General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Mr. Nameless

    G: Nice overall winrate, versalite player, 69( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) games with no stats recorded
    B: Lina pickeri n 6.84,(haven't checked but i think u spamed jugg in 6.83)


      G: Awesome Zeus player
      B: You lost your longest match


        G: nice sniper
        B:cm winrate


          g: strong mid player, especially invoker and ta, vhs
          b: same build on invoker every time


            g: nice support
            b: giro winrate


              g: nice smurf win rate
              b: smurf.


                G: Nice spectre winrate and overall winrate considering you have 2k games. Looks like you know you like farming heroes the most
                B: Horrid Legion Commander stats. 2k games and still high/normal skill


                  g: strong mid player,versatile player
                  b:wr winrate


                    G: Good pudge winrate and KDA
                    B: Longer losing streak then you do winning streak


                      N: QoP winrate and KDA
                      B: Where are the HC?


                        g/b: can't say anything, seems like smurf profile

                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                          G: Sup
                          B: Normal

                          all father

                            G: most played hero TA
                            B: Second most played Sniper :(


                              G: good winwate


                                G: support player, must have been through a lot of shits
                                B: rubick, sure it is versatile but having him means a lot of sacrifice for mid and late game

                                btw do you even ss


                                Pardon My Ego

                                  G: 85 denies in 33 min.
                                  B: Riki picker. ew.

                                    Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                    ultralight beam



                                        G: pro es :D . look at that wr and the number of games played
                                        B: wats up with your skywrath ?

                                        BobFish the Builder

                                          G: Really Good Win rate and KDAs
                                          B:Bristleback and Wraith King

                                            Цей коментар було видалено

                                              G: Cool game impact with shadow fiend
                                              B: You havent played ELDER TITAN!


                                                G: That Elder Titan win rate nice
                                                B: you should pick a role for main you are at that point of played games

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                Doctor Who

                                                  G: You are a dedicated rubick player.

                                                  B: You have less than 50% winrate with it.


                                                    G: High winrates with some heros and winrate overall
                                                    B: You're still in the normal bracket (not for very long, reborn is being good for you)

                                                    Nerf me pls

                                                      G : nice support
                                                      B : sniper picker


                                                        G: Good winrate , also i enjoy killer NS stats.
                                                        B: normal bracket (new player then keep it up or smurf then you probably gotta step up ur game.)


                                                          G: CM top picked hero, very rare to see x) 1k gpm record.

                                                          B: weaver, sf, tiny and some others.


                                                            G: Overall, V.nice stats - Keep it up buddy.

                                                            B: Nothing really cames to mind but for the sake of picking somehitng: 6 lose streak... which is is still not bad


                                                              G: Doesnt play "Overused characters" alot and has a lot of games in unique characters and does well.

                                                              B: 0-5 with Anti-Mage :[

                                                              Also, not sure this is good or bad... but his longest game was playing phoenix ......

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                              Proto | 改善

                                                                G: Plays support
                                                                B: Dies way too often and in most of the games has low impact


                                                                  G: Nice combo of heroes last few matches.

                                                                  B: Most played heroes wtf, FOTM heroes of every goddamn patch


                                                                    Good: Very high ranked win % rate and Spectre win rates. I bet the two are related. In general, your carries have high average KDA.
                                                                    Bad: Top heroes are all pub killer carries with strong chasing skills. Do you just not like playing supports / gankers?

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      G:Decent Overall winrate and statistics
                                                                      B:US East, Normal Skill level and 16% of your games ranked

                                                                      srl `

                                                                        Good: amazing morphling
                                                                        Bad: below average invo kda and gpm

                                                                        Mr. Nameless

                                                                          G: Nice winrates.
                                                                          B: Smurf (unless u are actually not a smurf then sorry), invoker and ZEUS (ಥ﹏ಥ) winrates.

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                          Proto | 改善

                                                                            G : Oh my fucking god :D you double the average KDA on zeus
                                                                            B : Don`t know what to say lol


                                                                              g: nice mirana winrate
                                                                              b : blyatcyka picker


                                                                                G:60 % winrate on meepo , good gpm xpm
                                                                                B: highskill - normal skill , kkkkkkk

                                                                                ultralight beam


                                                                                  Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                                                                    G: winrate/versatile player
                                                                                    B: normal skill


                                                                                      g: Mid player, raising mmr.
                                                                                      b: no supporting? probably flamer on main account. :((


                                                                                        g: Plays meta heroes (Rubick, DS, Ogre, AA), solid support player, High and VHS games, gj.
                                                                                        b: Seems your AA is very good (67% over 75 games) but you don't play him anymore, why?


                                                                                          g: strong hard carry with decent winrates on most of your played heroes
                                                                                          b: Seems to me that u are a pure pos 1 and 2 player. You should try to play support heroes once in a while. I know it can be frustrating but it really puts u in a new light if u play supports too. other than that i'd hate to play agianst u past the 35 min mark O.o


                                                                                            G: there is literally nothing i can say other than you seem to be good
                                                                                            B: Giga smurf


                                                                                              Good winrates, meepo impressive, considering skill bracket
                                                                                              Bad: seems like the type of guy who'll jungle just so he wont support


                                                                                                Vroksnak noop 700 cs 40 min shadow rfiend
                                                                                                good wr
                                                                                                bad wr
                                                                                                G G


                                                                                                  solid all around
                                                                                                  Looks like you're having trouble understanding newer and micro heroes


                                                                                                    Also can we just actually ignore my naga and pudge ROFL

                                                                                                    Proto | 改善

                                                                                                      G : you seem to be good on heroes with high mobility
                                                                                                      B : Smurf + bad KDA on other heroes