General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    G: Decent overall mid player.
    B: I think at some point you should have realized that windrunner is not your biggest winner.


      Good - nice kda on top heroes and high heroes pool "I said good day, sir!"
      Bad - that invoker

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      Banho dos Campeões

        G: A Asian player and last nick used "El Psy Congro'
        B: Do not have so many games


          B: it looks like ur an abuser


            G: 43 meepo kills
            B: best KDA ratio is only 38, for a player who plays VHS its pretty low


              ^ sry at 5k i dont get brain dead players against me that i can 40-1 or more and i dont play normal games lol

              Make love, not flame

                G: winrate in ranked that you for some reason don't play much
                B: your storm and sf


                  g: pretty nice overall winrate and winrate on top heros in general, smurf or dota 1 player?

                  b: hate ppl with fking letters

                  kvasius # KSVM

                    Good: Nice Most Played Heroes.
                    Bad: How this nick is meant to read?

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                      Good: Supportive player very good winrates on cm/kotl. I hope to see you in my games

                      Bad: carries :(


                        Good: A lot of top heroes are 50+% if not 60+%
                        Bad: Muted for 166 hours


                          Good: Great Weaver and Veno stats
                          Bad: Based on your last hits records, you're pretty bad at farming


                            Good: a lot games on lone druid, i also love micro heroes
                            bad: nothing that bad except losing game with terrorblade with 900 last hits and 0% meepo winrate :S


                              G: Great recent games, when you win you seem to carry pretty hard
                              B: Low winrate on most used heroes (although I'm one to talk Kappa)

                              Giff me Wingman

                                G: Plays better in ranked than unranked
                                B: FUCKING NORMAL SKILL BRO


                                  g: Very high skill matches and a pretty good slark
                                  b: only 45 games!?! wtf. proly second/new id


                                    G : youve played almost any hero, and with a decent WR and KD
                                    B : more than 1k games, still normal skill... forced 50% wr

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                                    Welt aus Eis

                                      good: ember spirit stats
                                      bad: normal skill, meepo picker


                                        good: my biggest fanboy and some sick tinkering skills
                                        bad : brazil wtf? do u even speak english 48% morph wtf is this


                                          g: NUMBER 1 WINRATE
                                          b: Not streaming :(


                                            g: has a team...? :), looks pretty good mid player
                                            b: feed last two games :)

                                            kvasius # KSVM

                                              G: Playing many different heroes with decent skill.
                                              B: Did not tried some interesting heroes (kotl...)

                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                V-GOD i‘m from poor country but i pray everyday someday i will be gutt doto player like u and have gutt winrate and MMR to brag around and ppl will respect me because i will be like V-GOD but in the meantime need to sell bananas and dance samba pls no copypasterino just my story


                                                good: decent winrate
                                                bad: normal skill :(

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  G: TA
                                                  B: Abused tinker in 6.81 and slark picker :(


                                                    G: Amazing KDA's
                                                    B: Fluctate between normal and high skill


                                                      Good: Wide range of top heroes, from supports, to offlaners, to carries. And that Earth Spirit in pretty dope.
                                                      Bad: Sub 50% winrate on windranger :(


                                                        Good : weaver's wr and kda

                                                        Bad : 2k pleb


                                                          g: somehow made it to vhs
                                                          b: smurf


                                                            G: good mid player - nice ranked WR
                                                            B: lost this


                                                              G : Stable Vhs

                                                              B : sky's winrate


                                                                G: 1257 hero healing. On Axe.
                                                                B: Dat jug.


                                                                  G: Some nice KDAs you got there.
                                                                  B: Not so nice winrates though.

                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                    + Sentinel win rate

                                                                    - Scourge win rate

                                                                    How the fuck? The difference is to big, figure out why you cant win as scourge....

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet


                                                                      + nice hero pool

                                                                      - wr on West


                                                                        G: Very nice winrate in ranked matches
                                                                        B: not really nice winrate on invoker


                                                                          + nice wr on ember and kda
                                                                          - havent played dusa and ursa! I was shocked xD

                                                                          kvasius # KSVM

                                                                            G: Stable vhs (at least 5 pages). Also, "Road to 6k", as you said =D
                                                                            B: Why cant I play with such skilled players? Always thought that fighting an harder enemy gives you bigger learning advantage.
                                                                            Or at least some decent 4-4.5k?


                                                                              + Good overall player, idk i just like the guy and want him to get his 6k :)
                                                                              - Not my friend on steam :( Soon xD

                                                                              #Lol, that was meant for F!RE, someone got there first :D

                                                                              Anyway for Hans_Krebs:

                                                                              + Quite nice winrate on Omni
                                                                              - Normal skill bracket

                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                @1234 add me bro ill be on in about 50ish mins


                                                                                  G- Void
                                                                                  B- Smurf

                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                    G: nice win rate

                                                                                    B: sniper picker!!!


                                                                                      G: Dat Luna
                                                                                      B: You aren't Blitz quite yet

                                                                                      CRAZY BALUBA

                                                                                        G: nice stats on offlane
                                                                                        B: too much winrate on no stats games :D

                                                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                          G: Storm, BH

                                                                                          B: win rate

                                                                                          step up your game mate!

                                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                            g: i don't wanna play against ur templar, fuk u :'(

                                                                                            b: lol ur storm :(


                                                                                              Nice tinker damage record

                                                                                              Your top heroes KDA's could be better. (core heroes like puck/ta)

                                                                                              U wot m8?

                                                                                                pathetic noob stats uninstal dota


                                                                                                  IM COMMENT NUMBER 10000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!