seems that nobody can play at the moment :/


            47 minutes are my highest wait time :))


              I think Dota 2 has a problem right now and it seems everyone can't play. :|


                servers down according to me ^_^


                  hmmm hopefully they will fix it soon, maybe they are down for maintenance or something

                  Woof Woof

                    maybe they are uploading new patch with fixed match maker and visible rating

                    jk we all know it wont happen


                      dead game

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Servers aren't down. If they were down there wouldn't be any games to watch. But there are. So it's just a retarded glitch. I have been waiting for 3 hours and I'm not even kidding about it.


                          maybe valve is trying to fix this shitty mmr so low win accounts can play vs other low win accounts? :D


                            3 hours just waiting for a game. That's serious man. Hope Valve will fix this soon.

                            Woof Woof

                              ^^ no they are improving mmr valves way which means better smurf detection now after winning 3 out of 3 you end up on first page with vaikiss murs and others so you wont ruin new players experience



                                lmao i was spiritbreaker on my secondary account cuz of low priority

                                30 wins > matched with ppls who has 1k wins each in page 1-5 :D


                                  I want valve to compensate the wasted time by giving me a golden baby roshan courier

                                  Woof Woof

                                    i really cant understand how one company can employ tons of incompetent idiots and be around for so many years

                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                      Go apply to valve, I'm sure you will make a fine addition


                                        tell gaben to hire me i make perfect metchmeking

                                        Woof Woof

                                          ^^ id rather die on strees from syphilis than work for scammers like valve

                                          + i never claimed to be smart or inteligent

                                          while this is what you have on valves webpage

                                          Imagine working with super smart, super talented colleagues in a free-wheeling, innovative environment

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                            Imagine a world where people with absolutely no idea of software development don't flood gaming forums with their rage-tears.

                                            Pandamonium(You Died)

                                              Imagine having a giant project, with 15-30 people working on it (My guess, but certainly no less than that, and im not counting accounting/marketing/etc people).
                                              That doesn't seem like much, but the logistic issues would still be there- work between different departments, etc.
                                              Now, thats just the begging. Imagine the server side. They just released the game, and many new players want to play. This puts a giant stress on the servers, so they constantly have to monitor that, and adjust if needed. Thats a lot of work just there. Because of that increasing player base, some algorithms will not work as fast as planned/needed. Realistically, how many people are responsible for coding/programming? I can't imagine more than 5. Now, you have constant influx of players, so those people are probably busy on optimizing the servers so the network would work at all. They realize its an important bug, but when you just release the game, many things can go wrong, and chances are they do.
                                              And what I described is just a small part of the problem. Why do you think D3 had starting problems? Blizzard didn't took seriously how many people going to buy it? What about SimCity?
                                              You people talking here like all they have to do is fix couple of lines of code and all is done. In reality, there is shit lot of work you have to do before/during release of a game, especially a popular one. Yes matchmaking is important. You know what else important? whole fucking dota network.

                                              Woof Woof

                                                they couldnt fix match maker for 2 years in beta :(


                                                  nigga pls

                                                  all this online was expected for dota knowing that it had over 10 milion player base from warcraft 3

                                                  Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                    All that online for D3 was expected, seeing as it was one of the most hyped game of the year.
                                                    Online for Simcity was fairly expected as well, since they know approximate how many people there are on Origin+ simcity 4 is STILL popular. Just because you know approximately how many people will play the game doesn't mean that you can estimate
                                                    A) how well your algorithms will handle ever increasing amount of players
                                                    B)Time Zones. The server spread is un-even, there are going to be more people in EU/ASIA than Australia lets say. That means it is very easy to overlook other servers.
                                                    C) Hardware can fail, especially under stress.
                                                    10 million player base in war 3 doesn't really tell you much. Most of those players are in china, sitting on low-spec computers, still playing Dota 1.
                                                    This is essentially like having DDOS on your server, only not only your hardware getting tested, your software(again, algorithms) is getting tested too.

                                                    And there is nothing wrong with MM. They experiment on algorithm, just because you can't understand that balancing 5x5 games with stacks, and all kindof players isnt exactly very easy. Once again, if you think you can come up with better MM algorithm-go ahead.